Python py2neo中未处理的异常:类型错误

Python py2neo中未处理的异常:类型错误,python,py2neo,Python,Py2neo,我正在编写一个应用程序,其目的是从日志数据集创建一个图形。数据集是一个xml文件,它被解析以提取叶数据。使用这个列表,我编写了一个py2neo脚本来创建图形。该文件已附加到此邮件。 在处理脚本时引发了一个异常: 已调试的程序引发了未经处理的异常TypeError 1676{提图洛:重新检查是否存在类似的问题} 文件:/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/py2neo-1.5.1-py2.7.egg/py2neo/,行:472 我不知道怎么处理这件事。我

我正在编写一个应用程序,其目的是从日志数据集创建一个图形。数据集是一个xml文件,它被解析以提取叶数据。使用这个列表,我编写了一个py2neo脚本来创建图形。该文件已附加到此邮件。 在处理脚本时引发了一个异常:

已调试的程序引发了未经处理的异常TypeError 1676{提图洛:重新检查是否存在类似的问题} 文件:/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/py2neo-1.5.1-py2.7.egg/py2neo/,行:472



代码如下: +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ' !/usr/bin/env python

` 引发异常的py2neo片段

    def get_or_create_relationships(self, *abstracts):
    """ Fetch or create relationships with the specified criteria depending
    on whether or not such relationships exist. Each relationship
    descriptor should be a tuple of (start, type, end) or (start, type,
    end, data) where start and end are either existing :py:class:`Node`
    instances or :py:const:`None` (both nodes cannot be :py:const:`None`).

    Uses Cypher `CREATE UNIQUE` clause, raising
    :py:class:`NotImplementedError` if server support not available.

    .. deprecated:: 1.5
        use either :py:func:`WriteBatch.get_or_create_relationship` or
        :py:func:`Path.get_or_create` instead.
    batch = WriteBatch(self)
    for abstract in abstracts:
        if 3 <= len(abstract) <= 4:
            raise TypeError(abstract) # this is the 472 line.
        return batch.submit()
    except cypher.CypherError:
        raise NotImplementedError(
            "The Neo4j server at <{0}> does not support " \
            "Cypher CREATE UNIQUE clauses or the query contains " \
            "an unsupported property type".format(self.__uri__)

多亏了奈杰尔·斯莫尔,我已经修好了。我在写关于建立关系的文章时犯了一个错误。我键入: publicacao=graph\u db.get\u或\u create\u relationshipstitulo\u节点[i]、publicado\u em、dataPub\u节点[i]


publicacao=graph\u db.get\u或\u create\u relationshipstitulo\u节点[i]、publicado\u em、dataPub\u节点[i]

顺便说一下,还有另一个编码错误: 关键字\u节点.appendkeyword\u索引.get\u或\u createkeyword,pedacos[i][3][k] 必须是

    def get_or_create_relationships(self, *abstracts):
    """ Fetch or create relationships with the specified criteria depending
    on whether or not such relationships exist. Each relationship
    descriptor should be a tuple of (start, type, end) or (start, type,
    end, data) where start and end are either existing :py:class:`Node`
    instances or :py:const:`None` (both nodes cannot be :py:const:`None`).

    Uses Cypher `CREATE UNIQUE` clause, raising
    :py:class:`NotImplementedError` if server support not available.

    .. deprecated:: 1.5
        use either :py:func:`WriteBatch.get_or_create_relationship` or
        :py:func:`Path.get_or_create` instead.
    batch = WriteBatch(self)
    for abstract in abstracts:
        if 3 <= len(abstract) <= 4:
            raise TypeError(abstract) # this is the 472 line.
        return batch.submit()
    except cypher.CypherError:
        raise NotImplementedError(
            "The Neo4j server at <{0}> does not support " \
            "Cypher CREATE UNIQUE clauses or the query contains " \
            "an unsupported property type".format(self.__uri__)