
使用xFirefox资源将Firefox从本地安装程序exe安装到未连接到internet的计算机-PowerShell所需状态配置,powershell,resources,Powershell,Resources,我想使用PowerShell DSC安装Firefox webbrowser。我在看下面的哪个节目。根据我所看到的,它看起来不像,但是有没有人使用这个资源将Firefox从安装程序exe的本地副本安装到未连接到internet的机器上?如果是,怎么做 Resources MSFT_xFirefox Language: Specify the language of the browser to be installed. The default value is English. Vers

我想使用PowerShell DSC安装Firefox webbrowser。我在看下面的哪个节目。根据我所看到的,它看起来不像,但是有没有人使用这个资源将Firefox从安装程序exe的本地副本安装到未连接到internet的机器上?如果是,怎么做



Language: Specify the language of the browser to be installed. The default value is English.

VersionNumber: Specify the version number of the browser to be installed. By default, the latest version is installed.

OS: Specify the operating system on which the browser is to be installed. By default, the operating system is Windows.

MachineBits: Specifies the machine's operating system bit number. The default is x86.

LocalPath: The local path on the machine where the installation file should be downloaded.

Package Installer
    Ensure = "Present"
    Path = $LocalPath
    Name = "Mozilla Firefox " + $VersionNumber + " (" + $MachineBits + " " + $Language +")"
    ProductId = ''
    Arguments = "/SilentMode"
    DependsOn = "[xRemoteFile]Downloader"


谢谢-我会尝试一下。也许您知道这个问题的答案:我应该获取并使用msi安装程序,而不是exe安装程序,对吗?默认本地路径是$env:SystemDrive\Windows\DtlDownloads\Firefox Setup+$VersionNumber+.exe。