
为什么李';它没有显示python请求响应吗?,python,html,beautifulsoup,python-requests,Python,Html,Beautifulsoup,Python Requests,我有一个关于网络抓取的家庭作业项目,我打算在一个月内从学校网站上收集所有的信息。我使用Python处理请求和漂亮的汤。我已经写了一些代码来获取一个url,并试图从保存事件信息的页面中获取所有的li。然而,当我去抓取所有的li内容时,我注意到我并没有收到所有的内容。我一直在想,这是由于ul的“溢出:隐藏”风格,但为什么我能得到前几个李的呢 from bs4 import BeautifulSoup import requests url = 'https://apps.iu.edu/ccl-pr


from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
import requests

url = 'https://apps.iu.edu/ccl-prd/events/view?date=06012016&type=day&pubCalId=GRP1322'
r = requests.get(url)
bsObj =  BeautifulSoup(r.text,"html.parser")    

eventList = []
eventURLs = bsObj.find_all("a",href=True)
print len(eventURLs)

count = 1
for url in eventURLs:
    print str(count) + '. ' + url['href']
    count += 1


1. https://www.indiana.edu/
2. #advancedSearch
3. /ccl-prd/events/view?type=week&date=06012016&pubCalId=GRP1322
4. /ccl-prd/events/view?type=month&date=06012016&pubCalId=GRP1322
5. /ccl-prd/events/view?type=day&date=06222016&pubCalId=GRP1322
6. /ccl-prd/events/view?pubCalId=GRP1432&type=day&date=06012016
7. /ccl-prd/events/view?pubCalId=GRP1445&type=day&date=06012016
8. /ccl-prd/events/view?pubCalId=GRP1436&type=day&date=06012016
9. /ccl-prd/events/view?pubCalId=GRP1438&type=day&date=06012016
10. /ccl-prd/events/view?pubCalId=GRP1440&type=day&date=06012016
11. /ccl-prd/events/view?pubCalId=GRP1443&type=day&date=06012016
12. /ccl-prd/events/view?pubCalId=GRP1434&type=day&date=06012016
13. /ccl-prd/events/view?pubCalId=GRP1447&type=day&date=06012016
14. /ccl-prd/events/view?pubCalId=GRP1450&type=day&date=06012016
15. http://newsinfo.iu.edu/
16. http://www.indiana.edu/~iuvis/
17. /ccl-prd/events/view?type=day&date=06012016&iub=BL011&pubCalId=GRP1322
18. /ccl-prd/events/view?type=day&date=06012016&iub=BL153&pubCalId=GRP1322
19. /ccl-prd/events/view/13147231?viewParams=%26type%3dday%26date%3d06012016&theDate=06222016&referrer=listView&pubCalId=GRP1322
20. /ccl-prd/events/view/13163329?viewParams=%26type%3dday%26date%3d06012016&referrer=listView&pubCalId=GRP1322
21. /ccl-prd/events/view/13163465?viewParams=%26type%3dday%26date%3d06012016&theDate=06222016&referrer=listView&pubCalId=GRP1322
22. /ccl-prd/events/view/13110443?viewParams=%26type%3dday%26date%3d06012016&theDate=06222016&referrer=listView&pubCalId=GRP1322
23. /ccl-prd/events/view/11744967?viewParams=%26type%3dday%26date%3d06012016&theDate=06222016&referrer=listView&pubCalId=GRP1322
24. http://www.iu.edu/copyright/index.shtml
25. http://www.iu.edu/

编辑以给出答案:我需要的链接都是用Javascript创建的,由于请求和Beautiful soup没有运行Javascript,我转而使用PhantomJS迁移到Selenium。然而,下面的答案显示了如何通过在Python请求中使用参数来获取Javascript创建的信息,这是一种完美的方法


