SimpleSAMLPHP NoState错误

SimpleSAMLPHP NoState错误,php,simplesamlphp,Php,Simplesamlphp,我设置了两个simplesamlphp服务器,它们都位于同一个物理服务器上,但由virtualhost分隔。他们目前在域中 id.saml.domain.com您可以尝试更改config.php中的session store.type。您可以在服务提供商或身份提供商中执行此操作。从某种意义上说,这两种方法具有不同的会话存储。对我有用 $lib = "/ltsites/saml/service/lib"; $sp = "default-sp"; // Name of SP def

您可以尝试更改config.php中的session store.type。您可以在服务提供商或身份提供商中执行此操作。从某种意义上说,这两种方法具有不同的会话存储。对我有用

    $lib = "/ltsites/saml/service/lib";
    $sp = "default-sp";  // Name of SP defined in config/authsources.php

    try {
        // Autoload simplesamlphp classes.
        if(!file_exists("{$lib}/_autoload.php")) {
            throw(new Exception("simpleSAMLphp lib loader file does not exist: ".

        $as = new SimpleSAML_Auth_Simple($sp);

        // Take the user to IdP and authenticate.
        $valid_saml_session = $as->isAuthenticated();

    } catch (Exception $e) {
        // SimpleSAMLphp is not configured correctly.
        throw(new Exception("SSO authentication failed: ". $e->getMessage()));

    if (!$valid_saml_session) {
        // Not valid session. Redirect a user to Identity Provider
        try {
            $as = new SimpleSAML_Auth_Simple($sp);
        } catch (Exception $e) {
            // SimpleSAMLphp is not configured correctly.
            throw(new Exception("SSO authentication failed: ". $e->getMessage()));

    // At this point, the user is authenticated by the Identity Provider, and has access
    // to the attributes received with SAML assertion.
    $attributes = $as->getAttributes();
State information lost   
SimpleSAML_Error_NoState: NOSTATE