
Python/Pygame:如何使按钮在屏幕上按按钮数量和屏幕大小缩放?,python,button,user-interface,pygame,launcher,Python,Button,User Interface,Pygame,Launcher,基本上,我正在编写一个程序,看起来有点像python/pygame中的控制面板。其目的是读取具有特定文件扩展名的多个文件,对其进行计数,然后根据计数的相应文件数量在控制面板上绘制多个按钮 我已经做到了这一点,但我的一个问题是,我需要能够使按钮在给定屏幕的限制范围内形成有组织的行。然而,我不太确定如何解决这个问题,所以我决定尝试stackoverflow,看看以前是否有人能够克服这个困难 代码如下: def Button_Build(gamesnum): # 'gamesnum' is the a




def Button_Build(gamesnum): # 'gamesnum' is the amount of detected files
    Screensize = 200 #size of given screen space
    button_size = Screensize/len(gamesnum) * 2   #Size of the button according to amount of files found/size of screen
    x = 9 #button's original x coordinate
    y = 20 #button's original y coordinate        

    butrow = 0  #Counter for how many buttons that can fit inside of the given screen space
    butmax = 0 #Maximum amount of buttons that can fit inside of given screen space

    for i in gamesnum: #Going through the number of files counted
        print(x) #Print the drawn buttons' x coordinate

        #If next button doesn't go out of given screen space
        if x < Screensize - (Screensize/int(len(gamesnum))): 
            lebutton=GUI_Helper(white, red9, x, y)
            lebutton.Standard_button_make(button_size, button_size-2)
            x += (button_size + 2)
            butrow += 1

        #When maximum amount of buttons that can fit across the screen is reached
        if butrow == butmax: 
            butrow = 0 #Reset the counter
            x = 9 #Reset button's x coordinate
            y += (button_size + 2) #Move next buttons down a row





def Button_Build(gamesnum): # 'gamesnum' is the amount of detected files
    Screensize = 200 #size of given screen space
    button_size = Screensize/len(gamesnum) * 2   #Size of the button according to amount of files found/size of screen

    StartX = 9
    StartY = 20
    x = StartX #button's original x coordinate
    y = StartY #button's original y coordinate        

    butrow = 0  #Counter for how many buttons that can fit inside of the given screen space
    butmax = int(ScreenSize / (button_size + 2)) #Maximum amount of buttons that can fit inside of given screen space

    for i in gamesnum: #Going through the number of files counted
        print(x) #Print the drawn buttons' x coordinate

        #If next button doesn't go out of given screen space
        if butrow < butmax:
            lebutton=GUI_Helper(white, red9, x, y)
            lebutton.Standard_button_make(button_size, button_size-2)
            x += (button_size + 2)
            butrow += 1
            #When maximum amount of buttons that can fit across the screen is reached
            butrow = 0 #Reset the counter
            x = StartX #Reset button's x coordinate
            y += (button_size + 2) #Move next buttons down a row