Beauty Soup是一个Python库,用于从HTML和XML文件中提取数据。它与您喜爱的解析器一起工作,提供导航、搜索和修改解析树的惯用方法


driver.page\u source

html=driver.execute_脚本(“return document.getElementsByTagName('html')[0].innerHTML”)





import requests

params = {"pageNum": "1",
          "date": "06012016",
          "type": "day",
          "isSearch": "false",
          "pubCalId": "GRP1322"}

r = requests.get("https://apps.iu.edu/ccl-prd/events/view/page", params=params)

for ev in r.json()["events"][0]["events"]:
    print ev

{u'groupEvent': True, u'allDay': True, u'description': u'\n\tOnline processing is not available. Drop forms should be obtained from the student's school. Completed forms must be submitted for processing at Student Central on Union.\n\n\tDates and times are subject to change without notice. See the Official Calendar for more details.\n', u'startDate': u'12:00am', u'calendarName': None, u'recurDateUtc': None, u'imageId': None, u'privateAndViewing': False, u'imageEventId': None, u'going': False, u'location': u'', u'imageCampus': u'BL', u'summary': u'Summer 2016: Withdrawal with Grade of W or F for First Six Week classes', u'recurs': False, u'id': u'13139699'}
{u'groupEvent': True, u'allDay': False, u'description': u'\r\n\tFor freshman Theodore Dreiser in 1889, Indiana University served as fertile ground for his future literary endeavors, but to him “the life of the town, the character of its people, the professors and the students, and the mechanism, politics, and social interests of the University body proper” were far more influential. For generatio', u'startDate': u'8:00am', u'calendarName': None, u'recurDateUtc': 1464796800000, u'imageId': 125740, u'privateAndViewing': False, u'imageEventId': 13147231, u'going': False, u'location': u'', u'imageCampus': u'BL', u'summary': u'Exhibit: Student Reform Movements at IU', u'recurs': True, u'id': u'13147231'}
{u'groupEvent': True, u'allDay': False, u'description': u'\r\n\tJoin us for Traditional Arts Indiana's traveling Bicentennial exhibit, Indiana Folk Arts: 200 Years of Tradition and Innovation. Before the exhibit begins its travels across Indiana, the MMWC will present it to the IU Bloomington campus and local communities. The exhibit will be on display through July 29, 2016.\r\n', u'startDate': u'9:00am', u'calendarName': None, u'recurDateUtc': 1464800400000, u'imageId': 129351, u'privateAndViewing': False, u'imageEventId': 13163465, u'going': False, u'location': u'Mathers Museum of World Cultures, 416 N. Indiana Ave, Bloomington, IN', u'imageCampus': u'BL', u'summary': u'EXHIBIT: "Indiana Folk Arts: 200 Years of Tradition and Innovation"', u'recurs': True, u'id': u'13163465'}
{u'groupEvent': True, u'allDay': False, u'description': u'\r\n\tIn 1913, Joseph Dixon visited the Tuscarora Nation, the smallest of the Haudenosaunee (Iroquois) communities, located in western New York. Dixon photographed six individuals during his visit, and those images became part of the Wanamaker Collection of Native American photographs, now housed at the Mathers Museum of World Cultures. While reviewin', u'startDate': u'9:00am', u'calendarName': None, u'recurDateUtc': 1464800400000, u'imageId': 115080, u'privateAndViewing': False, u'imageEventId': 13110443, u'going': False, u'location': u'Mathers Museum of World Cultures, 416 N Indiana Ave, Bloomington, IN 47408', u'imageCampus': u'BL', u'summary': u'EXHIBIT: "Stirring the Pot: Bringing the Wanamakers Home"', u'recurs': True, u'id': u'13110443'}
{u'groupEvent': True, u'allDay': False, u'description': u'\r\n\t"Cherokee Craft, 1973," at the Mathers Museum of World Cultures, presents a snapshot of craft production among the Eastern Band Cherokee at a key moment in both an ongoing Appalachian craft revival and the specific cultural and economic life of the Cherokee people in western North Carolina. The exhibition showcases basketry in three di', u'startDate': u'9:00am', u'calendarName': None, u'recurDateUtc': 1464800400000, u'imageId': 96460, u'privateAndViewing': False, u'imageEventId': 11744967, u'going': False, u'location': u'Mathers Museum of World Cultures, 416 N. Indiana Ave, Bloomington, IN', u'imageCampus': u'BL', u'summary': u'EXHIBIT:  "Cherokee Craft, 1973"', u'recurs': True, u'id': u'11744967'}
