Php 路线不';我不再工作了。如何修理?

Php 路线不';我不再工作了。如何修理?,php,laravel,Php,Laravel,我开始用Laravel 4开发BlokNot。*现在在5.7.9中它不再工作了,我想,正如我在这里和那里读到的关于这个问题的问题一样,我做了所有必要的修改 错误: 404 Sorry, the page you are looking for could not be found. 路线似乎没有登记,为什么 2天前,这是一个: 419 Session expired http error 我真的不明白 Laravel是否在管理Bug以销售Laracast中的有偿帮助 路线:应用程序的主页

我开始用Laravel 4开发BlokNot。*现在在5.7.9中它不再工作了,我想,正如我在这里和那里读到的关于这个问题的问题一样,我做了所有必要的修改


Sorry, the page you are looking for could not be found.


419 Session expired http error



Route::get("note/list/{noteId}/{page}", [
    'middleware' => 'auth',
    'uses' => function ($noteId = 0, $page = 1) {
        if (!isset($noteId) || ($noteId == 0)) {
            $noteId = getRootForUser();

        if (!isset($filtre)) {
            $filtre = "";
        $ser = App\Note::toXMLString(\App\Note::getFolder($noteId, $filtre));

        return view("note/list", ["noteId" => $noteId, "page" => $page, "serialized_data" => $ser, "filtre" => $filtre]);



你能给我们提供你的路线文件吗?或者您使用的是什么会话驱动程序?请提供一个。否则,我们无法知道问题可能是您的路由位于哪个文件夹下?请向我们展示您的文件夹结构。1)会话我使用了文件,现在我使用数据库。2) routes/我在几年前就把它公之于众了/它很好用。project就在那里我的Web主机在php构建中不使用phar。然后查看

namespace App;

use App\BlokNot\UserRight;
use DB;
use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Auth;


class Note extends Model
    public static $prefix = "bn2_";
     * Indicates if the model should be timestamped.
     * @var bool
    public $timestamps = true;
    /*public $noteId = 0;
    public $folder_id = 1;
    public $filename  = "";
    public $filename_on_disk = "";
    public $content_file = "";
    public $mime ="text/plain";
    public $LongData ="";
    public $username = "";
    public $isDirectory = 0;*/
    public $primaryKey  = 'id';
    public $key = 'id';
    public $incrementing = true;
     * The table associated with the model.
     * @var string
    protected $table = 'filesdata';

    function __construct($noteId = 0)


         * Instantiate a new UserController instance.

    function load($noteId)
        $this->id = $this->noteId = $noteId;

        if (($noteId > 0) && (($row = getDocRow($noteId)) !== NULL)) {
            $this->folder_id = $row["folder_id"];
            $this->filename = $row["filename"];
            $this->content_file = $row["content_file"];
            $this->mime = $row["mime"];
            $this->username = $row["username"];
            $this->filename_on_disk = $row["filename_on_disk"];

            $this->setAttribute("folder_id", $row["folder_id"]);
            $this->setAttribute("filename", $row["filename"]);
            $this->setAttribute("content_file", $row["content_file"]);
            $this->setAttribute("mime", $row["mime"]);
            $this->setAttribute("username", $row["username"]);
            $this->setAttribute("filename_on_disk", $row["filename_on_disk"]);

        } else {
            $this->id = 0;
            $this->folder_id = Auth::check() ? getRootForUser(Auth::user()->email) : 0;
            $this->filename = "Nouveau fichier";
            $this->content_file = "Nouvelle note";
            $this->mime = "text/plain";
            $this->filename_on_disk = "";

            $this->setAttribute('id', 0);
            $this->setAttribute("folder_id", $this->folder_id);
            $this->setAttribute("filename", $this->filename);
            $this->setAttribute("content_file", $this->content_file);
            $this->setAttribute("mime", $this->mime);
            $this->setAttribute("filename_on_disk", "");

    public static function getFolder($noteId, $filtre)
        global $prefix;
        return Note::getDocumentsFiltered($filtre, false
            /* variable inutile dans la fonction, sauf mise à jour de la fonction
pour recherche), false /* Mettre à jour quand l'association de fichiers sera effective
 dans l'interface, mais l'interface c'est ici ! :) */, $noteId, Auth::user()->email);


    private static function getDocumentsFiltered($filtre, $composedOnly, $pathId, $user)
        global $mysqli;

