
Python提示计算器错误,python,Python,下面的代码应该可以顺利运行,但由于某种原因,终端告诉我它有问题。我的问题在下面 print 'Welcome to Cash Calculator!' cash = input('How much was the original price of the services or goods you paid for, excluding vat?') tip = input('How much more, as a percentage, would you like to give as


print 'Welcome to Cash Calculator!'

cash = input('How much was the original price of the services or goods you paid for, excluding vat?')
tip = input('How much more, as a percentage, would you like to give as a tip?')

tip = tip/100

print tip

vat = 1.2

cash_vat = cash * vat

can = (cash_vat + ((tip/100) * cash_vat))

can = cash_vat + tip * cash_vat

print """
Thank you for your co-operation.
The price excluding the tip is %r,
and the total price is %d.
"""  % (cash_vat, can)

Welcome to Cash Calculator!
How much was the original price of the services or goods you paid for, excluding vat?100
How much more, as a percentage, would you like to give as a tip?10

Thank you for your co-operation.
The price excluding the tip is 120.0,
and the total price is 120.


# if tip = 10
tip = 10/100



tip = float(10) / 100 # returns 0.1

tip = float(10) / 100 # returns 0.1