be toraw_input()如果您使用的是Python 2.7,您需要:在if、elif和else的行尾。谢谢,虽然我仍然无法从控制台运行它,但它现在似乎正在工作,我想我需要对它进行更多的故障排除。您使用的是什么操作系统,您使用什么命令来运行它?当您输

be toraw_input()如果您使用的是Python 2.7,您需要:在if、elif和else的行尾。谢谢,虽然我仍然无法从控制台运行它,但它现在似乎正在工作,我想我需要对它进行更多的故障排除。您使用的是什么操作系统,您使用什么命令来运行它?当您输,python,python-2.7,Python,Python 2.7,be toraw_input()如果您使用的是Python 2.7,您需要:在if、elif和else的行尾。谢谢,虽然我仍然无法从控制台运行它,但它现在似乎正在工作,我想我需要对它进行更多的故障排除。您使用的是什么操作系统,您使用什么命令来运行它?当您输入命令时,控制台会说什么?我在win 7上,当我在命令行上时,我可以通过键入C:\python27\python exe让python运行,但是如果我只是键入python,它将不会运行,并给我一个未定义的错误。当您运行C:\python27\p

be to
如果您使用的是Python 2.7,您需要
的行尾。谢谢,虽然我仍然无法从控制台运行它,但它现在似乎正在工作,我想我需要对它进行更多的故障排除。您使用的是什么操作系统,您使用什么命令来运行它?当您输入命令时,控制台会说什么?我在win 7上,当我在命令行上时,我可以通过键入C:\python27\python exe让python运行,但是如果我只是键入python,它将不会运行,并给我一个未定义的错误。当您运行
print ('Lets do some math nerd!')
print ('How many problems would you like to solve?')
cycle = int(input())
rep = 0
while cycle < rep;
rep = rep + 1;

print ('What operation would you like to perform?')
print('Press 1 for Addition')
print('Press 2 for Subtraction')
print('Press 3 for Multiplication')
print('Press 4 for Division')

op = int(input())

if op ==1
    print ('Enter your first number.')
    num1 = int(input())
    print ('Enter your second number.')
    num2 = int(input())
    result = (num1 + num2)
    print result

elif op ==2
    print ('Enter your first number.')
    num1 = int(input())
    print ('Enter your second number.')
    num2 = int(input())
    result = (num1 - num2)
    print result

elif op ==3
    print ('Enter your first number.')
    num1 = int(input())
    print ('Enter your second number.')
    num2 = int(input())
    result = (num1 * num2)
    print result

elif op ==4
    print ('Enter your first number.')
    num1 = int(input())
    print ('Enter your second number.')
    num2 = int(input())
    result = (num1 / num2)
    print result

    print ('ERROR')
    print (Please select a number 1 through 4.')
print ('Thanks for using my calculator!')

closeInput = raw_input("Press ENTER to exit")
print "Closing..."
print ('Lets do some math nerd!')
print ('How many problems would you like to solve?')
cycle = int(input())
rep = 0
while rep < cycle:
    rep = rep + 1

    print ('What operation would you like to perform?')
    print('Press 1 for Addition')
    print('Press 2 for Subtraction')
    print('Press 3 for Multiplication')
    print('Press 4 for Division')

    op = int(input())

    if op ==1:
        print ('Enter your first number.')
        num1 = int(input())
        print ('Enter your second number.')
        num2 = int(input())
        result = (num1 + num2)
        print result

    elif op ==2:
        print ('Enter your first number.')
        num1 = int(input())
        print ('Enter your second number.')
        num2 = int(input())
        result = (num1 - num2)
        print result

    elif op ==3:
        print ('Enter your first number.')
        num1 = int(input())
        print ('Enter your second number.')
        num2 = int(input())
        result = (num1 * num2)
        print result

    elif op ==4:
        print ('Enter your first number.')
        num1 = int(input())
        print ('Enter your second number.')
        num2 = int(input())
        result = (num1 / num2)
        print result

        print ('ERROR')
        print ('Please select a number 1 through 4.')

print ('Thanks for using my calculator!')

closeInput = raw_input("Press ENTER to exit")
print "Closing..."
import pdb

print ('Lets do some math nerd!')
print ('How many problems would you like to solve?')
cycle = int(input())
rep = 0
while cycle < rep:
        rep = rep + 1

print ('What operation would you like to perform?')
print('Press 1 for Addition')
print('Press 2 for Subtraction')
print('Press 3 for Multiplication')
print('Press 4 for Division')

op = int(input())

if op ==1:
    print ('Enter your first number.')
    num1 = int(input())
    print ('Enter your second number.')
    num2 = int(input())
    result = (num1 + num2)
    print result

elif op ==2:
    print ('Enter your first number.')
    num1 = int(input())
    print ('Enter your second number.')
    num2 = int(input())
    result = (num1 - num2)
    print result

elif op ==3:
    print ('Enter your first number.')
    num1 = int(input())
    print ('Enter your second number.')
    num2 = int(input())
    result = (num1 * num2)
    print result

elif op ==4:
    print ('Enter your first number.')
    num1 = int(input())
    print ('Enter your second number.')
    num2 = int(input())
    result = (num1 / num2)
    print result

    print ('ERROR')
    print ('Please select a number 1 through 4.')
print ('Thanks for using my calculator!')

closeInput = raw_input("Press ENTER to exit")
print "Closing..."