        if ($pathId == 0) {
            $pathId = getRootForUser($user);
        $deleted = 0;
        if ($pathId == -1) {
            $deleted = 1;
        global $sqlStmt;
        $sqlStmt = "SELECT * FROM bn2_filesdata " .
            "WHERE username='" . mysqli_real_escape_string($mysqli, $user) .
            "' and ((filename like '%" . mysqli_real_escape_string($mysqli, $filtre) .
            "%') or (content_file like'%" . mysqli_real_escape_string($mysqli, $filtre) .
            "%') and (content_file like '%" . mysqli_real_escape_string($mysqli, $filtre) .
            "%' " .
            ($composedOnly ? "{{" : "") . " )) " . " and isDeleted=" .
            . " " . (($pathId == "") ? "" : " and folder_id=" . ((int)$pathId));

        $result = simpleQ($mysqli, $sqlStmt);
        // echo $sqlStmt;

        return $result;

    public static function getTrash()

        global $mysqli;
        //return DB::select("select * from filesdata where (isDeleted=1 or (id<=0 or email is null)) and email='" . Auth::user()->email)."'";
        $res = simpleQ("select * from " . Note::$prefix . "filesdata where isDeleted = 1 and where username='" . mysqli_real_escape_string($mysqli, Auth::user()->email) . "'", $mysqli);
        echo $res;
        return $res;

    public static function getSharedWithMe()
        global $mysqli;
        //return DB::select("select *  from guests as g inner join filesdata as d on g.user_owner_id where g.user_guest_id=" . Auth::user()->id);
        $realSQL = "select *," . Note::$prefix . "guests.user_guest_id as ownerId from " . Note::$prefix . "filesdata inner join " . Note::$prefix . "users on " .
            Note::$prefix . "filesdata.username = " . Note::$prefix . "
         inner join " . Note::$prefix . "guests on " . Note::$prefix . "guests.user_owner_id =" . Note::$prefix . " inner join "
            . Note::$prefix . "users as guests_user on " . Note::$prefix . "guests.user_owner_id=" . Note::$prefix . "" .
            " where " .
            Note::$prefix . "'" . mysqli_real_escape_string($mysqli, Auth::user()->email) . "' and <> " .
            Note::$prefix . " " .
            "  and  " . Note::$prefix . "filesdata.isDeleted=1";
        $res = simpleQ($mysqli, $realSQL);
        return $res;

    public static function getSharedFromMe()
        global $mysqli;
        //return DB::select("select *  from guests as g inner join filesdata as d on g.user_owner_id where g.user_guest_id=" . Auth::user()->id);
        $realSQL = "select " . Note::$prefix . "filesdata.*, type from " . Note::$prefix . "filesdata inner join " . Note::$prefix . "share on " .
            Note::$prefix . "filesdata.username=" .
            Note::$prefix . "share.givee and " . Note::$prefix . "" . Note::$prefix . "share.note_id where " . Note::$prefix . "share.givee='" . Auth::user()->email .
            "' union select " . Note::$prefix . "filesdata.*, type " .
            " from " . Note::$prefix . "filesdata " .
            "inner join " . Note::$prefix . "share on " . Note::$prefix . "" . Note::$prefix . "share.note_id where " . Note::$prefix . "share.type='PUBLIC';";
        //echo $realSQL;
        $res = simpleQ($mysqli, $realSQL);

        return $res;
    public static function toXMLString($results)
        if (is_string($results)) {
            return $results;
        if (is_array($results)) {
            return serialize($results);

        global $LONGUEUR_APPERCU;
        $arr = array();
        $i = 0;
        if ($results != false) {
            while (($row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($results)) != NULL) {
                /*$arr[$i] = array();
                $arr[$i]['filename'] = $row['filename'];
                $arr[$i]['content'] = $row['content_file'];
                $arr[$i]['id'] = (int)$row['id'];
                $arr[$i]['folder_id'] = (int)$row['folder_id'];
                $arr[$i]['mimeType'] = $row['mime'];
                $arr[$i]['isDirectory'] = (int)$row['isDirectory'];
                $arr[$i]['ownerId'] = "Not implemented yet";//(int)$row[''];
                foreach ($row as $key => $value) {
                    $arr [$i][$key] = $row[$key];


            return serialize($arr);
        return NULL;

    public function checkUserRights($user)
        $current_user = userAuth::user()->email;


    function initGetData()
        $sql = "select content_file from bn2_filesdata where id=" . ((int)$this->id);
        $stmt = mysqli_stmt_init();
        $this->LongData = $stmt->prepare($sql);

    function getDataInPieces($offset)
        return mysqli_stmt_fetch($this->LongData);

         * int mysql_stmt_fetch_column(MYSQL_STMT *stmt, MYSQL_BIND *bind, unsigned int column, unsigned long offset)


Fetch one column from the current result set row. bind provides the buffer where data should be placed. It should be set up the same way as for mysql_stmt_bind_result(). column indicates which column to fetch. The first column is numbered 0. offset is the offset within the data value at which to begin retrieving data. This can be used for fetching the data value in pieces. The beginning of the value is offset 0.