{u'groupEvent': True, u'allDay': False, u'description': u'\r\n\t"MONSTERS!" are extraordinary or unnatural beings that challenge the predictable fabric of everyday life. This exhibition looks at monsters from around the world, discovering who they are and what purposes they serve in various cultures, as different images of monstrousness emerge from the dark recesses of human imagination. The exhibi', u'startDate': u'9:00am', u'calendarName': None, u'recurDateUtc': 1464800400000, u'imageId': 109380, u'privateAndViewing': False, u'imageEventId': 13088883, u'going': False, u'location': u'Mathers Museum of World Cultures, 416 N. Indiana Ave, Bloomington, IN', u'imageCampus': u'BL', u'summary': u'EXHIBIT: "MONSTERS!\'', u'recurs': True, u'id': u'13088883'}
{u'groupEvent': True, u'allDay': False, u'description': u'\r\n\t"Tools of Travel" features objects that people in different times and places have used to transport themselves and their belongings, exploring the technology of travel (wagon, saddle, sled, and canoe) and how it is powered (horse, camel, dog, and human). The exhibit opens March 22,2016 and will be open through December 17, 2017.\r\n', u'startDate': u'9:00am', u'calendarName': None, u'recurDateUtc': 1464800400000, u'imageId': 129348, u'privateAndViewing': False, u'imageEventId': 13146383, u'going': False, u'location': u'Mathers Museum of World Cultures, 416 N. Indiana Ave, Bloomington, IN', u'imageCampus': u'BL', u'summary': u'EXHIBIT: "Tools of Travel"', u'recurs': True, u'id': u'13146383'}
{u'groupEvent': True, u'allDay': False, u'description': u'\r\n\t"Thoughts, Things, and Theories...What Is Culture?"  at the Mathers Museum of World Cultures, examines the nature of culture through the exploration of cultural traditions surrounding life stages and universal needs.\r\n\r\n\t \r\n\r\n\tFree visitor parking is available by the Indiana Avenue lobby entrance. Metered parking is available', u'startDate': u'9:00am', u'calendarName': None, u'recurDateUtc': 1464800400000, u'imageId': 76320, u'privateAndViewing': False, u'imageEventId': 10124630, u'going': False, u'location': u'Mathers Museum of World Cultures, 416 N. Indiana Ave., Bloomington, IN', u'imageCampus': u'BL', u'summary': u'EXHIBIT: "Thoughts, Things, and Theories...What Is Culture?"', u'recurs': True, u'id': u'10124630'}
{u'groupEvent': True, u'allDay': False, u'description': u'\r\n\tNew Acquisitions: African American Art\r\n\r\n\tA group of local community, university, and business leaders, headed by Donald Griffin, Jr., broker/owner of Griffin Realty, has formed a coalition to help the IU Art Museum build its collection of works by African American artists. These first acquisitions of what is hoped will become an annual endeavo', u'startDate': u'10:00am', u'calendarName': None, u'recurDateUtc': 1464804000000, u'imageId': None, u'privateAndViewing': False, u'imageEventId': None, u'going': False, u'location': u'Art Museum', u'imageCampus': u'BL', u'summary': u'New in the Galleries', u'recurs': True, u'id': u'13164911'}
{u'groupEvent': True, u'allDay': False, u'description': u'\r\n\tDavid Konisky\r\n\t\r\n\tExtreme Weather Exposure and Support for Climate Change Adaptation\r\n', u'startDate': u'12:00pm', u'calendarName': None, u'recurDateUtc': None, u'imageId': None, u'privateAndViewing': False, u'imageEventId': None, u'going': False, u'location': u'', u'imageCampus': u'BL', u'summary': u'PAPF and G&M Summer Research Workshop', u'recurs': False, u'id': u'13164381'}
Summer 2016: Withdrawal with Grade of W or F for First Six Week classes
Exhibit: Student Reform Movements at IU
EXHIBIT: "Indiana Folk Arts: 200 Years of Tradition and Innovation"
EXHIBIT: "Stirring the Pot: Bringing the Wanamakers Home"
EXHIBIT:  "Cherokee Craft, 1973"
EXHIBIT: "Tools of Travel"
EXHIBIT: "Thoughts, Things, and Theories...What Is Culture?"
New in the Galleries
PAPF and G&M Summer Research Workshop


for ev in r.json()["events"][0]["events"]:
    print ev["summary"]

