
使用Powershell在没有提示的情况下自动删除文件,powershell,Powershell,我尝试编写一个脚本,用于自动备份游戏的savegame文件夹。 它通常可以工作,但我对Remove-Item cmdlet有一些问题。 脚本总是提示我删除非空子文件夹。我试着用-force和-confirm:$false,但没有任何改变。我还尝试了几种在网上可以找到的方法 我对Powershell没有经验,所以也许我只是在某个地方犯了个愚蠢的错误? 如果有什么事情需要以其他方式完成,我也希望得到一些反馈 # ProjectZomboid sandbox savegame folder: $vSa

我尝试编写一个脚本,用于自动备份游戏的savegame文件夹。 它通常可以工作,但我对Remove-Item cmdlet有一些问题。 脚本总是提示我删除非空子文件夹。我试着用-force和-confirm:$false,但没有任何改变。我还尝试了几种在网上可以找到的方法

我对Powershell没有经验,所以也许我只是在某个地方犯了个愚蠢的错误? 如果有什么事情需要以其他方式完成,我也希望得到一些反馈

# ProjectZomboid sandbox savegame folder:
$vSaveDir = $Env:USERPROFILE+'\Zomboid\Saves\Sandbox\'
# Where is your ProjectZomboid folder?:
$vWorkingDir = 'D:\SteamLibrary\SteamApps\common\ProjectZomboid\'
# How many backups should be keeped?:
$vAMTBackups = 5
$vSaveBak = @()
# init counter for amounts of backups keeped
$iB = 0
# set working directory for script to save dir
Set-Location $vSaveDir
# call the game
$vPID = (Start-Process -FilePath $vWorkingDir'ProjectZomboid64.exe' -WorkingDirectory $vWorkingDir -PassThru).Id
# while process is NOT running, wait 60s, then continue
while (!(Get-Process -Id $vPID)){
    Start-Sleep -s 60
# while process is running  with a 30s cooldown for each iteration 
while ((Get-Process -Id $vPID -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue)){
    "...process is running ..."
    Start-Sleep -s 30
    # reset counter for amounts of backups keeped
    if ($iB -eq $vAMTBackups) {
        $iB = 0
    # check for existing saves
    if (Test-Path $vSaveDir\*) {
        # get last modified dir from save dir
        $vLastSave = Get-ChildItem $vSaveDir | Where-Object     {$_.PSIsContainer} | Sort-Object LastWriteTime -Descending | Select-Object -    First 1
        # check if last modified dir is backup dir
        if (!($vLastSave -match "Backup")) {
            "...last save is not a backup savegame..."
            if (!(Test-Path -Path $vSaveDir$vLastSave"_Backup_"$iB)) {
                Write-Host "...directory not exists..."
                $vSaveBakTmp = New-Item -Path $vSaveDir$vLastSave"_Backup_"$iB -ItemType Directory -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue # | Out-Null
                $vSaveBak = $vSaveBak + $vSaveBakTmp
                Write-Host "...created directory "$vSaveBak[$iB]" ..."
            # delete any data in actual backup dir
            $TempFiles = Get-ChildItem $vSaveBak[$iB] -Recurse
            $TempFiles | Foreach ($_) { Remove-Item $_.Fullname -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue -Confirm:$false}
            # do backup 
            Robocopy $vLastSave $vSaveBak[$iB] /e /dcopy:T /NFL /NDL /NJH /NJS /nc /ns /np
            # increase counter after backup
        else {
            "...last save is backup savegame..."
    else {
            "...no savegame found..."
"...process is terminated."

Get-ChildItem $vSaveBak[$iB] -Recurse | Remove-Item -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue -Confirm:$false



Get-ChildItem -path $DeleteLocation -directory | Remove-Item -recurse

Get-ChildItem -path $DeleteLocation -directory | foreach ($_) { 
        Write-host Removing $_.fullname  
        Remove-Item $_.fullname  -force -recurse 
