
在python中从多个列表生成单个文件,python,Python,如何从三个列表(年份、动物和销售额)中编写文本文件(outfile.txt) outfile.txt应该如下所示: animals years_2009 years_2010 horse 2 4 cat 300 9 dog 700 55 cow 50 69 pig 45 88 这将处理年份可变的情况 Python 2.7: import itertools with open('outfile.txt', 'w') as outfile: outfile.write('animals



animals years_2009 years_2010 
horse 2 4
cat 300 9
dog 700 55
cow 50 69
pig 45 88


Python 2.7:

import itertools
with open('outfile.txt', 'w') as outfile:
    outfile.write('animals ' + ' '.join('years_' + y for y in years) + '\n')
    for data in itertools.izip(years, animals, *sales):
        outfile.write(' '.join(data)+'\n)
Python 3.*:

with open('outfile.txt', 'w') as outfile:
    print('animals', *('years_' + y for y in years), file=outfile)
    for data in zip(animals, *sales):
        print(*data, file=outfile)

animals years_2009 years_2010
horse 2 4
cat 300 9
dog 700 55
cow 50 69
pig 45 88


s = ['2009', '2010']
animals = ['horse', 'cat', 'dog', 'cow', 'pig']
sales = [[2, 300, 700, 50, 45], [4, 9, 55, 69, 88]]

sales_09, sales_10 = sales

with open("animals.txt", 'w') as w:

    w.write("{0:^10}{1:^10}{1:1^0}\n".format("Animal", s[0], s[1]))
    for animal, nine, ten in zip(animals, sales_09, sales_10):
        w.write("{0:^10}{1:^10}{2:^10}\n".format(animal, nine, ten))

  Animal     2009   2010
  horse       2         4     
   cat       300        9     
   dog       700        55    
   cow        50        69    
   pig        45        88    

s = ['2009', '2010']
animals = ['horse', 'cat', 'dog', 'cow', 'pig']
sales = [[2, 300, 700, 50, 45], [4, 9, 55, 69, 88]]

sales_09, sales_10 = sales

with open("animals.txt", 'w') as w:

    w.write("{0:^10}{1:^10}{1:1^0}\n".format("Animal", s[0], s[1]))
    for animal, nine, ten in zip(animals, sales_09, sales_10):
        w.write("{0:^10}{1:^10}{2:^10}\n".format(animal, nine, ten))
  Animal     2009   2010
  horse       2         4     
   cat       300        9     
   dog       700        55    
   cow        50        69    
   pig        45        88