Php 每行有两个互补值的查询

Php 每行有两个互补值的查询,php,mysql,Php,Mysql,我在一个非常大的查询中有一个子查询,它必须执行以下操作 有一对簇的数组 数组(数组(c1,c2),数组(c3,c4),数组(c5,c6),数组(c7,c8)) 其中,例如c1和c2是互补的,c3和c4也是互补的。 我有一个表格状态: id_state cluster successfull failed success_ratio 1 c1 4 0 100% 2 c2




其中,例如c1和c2是互补的,c3和c4也是互补的。 我有一个表格状态:

id_state cluster   successfull   failed  success_ratio   
  1        c1           4            0       100%  
  2        c2           1            9       10%   
  3        c3           0            4        0%         
  4        c4           1            1        50% 


   cluster  successfull success_ratio                        
       c1         4        100%    (for the first pair)
       c4         1        50%      (for the second)
有没有一种方法可以通过只获取数据来查询所有数据的成功率 从每对夫妇中选择成功率>50%的一对,只有当两人的成功率都<50%时,才选择第一对




select s.grp, max(success_ratio)
from state s join
     (select 'c1' as cluster, 1 as grp union all
      select 'c2', 1 union all
      select 'c3', 2 union all
      select 'c4', 2 union all
      select 'c5', 3 union all
      select 'c6', 3 union all
      select 'c7', 4 union all
      select 'c8', 4
     ) grps
     on s.cluster = grps.cluster
group by s.grp;

select s.*
from (select s.grp,
      substring_index(group_concat(cluster order by success_ratio desc), ',', 1) as bestcluster
      from state s join
           (select 'c1' as cluster, 1 as grp union all
            select 'c2', 1 union all
            select 'c3', 2 union all
            select 'c4', 2 union all
            select 'c5', 3 union all
            select 'c6', 3 union all
            select 'c7', 4 union all
            select 'c8', 4
           ) grps
           on s.cluster = grps.cluster
      group by s.grp
     ) b join
     state s
     on s.cluster = b.cluster

如果两者的成功率都超过50%,你能举一个你想要的输入和输出的例子吗?@gordon linoff,那么我就拿第一个成功为例ratio@alex-w刚刚为itthanks@gordon linoff添加了一个编辑,这是一个非常有用的答案,为我指明了正确的方向