Warning: file_get_contents(/data/phpspider/zhask/data//catemap/0/jpa/2.json): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /data/phpspider/zhask/libs/function.php on line 167

Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /data/phpspider/zhask/libs/tag.function.php on line 1116

Notice: Undefined index: in /data/phpspider/zhask/libs/function.php on line 180

Warning: array_chunk() expects parameter 1 to be array, null given in /data/phpspider/zhask/libs/function.php on line 181
Powershell用户及其所在主机的列表_Powershell - Fatal编程技术网


Powershell用户及其所在主机的列表,powershell,Powershell,有人有什么建议吗?我需要从Active Directory生成一个用户和他们登录的计算机的列表。我希望得到如下内容: 用户名主机名 user.lastname ComputerA1 到目前为止,我得到了: 进入PSSession导入模块ActiveDirectory获取ADComputer -过滤器*-属性名称Get ADuser-过滤器*-属性*|导出csv'\\\AD\u UserLists.csv' 这是可行的。我可以从广告中生成一个计算机列表,也可以生成一个成人列表(尽管包含所有用户信息

有人有什么建议吗?我需要从Active Directory生成一个用户和他们登录的计算机的列表。我希望得到如下内容:


user.lastname ComputerA1


进入PSSession导入模块ActiveDirectory获取ADComputer -过滤器*-属性名称Get ADuser-过滤器*-属性*|导出csv'\\\AD\u UserLists.csv'



Thanx, 大卫

我需要从Active Directory生成一个用户及其登录计算机的列表

此信息不存储在Active Directory中。您可以通过Active Directory审核检索此信息。否则,您将需要轮询每个单独的工作站

我需要从Active Directory生成一个用户及其登录计算机的列表

此信息不存储在Active Directory中。您可以通过Active Directory审核检索此信息。否则,您需要轮询每个工作站。


Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_ComputerSystem -ComputerName "computersname" | Select-Object Name,Username


Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_ComputerSystem -ComputerName "computersname" | Select-Object Name,Username


    #grab the DN of the OU where your computer objects are located...
    $OU = ("OU=Computers,DC=domain,DC=com")

    #put your filtered results in $computers (I filtered for Enabled objects)...
    $computers = @()

    ForEach ($O in $OU) {

        $computers += Get-ADComputer -SearchBase $O -filter 'Enabled -eq "True"' -Properties CN,distinguishedname,lastLogonTimeStamp | Select-Object CN,distinguishedname,lastLogonTimeStamp


    #instantiate some arrays to catch your results
    #collected user info
    $userInfo = @()
    #computers you cannot ping
    $offline = @()
    #computers you can ping but cannot establish WinRM connection
    $winRmIssue = @()

    #iterate over $computers list to get user info on each...
    ForEach ($computer in $computers) {

    #filter out System account SIDs
    $WQLFilter = "NOT SID = 'S-1-5-18' AND NOT SID = 'S-1-5-19' AND NOT SID = 'S-1-5-20'" 

    $WQLFilter = $WQLFilter + " AND NOT SID = `'$FilterSID`'"

    #set number of login events to grab
    $newest = 20     

        #attempt to ping computer once by name. return 'true' is success...
        if (Test-Connection -ComputerName $computer.CN -Count 1 -ErrorAction Stop -Quiet) {

        #if ping is true, try to get some info...
            Try {

        #currently logged in user...
                $user = Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_ComputerSystem -ComputerName $computer.CN | select -ExpandProperty username

        #the most commonly logged in user, based on the past 20 log-ins...
                $UserProperty = @{n="User";e={((New-Object System.Security.Principal.SecurityIdentifier $_.ReplacementStrings[1]).Translate([System.Security.Principal.NTAccount])).ToString()}}
                $logs = Get-EventLog System -Source Microsoft-Windows-Winlogon -ComputerName $computer.CN -newest $newest | select $UserProperty
                $freqent = $logs | Group User | Sort-Object Count | Select -First 1 | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Name


        #catch any connection issues...
            Catch {

                $cantInvoke = [pscustomobject][ordered]@{

                'Computer' = $computer.CN
                'Message' = "Could not Invoke-Command. Probably a WinRM issue."            


                $winRMIssue += $cantInvoke


        #custom psobject of gathered user info...
            $userInfoObj = New-Object psobject -Property ([ordered]@{

                'Computer' = $computer.CN
                'LoggedInUser' = $user
                'mostCommonUser' = $frequent            


                    $userInfo += $userInfoObj


        #if you could not ping the computer, gather that info here in a custom object...               
        else {

             $noPing = [pscustomobject][ordered]@{

             'Computer' = $computer.CN
             'DN' = $computer.distinguishedname
             'lastLogonDate' = [datetime]::FromFileTime($computer.lastLogonTimeStamp).toShortDateString()


             $offline += $noPing


 #then kick out the results to csv
$userInfo | Sort-Object Computer | export-csv -Path c:\path\file.csv -NoTypeInformation

$offline | Sort-Object lastLogonDate | export-csv -Path c:\path.file2csv -NoTypeInformation

$winRmIssue | Sort-Object Computer | export-csv -Path c:\path\file3.csv -NoTypeInformation


    #grab the DN of the OU where your computer objects are located...
    $OU = ("OU=Computers,DC=domain,DC=com")

    #put your filtered results in $computers (I filtered for Enabled objects)...
    $computers = @()

    ForEach ($O in $OU) {

        $computers += Get-ADComputer -SearchBase $O -filter 'Enabled -eq "True"' -Properties CN,distinguishedname,lastLogonTimeStamp | Select-Object CN,distinguishedname,lastLogonTimeStamp


    #instantiate some arrays to catch your results
    #collected user info
    $userInfo = @()
    #computers you cannot ping
    $offline = @()
    #computers you can ping but cannot establish WinRM connection
    $winRmIssue = @()

