
SyntaxError:EOL在扫描字符串文字Python计算器时,python,python-3.x,Python,Python 3.x,这是我用Python 3.3.0编写的计算器 这是我的节目 import random import math a=int(input('Please enter your first number!: ')) x=int(input('Please enter your second number!: ')) menu='So what do you want me to do with these numbers? (Ps. Only put in the number)\n\ 1.

这是我用Python 3.3.0编写的计算器 这是我的节目

import random
import math
a=int(input('Please enter your first number!: '))
x=int(input('Please enter your second number!: '))
menu='So what do you want me to do with these numbers? (Ps. Only put in the number)\n\
    1. Do you want me to add the numbers together?\n\
    2. Do you want me to subtract the numbers?\n\
    3. Do you want me to multipy the numbers?\n\
    4. Do you want me to divide the numbers?\n\
    5. Do you want me to square the numbers?\n\
    6. Do you want me to put one number to the power of the other?\n\
    7. Do you want me to square root both numbers?\n\
    8. Nothing but quit!\n\'
if y==1:
    print(str(a)+' + '+str(x)+' = '+str(a+x))
elif y==2:
    c=int(input('Which number will you subract from? 1. '+str(a)+' or 2. '+str(x)+'? (Remember only put 1 or 2) '))
    if c==1:
        print(str(a)+' - '+str(x)+' = '+str(a-x))
    elif c==2:
        print(str(x)+' - '+str(a)+' = '+str(x-a))
elif y==3:
    print(str(a)+' x '+str(x)+' = '+str(a*x))
elif y==4:
    d=int(input('Which number will you divide from? 1. '+str(a)+' or 2. '+str(x)+'? (Remember only put 1 or 2) '))
    if d==1:
        print(str(a)+' ÷ '+str(x)+' = '+str(a/x))
    elif d==2:
        print(str(x)+' ÷ '+str(a)+' = '+str(x-a))
elif y==5:
    b=int(input('Which number do you want to square? 1. '+str(a)+' or 2. '+str(x)+'? (Remember only put 1 or 2) '))
    if b==1:
        print(str(a)+' x '+str(a)+' = '+str(a*a))
    elif b==2:
        print(str(x)+' x '+str(x)+' = '+str(x*x))
elif y==6:
    e=int(input('Which number do you want to put the power to? 1. '+str(a)+' or 2. '+str(x)+'? (Remember only put 1 or 2) '))
    if e==1:
        print(str(a)+' to the power of '+str(x)+' = '+str(a**x))
    elif e==2:
        print(str(x)+' to the power of '+str(a)+' = '+str(x**a))
elif y==7:
    f=int(input('Which number do you want to square root? 1. '+str(a)+' or 2. '+str(x)+' or 3. Both or 4. Pick random? (Remember only put 1, 2, 3 or 4) '))
    if f==1:
        print('The square root of '+str(a)+' is '+sqrt(a))
    elif f==2:
        print('The square root of '+str(x)+' is '+sqrt(x))
    elif f==3:
        print('The square root of '+str(a)+' is '+sqrt(a)+' and the square root of '+str(x)+' is '+sqrt(x))
    elif f==4:
        print('Let me see! I pick...')
        if g==1:
            print('The square root of '+str(a)+' is '+sqrt(a))
        elif g==2:
            print('The square root of '+str(x)+' is '+sqrt(x))
        elif g==3:
            print('The square root of '+str(a)+' is '+sqrt(a)+' and the square root of '+str(x)+' is '+sqrt(x))
elif y==8:
elif y==69:
    print('Very mature!')
    print('No command selected. Self destruction in T-10 seconds. 10... 9... 8... 7... 6... 5... 4... 3... 2... 1... 0... BOOM!')



    8. Nothing but quit!\n\'


  File "", line 13
    8. Nothing but quit!\n\'
SyntaxError: EOL while scanning string literal


正如Jakob Bowyer所指出的,SO语法高亮显示程序实际上发现了同样的问题,例如,请注意第14行(