{u'groupEvent': True, u'allDay': True, u'description': u'\n\tOnline processing is not available. Drop forms should be obtained from the student's school. Completed forms must be submitted for processing at Student Central on Union.\n\n\tDates and times are subject to change without notice. See the Official Calendar for more details.\n', u'startDate': u'12:00am', u'calendarName': None, u'recurDateUtc': None, u'imageId': None, u'privateAndViewing': False, u'imageEventId': None, u'going': False, u'location': u'', u'imageCampus': u'BL', u'summary': u'Summer 2016: Withdrawal with Grade of W or F for First Six Week classes', u'recurs': False, u'id': u'13139699'}
{u'groupEvent': True, u'allDay': False, u'description': u'\r\n\tFor freshman Theodore Dreiser in 1889, Indiana University served as fertile ground for his future literary endeavors, but to him “the life of the town, the character of its people, the professors and the students, and the mechanism, politics, and social interests of the University body proper” were far more influential. For generatio', u'startDate': u'8:00am', u'calendarName': None, u'recurDateUtc': 1464796800000, u'imageId': 125740, u'privateAndViewing': False, u'imageEventId': 13147231, u'going': False, u'location': u'', u'imageCampus': u'BL', u'summary': u'Exhibit: Student Reform Movements at IU', u'recurs': True, u'id': u'13147231'}
{u'groupEvent': True, u'allDay': False, u'description': u'\r\n\tJoin us for Traditional Arts Indiana's traveling Bicentennial exhibit, Indiana Folk Arts: 200 Years of Tradition and Innovation. Before the exhibit begins its travels across Indiana, the MMWC will present it to the IU Bloomington campus and local communities. The exhibit will be on display through July 29, 2016.\r\n', u'startDate': u'9:00am', u'calendarName': None, u'recurDateUtc': 1464800400000, u'imageId': 129351, u'privateAndViewing': False, u'imageEventId': 13163465, u'going': False, u'location': u'Mathers Museum of World Cultures, 416 N. Indiana Ave, Bloomington, IN', u'imageCampus': u'BL', u'summary': u'EXHIBIT: "Indiana Folk Arts: 200 Years of Tradition and Innovation"', u'recurs': True, u'id': u'13163465'}
{u'groupEvent': True, u'allDay': False, u'description': u'\r\n\tIn 1913, Joseph Dixon visited the Tuscarora Nation, the smallest of the Haudenosaunee (Iroquois) communities, located in western New York. Dixon photographed six individuals during his visit, and those images became part of the Wanamaker Collection of Native American photographs, now housed at the Mathers Museum of World Cultures. While reviewin', u'startDate': u'9:00am', u'calendarName': None, u'recurDateUtc': 1464800400000, u'imageId': 115080, u'privateAndViewing': False, u'imageEventId': 13110443, u'going': False, u'location': u'Mathers Museum of World Cultures, 416 N Indiana Ave, Bloomington, IN 47408', u'imageCampus': u'BL', u'summary': u'EXHIBIT: "Stirring the Pot: Bringing the Wanamakers Home"', u'recurs': True, u'id': u'13110443'}
{u'groupEvent': True, u'allDay': False, u'description': u'\r\n\t"Cherokee Craft, 1973," at the Mathers Museum of World Cultures, presents a snapshot of craft production among the Eastern Band Cherokee at a key moment in both an ongoing Appalachian craft revival and the specific cultural and economic life of the Cherokee people in western North Carolina. The exhibition showcases basketry in three di', u'startDate': u'9:00am', u'calendarName': None, u'recurDateUtc': 1464800400000, u'imageId': 96460, u'privateAndViewing': False, u'imageEventId': 11744967, u'going': False, u'location': u'Mathers Museum of World Cultures, 416 N. Indiana Ave, Bloomington, IN', u'imageCampus': u'BL', u'summary': u'EXHIBIT:  "Cherokee Craft, 1973"', u'recurs': True, u'id': u'11744967'}
