Php Wordpress错误时结束错误500

Php Wordpress错误时结束错误500,php,wordpress,Php,Wordpress,我得到一个错误500,在查看我的错误日志时,我得到以下错误: PHP分析错误:语法错误,中出现意外的“endwhile”(T_endwhile) /var/www/site/,第90行 在本代码中,第90行是结尾: <? while ( $query->have_posts() && $count != 3) : $query->the_post()?>


PHP分析错误:语法错误,中出现意外的“endwhile”(T_endwhile) /var/www/site/,第90行


    <? while ( $query->have_posts() && $count != 3) : $query->the_post()?>
        <? $count++; ?>
        <div class="row">
            <div class="col-xs-12 col-sm-12 col-md-4 col-lg-4">
                <?php the_post_thumbnail('medium'); ?>
            <div class="col-xs-12 col-sm-12 col-md-8 col-lg-8 post-info">
                <h3><a title="<?php echo get_the_title(); ?>" href="<?php echo get_permalink(); ?>"><?php the_title(); ?></a></h3>
                <time><?php the_date(); ?></time>
                <div class="category">
                <!--    <p>Category: <a title="Posts about <?php get_category_link(get_the_category()[0]->title); ?>" href="<?php echo get_category_link(get_the_category()[0]->id); ?>"><?php the_category(', ', 'single', get_the_ID()); ?></a></p>-->
                <a title="<?php echo get_the_title(); ?>" href="<?php echo get_permalink(); ?>" class="col-12 btn btn-block btn-info">Read More..</a>
    endwhile; //resetting the page loop
    wp_reset_query(); //resetting the page query

为什么从WordPress 4.7.10迁移到最新的WP(我想是4.9)后会出现这个错误


<?php while ( $query->have_posts() && $count != 3) : $query->the_post()?>
  <?php $count++; ?>
    <div class="row">
       <div class="col-xs-12 col-sm-12 col-md-4 col-lg-4">
         <?php the_post_thumbnail('medium'); ?>
       <div class="col-xs-12 col-sm-12 col-md-8 col-lg-8 post-info">
          <h3><a title="<?php echo get_the_title(); ?>" href="<?php echo get_permalink(); ?>"><?php the_title(); ?></a></h3>
          <time><?php the_date(); ?></time>
          <div class="category">
                <!--    <p>Category: <a title="Posts about <?php get_category_link(get_the_category()[0]->title); ?>" href="<?php echo get_category_link(get_the_category()[0]->id); ?>"><?php the_category(', ', 'single', get_the_ID()); ?></a></p>-->
          <a title="<?php echo get_the_title(); ?>" href="<?php echo get_permalink(); ?>" class="col-12 btn btn-block btn-info">Read More..</a>
 endwhile; //resetting the page loop
 wp_reset_query(); //resetting the page query