Return Values

Zero for success. Nonzero if an error occurred.

    function initSetData()
        $sql = "update bn2_filesdata set content_file='?'";
        $stmt = mysqli_stmt_init();
        $this->LongData = $stmt->prepare($sql);


    function setDataInPieces($data)
        return ($this->LongData->send_long_data($this->LongData, 0, $data));

         * my_bool mysql_stmt_send_long_data(MYSQL_STMT *stmt, unsigned int parameter_number, const char *data, unsigned long length)


    Enables an application to send parameter data to the server in pieces (or �chunks�). Call this function after mysql_stmt_bind_param() and before mysql_stmt_execute(). It can be called multiple times to send the parts of a character or binary data value for a column, which must be one of the TEXT or BLOB data types.

    parameter_number indicates which parameter to associate the data with. Parameters are numbered beginning with 0. data is a pointer to a buffer containing data to be sent, and length indicates the number of bytes in the buffer.

    The next mysql_stmt_execute() call ignores the bind buffer for all parameters that have been used with mysql_stmt_send_long_data() since last mysql_stmt_execute() or mysql_stmt_reset().

    If you want to reset/forget the sent data, you can do it with mysql_stmt_reset(). See Section, �mysql_stmt_reset()�.

    Return Values

    Zero for success. Nonzero if an error occurred.


    public function checkRights()
        return new UserRight(Auth::user()->id, $this->noteId);

    public function getUserRights($user_id)


 * Created by PhpStorm.
 * User: mary
 * Date: 23-03-16
 * Time: 03:25
 * Variable prédifinies
 * * $pathId : Classe : \App\Note
 *         Correspondant au dossier à afficher, -1 est la valeur sur la corbeille
 *  $filtre
 * Appel DB: $results
if (!isset($noteId)) {
    $noteId = getRootForUser();

$assoc = unserialize($serialized_data);


    <!-- Vue Container -->
    <div class="browserContainer">
    <!--<label for="">{{getLastestSQLStmt()}}</label>-->
        <div class="BrowserTop">
            <ul id="menu-demo2">
                    <a href="<?php echo asset("note/list/" . (int)(getDBDocument($noteId)->folder_id) . "/1"); ?>">
                        <img src='<?php echo asset("images/root-folder2.png") ?>'
                             class="miniImg" title="Aller &agrave; : Dossier sup&eacute;rieur"/><span
                                title="What's up?">UP</span>
                <li><a href="<?php echo asset("file/uploadform/" . (int)($noteId)); ?>" title="Upload here">
                        <img src="{{asset("/images/uploadfiles.png")}}"/><span
                                title="Stocker des fichiers">UPLOAD</span>
                <li><a href="<?php echo asset("record_something"); ?>" title="Webcam">
                        <img src="{{asset("/images/camera.jpg")}}"/><span title="Enregistrer quelque chose <strong>à partir de la
                            webcam</strong>">WCAM REC</span>
                <li><a href="<?php echo asset("note/new/" . $noteId); ?>" title="Cr&eacute;er une note ici"><img
                                src="{{asset("/images/notenew.png") }}"/><span
                                title="Créer une note textuelle">NEW NOTE</span></a>
                <li><a href="<?php echo asset("folder/new/" . $noteId); ?>"
                       title="Cr&eacute;er un dossier ici"><img
                                src="{{asset("/images/folder.png")}}"/><span title="Créer un dossier">NEW FOLDER</span></a>


        @if($assoc != false)
            @foreach($assoc as $tab)
                @include("note.vue_fichier", array("filename" => $tab['filename'],
                "content_file" => $tab['content_file'], "id" => $tab['id'], "noteId" => $tab['id'], "folder_id" => $tab['folder_id'],
                "mime" => $tab['mime'], "isDirectory" => $tab['isDirectory'], "sqlStmt" => getLastestSQLStmt(), "username" => $tab['username']))
            @append <strong>Pas de résultat dans cette vue.</strong>

