Php 删除标记,但如果字符串匹配,则保留标记之间的内容

Php 删除标记,但如果字符串匹配,则保留标记之间的内容,php,match,remove-if,Php,Match,Remove If,我有一个php文件: <?php $content = " <script> include string show_ads_1 and other string 1 </script> <script> include string show_ads_2 and other string 2 </script> <script> include string show_ads_x and other string x <


$content = "
include string show_ads_1 and other string 1

include string show_ads_2 and other string 2

include string show_ads_x and other string x

not include 'show  _  ads  _  x' --> keeping this

<script type=\"text/javascript\">
include string 'show_ads_x' but keeping this because <script type='text/javascript'> not <script>

//Only remove tag <script></script> if includes "show_ads" string
$content = preg_replace('/(<script>)(show_ads.*?)(<\/script>)/s', '$2', $content);
echo $content;


$dom = new DOMDocument();
$content = "
    include string show_ads_1 and other string 1

    include string show_ads_2 and other string 2
    include string show_ads_x and other string x

    include string bla bla bla

    not include 'show  _   ads  _  x' --> keeping this

    <script type='text/javascript'>
    must keeping script

    <script type='text/javascript'>
    include string 'show_ads_x' but keeping this because <script type='text/javascript'> not <script>

$scripts = $dom->getElementsByTagName('script');

foreach ($scripts as $script) {
    if (!$script->hasAttributes()) {
        if (strstr($script->nodeValue, "show_ads_")) {
            echo $script->nodeValue . "<br>";
    } else {
        echo "<script type='text/javascript'>$script->nodeValue</script>" . "<br>";


$content = preg_replace('/(<script>)(show_ads.*?)(<\/script>)/s', '$2', $content);

可能会重复自己的问题?@Marc B:运行文件并查看空白页。查看源代码,无任何更改。我希望页面显示:“包括字符串显示\u广告\u 1和其他字符串1”“包括字符串显示\u广告\u 2和其他字符串2”“包括字符串显示\u广告\u n和其他字符串n”“查看不包含在上述和中的源代码below@Daryl吉尔:不,先生,这个问题已经解决了,但是删除所有…我只想删除包含字符串的问题。我会删除旧问题哇,谢谢snipes83。它工作得更好,因为我从其他网站获取内容。
$content = preg_replace('/(<script>)(show_ads.*?)(<\/script>)/s', '$2', $content);
$content = preg_replace('/(<script>)([^<]*show_ads_[^<]*)(<\/script>)/s', '$2', $content);