    #iterate over $computers list to get user info on each...
    ForEach ($computer in $computers) {

    #filter out System account SIDs
    $WQLFilter = "NOT SID = 'S-1-5-18' AND NOT SID = 'S-1-5-19' AND NOT SID = 'S-1-5-20'" 

    $WQLFilter = $WQLFilter + " AND NOT SID = `'$FilterSID`'"

    #set number of login events to grab
    $newest = 20     

        #attempt to ping computer once by name. return 'true' is success...
        if (Test-Connection -ComputerName $computer.CN -Count 1 -ErrorAction Stop -Quiet) {

        #if ping is true, try to get some info...
            Try {

        #currently logged in user...
                $user = Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_ComputerSystem -ComputerName $computer.CN | select -ExpandProperty username

        #the most commonly logged in user, based on the past 20 log-ins...
                $UserProperty = @{n="User";e={((New-Object System.Security.Principal.SecurityIdentifier $_.ReplacementStrings[1]).Translate([System.Security.Principal.NTAccount])).ToString()}}
                $logs = Get-EventLog System -Source Microsoft-Windows-Winlogon -ComputerName $computer.CN -newest $newest | select $UserProperty
                $freqent = $logs | Group User | Sort-Object Count | Select -First 1 | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Name


        #catch any connection issues...
            Catch {

                $cantInvoke = [pscustomobject][ordered]@{

                'Computer' = $computer.CN
                'Message' = "Could not Invoke-Command. Probably a WinRM issue."            


                $winRMIssue += $cantInvoke


        #custom psobject of gathered user info...
            $userInfoObj = New-Object psobject -Property ([ordered]@{

                'Computer' = $computer.CN
                'LoggedInUser' = $user
                'mostCommonUser' = $frequent            


                    $userInfo += $userInfoObj


        #if you could not ping the computer, gather that info here in a custom object...               
        else {

             $noPing = [pscustomobject][ordered]@{

             'Computer' = $computer.CN
             'DN' = $computer.distinguishedname
             'lastLogonDate' = [datetime]::FromFileTime($computer.lastLogonTimeStamp).toShortDateString()


             $offline += $noPing


 #then kick out the results to csv
$userInfo | Sort-Object Computer | export-csv -Path c:\path\file.csv -NoTypeInformation

$offline | Sort-Object lastLogonDate | export-csv -Path c:\path.file2csv -NoTypeInformation

$winRmIssue | Sort-Object Computer | export-csv -Path c:\path\file3.csv -NoTypeInformation

当每个工作站联机时,您必须对其运行脚本。从AD获取您的OU,使用-searchbase在每个对象上运行foreach循环,然后获取最常见的登录用户或当前登录的用户。有事件日志和WMI方法可以获取这两种方法之一。如果你没有答案,我明天会给你答案。现在,这就是您需要做的。您可以在foreach循环中使用Invoke命令,并将结果抛出到空数组中。设置try/catch块,如果可以ping机器(测试连接-computername$obj.name-Count 1-Quiet)…如果为true,则调用命令并运行查询。如果不是,则将不同的结果传递给数组。对于测试连接的结果,-Quiet开关将返回true或false。谢谢您的建议。您看到我的答案了吗?它对你有用吗?我看到了,但没能让它起作用——主要是因为我自己的失败和缺乏powershell知识。不过我确实找到了一份工作。需要使用两个不同的系统来提取数据并将其合并到单个Excel电子表格中。大家都出去了,但最后,管理层得到了他们需要的信息,我得到了更多的工作。谢谢你的帮助和帮助。稍后当类似的问题出现时,我可能会回到这篇文章。当每个工作站联机时,您必须对它们运行脚本。从AD获取您的OU,使用-searchbase在每个对象上运行foreach循环,然后获取最常见的登录用户或当前登录的用户。有事件日志和WMI方法可以获取这两种方法之一。如果你没有答案,我明天会给你答案。现在,这就是您需要做的。您可以在foreach循环中使用Invoke命令,并将结果抛出到空数组中。设置try/catch块,如果可以ping机器(测试连接-computername$obj.name-Count 1-Quiet)…如果为true,则调用命令并运行查询。如果不是,则将不同的结果传递给数组。对于测试连接的结果,-Quiet开关将返回true或false。谢谢您的建议。您看到我的答案了吗?它对你有用吗?我看到了,但没能让它起作用——主要是因为我自己的失败和缺乏powershell知识。不过我确实找到了一份工作。需要使用两个不同的系统来提取数据并将其合并到单个Excel电子表格中。大家都出去了,但最后,管理层得到了他们需要的信息,我得到了更多的工作。谢谢你的帮助和帮助。当类似的问题出现时,我可能会稍后再回到这篇文章。该死!但愿我早点看到。这正是我需要的。现在要记住如何创建一个变量以从主机工作站列表中读取。:)大卫,如果你仔细看我的回答,你接受的命令就在里面。它将为您获取当前登录的用户,但仅此而已。你可以在一个工作站上投票,却得不到任何信息,而我的答案告诉你谁最常登录计算机。它还回答了您关于变量和计算机列表的问题。在我的例子中,它们来自于广告,我以为你是从那里得到它们的!但愿我早点看到。这正是我需要的。现在要记住如何创建一个变量以从主机工作站列表中读取。:)大卫,如果你仔细看我的回答,你接受的命令就在里面。它将为您获取当前登录的用户,但仅此而已。你可以在一个工作站上投票,却得不到任何信息,而我的答案告诉你谁最常登录计算机。它还回答了您关于变量和计算机列表的问题。在我的例子中,它们来自广告,我以为你是从广告中得到它们的