
当持有两个整数骰子时,Python偶然出现列表索引错误,python,python-3.x,Python,Python 3.x,当我选择持有两个骰子时,它并不总是遵循脚本。它发生在大约第50行。有时它甚至不打印列表。 (作为旁注——如果有人能简化代码,我们将不胜感激。) 任何人都能为这个问题提供解决方案和理由吗。 (脚本如下) 似乎您最好阅读一下列表和随机模块提供的内容 下面是生成一轮Yatzy的建议简单解决方案 注意:该解决方案使用格式化字符串文本,因此需要Python3.6或更高版本 #! /usr/bin/env python3 import sys import random greeting = """We

当我选择持有两个骰子时,它并不总是遵循脚本。它发生在大约第50行。有时它甚至不打印列表。 (作为旁注——如果有人能简化代码,我们将不胜感激。) 任何人都能为这个问题提供解决方案和理由吗。 (脚本如下)




#! /usr/bin/env python3

import sys
import random

greeting = """Welcome to Yatzy

Where there are closed questions answer lower case with 'y' or n'

When asked which dice to hold answer with a list of dice separated by

At most 3 rounds per turn.  Between each turn decide what numbers to
keep before rolling again.

Please be aware that this a variation of the traditional game. Should
you hold a number- you cannot 'unhold' it. It has been added to your
final roll for the round.

Do not be tempted to hold onto a number you haven't rolled - this will
not work and won't be added to your final score.

# Assume we have N dice.  There are 3 rounds per turn and between
# rounds the player chooses r numbers to keep.  The next round will
# then have N - r dice to roll.  After each turn the kept dice
# collection is displayed.
# The turn stops when 3 rounds have been played or when there are no
# more dice to roll or when the player decides to stop.

def play_one_turn(dice=5, turns=3):
    keep = []
    msg = "Dice to hold: "
    while turns and dice:
        turns -= 1
        print(f"Kept: {keep}")
        play = random.choices(range(1, 7), k=dice)
        print(f"Throw --> {play}")

        for h in map(int, input(msg).split()):
            if h in play:
                dice -= 1

        ask = "Another round? (yes/no) "
        if not input(ask).strip().upper().startswith('Y'):
    return keep

if __name__ == "__main__":
    score = play_one_turn()
    print(f"Play result {score}")

#! /usr/bin/env python3

import sys
import random

greeting = """Welcome to Yatzy

Where there are closed questions answer lower case with 'y' or n'

When asked which dice to hold answer with a list of dice separated by

At most 3 rounds per turn.  Between each turn decide what numbers to
keep before rolling again.

Please be aware that this a variation of the traditional game. Should
you hold a number- you cannot 'unhold' it. It has been added to your
final roll for the round.

Do not be tempted to hold onto a number you haven't rolled - this will
not work and won't be added to your final score.

# Assume we have N dice.  There are 3 rounds per turn and between
# rounds the player chooses r numbers to keep.  The next round will
# then have N - r dice to roll.  After each turn the kept dice
# collection is displayed.
# The turn stops when 3 rounds have been played or when there are no
# more dice to roll or when the player decides to stop.

def play_one_turn(dice=5, turns=3):
    keep = []
    msg = "Dice to hold: "
    while turns and dice:
        turns -= 1
        print(f"Kept: {keep}")
        play = random.choices(range(1, 7), k=dice)
        print(f"Throw --> {play}")

        for h in map(int, input(msg).split()):
            if h in play:
                dice -= 1

        ask = "Another round? (yes/no) "
        if not input(ask).strip().upper().startswith('Y'):
    return keep

if __name__ == "__main__":
    score = play_one_turn()
    print(f"Play result {score}")