{u'groupEvent': True, u'allDay': False, u'description': u'\r\n\t"MONSTERS!" are extraordinary or unnatural beings that challenge the predictable fabric of everyday life. This exhibition looks at monsters from around the world, discovering who they are and what purposes they serve in various cultures, as different images of monstrousness emerge from the dark recesses of human imagination. The exhibi', u'startDate': u'9:00am', u'calendarName': None, u'recurDateUtc': 1464800400000, u'imageId': 109380, u'privateAndViewing': False, u'imageEventId': 13088883, u'going': False, u'location': u'Mathers Museum of World Cultures, 416 N. Indiana Ave, Bloomington, IN', u'imageCampus': u'BL', u'summary': u'EXHIBIT: "MONSTERS!\'', u'recurs': True, u'id': u'13088883'}
{u'groupEvent': True, u'allDay': False, u'description': u'\r\n\t"Tools of Travel" features objects that people in different times and places have used to transport themselves and their belongings, exploring the technology of travel (wagon, saddle, sled, and canoe) and how it is powered (horse, camel, dog, and human). The exhibit opens March 22,2016 and will be open through December 17, 2017.\r\n', u'startDate': u'9:00am', u'calendarName': None, u'recurDateUtc': 1464800400000, u'imageId': 129348, u'privateAndViewing': False, u'imageEventId': 13146383, u'going': False, u'location': u'Mathers Museum of World Cultures, 416 N. Indiana Ave, Bloomington, IN', u'imageCampus': u'BL', u'summary': u'EXHIBIT: "Tools of Travel"', u'recurs': True, u'id': u'13146383'}
{u'groupEvent': True, u'allDay': False, u'description': u'\r\n\t"Thoughts, Things, and Theories...What Is Culture?"  at the Mathers Museum of World Cultures, examines the nature of culture through the exploration of cultural traditions surrounding life stages and universal needs.\r\n\r\n\t \r\n\r\n\tFree visitor parking is available by the Indiana Avenue lobby entrance. Metered parking is available', u'startDate': u'9:00am', u'calendarName': None, u'recurDateUtc': 1464800400000, u'imageId': 76320, u'privateAndViewing': False, u'imageEventId': 10124630, u'going': False, u'location': u'Mathers Museum of World Cultures, 416 N. Indiana Ave., Bloomington, IN', u'imageCampus': u'BL', u'summary': u'EXHIBIT: "Thoughts, Things, and Theories...What Is Culture?"', u'recurs': True, u'id': u'10124630'}
{u'groupEvent': True, u'allDay': False, u'description': u'\r\n\tNew Acquisitions: African American Art\r\n\r\n\tA group of local community, university, and business leaders, headed by Donald Griffin, Jr., broker/owner of Griffin Realty, has formed a coalition to help the IU Art Museum build its collection of works by African American artists. These first acquisitions of what is hoped will become an annual endeavo', u'startDate': u'10:00am', u'calendarName': None, u'recurDateUtc': 1464804000000, u'imageId': None, u'privateAndViewing': False, u'imageEventId': None, u'going': False, u'location': u'Art Museum', u'imageCampus': u'BL', u'summary': u'New in the Galleries', u'recurs': True, u'id': u'13164911'}
{u'groupEvent': True, u'allDay': False, u'description': u'\r\n\tDavid Konisky\r\n\t\r\n\tExtreme Weather Exposure and Support for Climate Change Adaptation\r\n', u'startDate': u'12:00pm', u'calendarName': None, u'recurDateUtc': None, u'imageId': None, u'privateAndViewing': False, u'imageEventId': None, u'going': False, u'location': u'', u'imageCampus': u'BL', u'summary': u'PAPF and G&M Summer Research Workshop', u'recurs': False, u'id': u'13164381'}
Summer 2016: Withdrawal with Grade of W or F for First Six Week classes
Exhibit: Student Reform Movements at IU
EXHIBIT: "Indiana Folk Arts: 200 Years of Tradition and Innovation"
EXHIBIT: "Stirring the Pot: Bringing the Wanamakers Home"
EXHIBIT:  "Cherokee Craft, 1973"
EXHIBIT: "Tools of Travel"
EXHIBIT: "Thoughts, Things, and Theories...What Is Culture?"
New in the Galleries
PAPF and G&M Summer Research Workshop
