
带递归的Tic-Tac-Toe(Python),python,recursion,tic-tac-toe,Python,Recursion,Tic Tac Toe,我不知道如何将这些功能结合在一起,形成一个硬AI,在这个AI中,它永远不会失败。我应该以某种形式使用递归,这些函数名和契约是预先编写的,我填写了实际的定义。过了很久,我在谷歌上找不到任何相关信息。伙计们,有什么想法吗 """ State S2 is a *successor* of state S1 if S2 can be the the next state after S1 in a legal game of tic tac toe. safe: state -> Bool



State S2 is a *successor* of state S1 if S2 can be the the
next state after S1 in a legal game of tic tac toe.

safe: state -> Bool
successor: state x state -> Bool

1. If S is over, then S is safe if 'x' does not have 3 in a row in S.
2. If it is o's move in S, then S is safe iff at least one successor of S is safe.
3. If it is x's move in S, then S is safe iff all successors of S are safe.

A *stateList* is a list of states. 

# safe: state-> Bool
# A state S is *safe* if player 'o' can force a win or tie from S.

def safe(S):
    if over(S): return not threeInRow('x',S)
    if turn(S)=='o': return someSafeSuccessor(S)
    if turn(S)=='x': return allSafeSuccessors(S)

def threeInRow(p,S):
    if p == 'x':
        if all(t in S[0] for t in (1,2,3)):
            return True
        elif all(t in S[0] for t in (4,5,6)):
            return True
        elif all(t in S[0] for t in (7,8,9)):
            return True
        elif all(t in S[0] for t in (1,4,7)):
            return True
        elif all(t in S[0] for t in (2,5,8)):
            return True
        elif all(t in S[0] for t in (3,6,9)):
            return True
        elif all(t in S[0] for t in (1,5,9)):
            return True
        elif all(t in S[0] for t in (3,5,7)):
            return True
        if all(t in S[1] for t in (1,2,3)):
            return True
        elif all(t in S[1] for t in (4,5,6)):
            return True
        elif all(t in S[1] for t in (7,8,9)):
            return True
        elif all(t in S[1] for t in (1,4,7)):
            return True
        elif all(t in S[1] for t in (2,5,8)):
            return True
        elif all(t in S[1] for t in (3,6,9)):
            return True
        elif all(t in S[1] for t in (1,5,9)):
            return True
        elif all(t in S[1] for t in (3,5,7)):
            return True

# someSafeSuccessor: state -> Bool
# If S is a state, someSafeSuccessor(S) means that S has
# at least one safe successor.

def someSafeSuccessor(S):
    flag = False
    # flag means we have found a safe successor
    for x in successors(S):
        if safe(x): flag = True
    return flag

# allSafeSuccessors: state -> Bool
# If S is a state, allSafeSuccessors(S) means that every
# successor of S is safe.
def allSafeSuccessors(S):
  flag = True
  for x in successors(S):
    if not safe(x): flag = False
  return flag    

# successors: state -> stateList
# successors(S) is a list whose members are all of the successors of S.
def successors(S):
  for i in range(1,10):
    if empty(i,S):
  return stateList




