Warning: file_get_contents(/data/phpspider/zhask/data//catemap/2/tensorflow/5.json): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /data/phpspider/zhask/libs/function.php on line 167

Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /data/phpspider/zhask/libs/tag.function.php on line 1116

Notice: Undefined index: in /data/phpspider/zhask/libs/function.php on line 180

Warning: array_chunk() expects parameter 1 to be array, null given in /data/phpspider/zhask/libs/function.php on line 181
Python 搜索引擎-通过加权机制对输出进行排序_Python_Tensorflow_<img Src="//i.stack.imgur.com/RUiNP.png" Height="16" Width="18" Alt="" Class="sponsor Tag Img">elasticsearch_Word Embedding_Sentence Similarity - Fatal编程技术网 elasticsearch,word-embedding,sentence-similarity,Python,Tensorflow,elasticsearch,Word Embedding,Sentence Similarity" /> elasticsearch,word-embedding,sentence-similarity,Python,Tensorflow,elasticsearch,Word Embedding,Sentence Similarity" />

Python 搜索引擎-通过加权机制对输出进行排序

Python 搜索引擎-通过加权机制对输出进行排序,python,tensorflow,elasticsearch,word-embedding,sentence-similarity,Python,Tensorflow,elasticsearch,Word Embedding,Sentence Similarity,我正在尝试使用Elastic 7.7.0和Universal Sequence Encoder(USE4)单词嵌入构建一个语义搜索常见问题解答系统,到目前为止,我已经为一组问题和答案编制了索引,我可以进行搜索。每当有输入时,我会进行2次搜索: 基于索引数据的弹性搜索 使用USE4嵌入进行语义搜索 现在我想将两者结合起来,以提供健壮的输出,因为有时结果与这些单独的算法不同。关于如何将它们结合起来,有什么好的建议吗?使用加权机制为语义搜索赋予更多权重,和/或能够再次匹配它们。问题是我怎样才能两者兼得

我正在尝试使用Elastic 7.7.0和Universal Sequence Encoder(USE4)单词嵌入构建一个语义搜索常见问题解答系统,到目前为止,我已经为一组问题和答案编制了索引,我可以进行搜索。每当有输入时,我会进行2次搜索:

  • 基于索引数据的弹性搜索
  • 使用USE4嵌入进行语义搜索
  • 现在我想将两者结合起来,以提供健壮的输出,因为有时结果与这些单独的算法不同。关于如何将它们结合起来,有什么好的建议吗?使用加权机制为语义搜索赋予更多权重,和/或能够再次匹配它们。问题是我怎样才能两者兼得。请告知

    import time
    import sys
    from elasticsearch import Elasticsearch
    from elasticsearch.helpers import bulk
    import csv
    import tensorflow as tf
    import tensorflow_hub as hub
    def connect2ES():
        # connect to ES on localhost on port 9200
        es = Elasticsearch([{'host': 'localhost', 'port': 9200}])
        if es.ping():
                print('Connected to ES!')
                print('Could not connect!')
        return es
    def keywordSearch(es, q):
        #Search by Keywords
        res= es.search(index='questions-index_quora2',body=b)
        print("Keyword Search:\n")
        for hit in res['hits']['hits']:
            print(str(hit['_score']) + "\t" + hit['_source']['title'] )
    # Search by Vec Similarity
    def sentenceSimilaritybyNN(embed, es, sent):
        query_vector = tf.make_ndarray(tf.make_tensor_proto(embed([sent]))).tolist()[0]
        b = {"query" : {
                    "script_score" : {
                        "query" : {
                            "match_all": {}
                        "script" : {
                            "source": "cosineSimilarity(params.query_vector, 'title_vector') + 1.0",
                            "params": {"query_vector": query_vector}
        res= es.search(index='questions-index_quora2',body=b)
        print("Semantic Similarity Search:\n")
        for hit in res['hits']['hits']:
            print(str(hit['_score']) + "\t" + hit['_source']['title'] )
    if __name__=="__main__":
        es = connect2ES();
        embed = hub.load("./data/USE4/") #this is where my USE4 Model is saved.
            query=input("Enter a Query:");
            start = time.time()
            if query=="END":
            print("Query: " +query)
            keywordSearch(es, query)
            sentenceSimilaritybyNN(embed, es, query)
            end = time.time()
            print(end - start)

    Enter a Query:what can i watch this weekend
    Query: what can i watch this weekend
    Keyword Search:
    9.6698  Where can I watch gonulcelen with english subtitles?
    7.114256    What are some good movies to watch?
    6.3105774   What kind of animal did this?
    6.2754908   What are some must watch TV shows before you die?
    6.0294256   What is the painting on this image?
    6.0294256   What the meaning of this all life?
    6.0294256   What are your comments on this picture?
    5.9638205   Which is better GTA5 or Watch Dogs?
    5.9269657   Can somebody explain to me how to do this problem with steps?
    Semantic Similarity Search:
    1.6078881   What are some good movies to watch?
    1.5065247   What are some must watch TV shows before you die?
    1.502714    What are some movies that everyone needs to watch at least once in life?
    1.4787409   Where can I watch gonulcelen with english subtitles?
    1.4713362   What are the best things to do on Halloween?
    1.4669418   Which are the best movies of 2016?
    1.4554278   What are some interesting things to do when bored?
    1.4307204   How can I improve my skills?
    1.4261798   What are the best films that take place in one room?
    1.4175651   What are the best things to learn in life?

