Python 上载时替换现有文件

Python 上载时替换现有文件,python,boxsdk,Python,Boxsdk,我正在尝试使用以下代码将文件上载到框中的文件夹中: folder_id = '22222' new_file = client.folder(folder_id).upload('/home/me/document.pdf') print('File "{0}" uploaded to Box with file ID {1}'.format(, 此代码不会替换box文件夹中现有的document.pdf,而是保留文件的


folder_id = '22222'
new_file = client.folder(folder_id).upload('/home/me/document.pdf')
print('File "{0}" uploaded to Box with file ID {1}'.format(,


它不会替换它,因为每次上载新文件时,它都会为其分配一个新id,因此旧文件将永远不会被替换。 这是我在官方文件中发现的。 试着给它起个名字,然后再试试

Upload a file to the folder. The contents are taken from the given file path, and it will have the given name. If file_name is not specified, the uploaded file will take its name from file_path.

file_path (unicode) – The file path of the file to upload to Box.
file_name (unicode) – The name to give the file on Box. If None, then use the leaf name of file_path
preflight_check (bool) – If specified, preflight check will be performed before actually uploading the file.
preflight_expected_size (int) – The size of the file to be uploaded in bytes, which is used for preflight check. The default value is ‘0’, which means the file size is unknown.
upload_using_accelerator (bool) –
If specified, the upload will try to use Box Accelerator to speed up the uploads for big files. It will make an extra API call before the actual upload to get the Accelerator upload url, and then make a POST request to that url instead of the default Box upload url. It falls back to normal upload endpoint, if cannot get the Accelerator upload url.

Please notice that this is a premium feature, which might not be available to your app.

The newly uploaded file.

Return type:    

它不会替换它,因为每次上载新文件时,它都会为其分配一个新id,因此旧文件将永远不会被替换。 这是我在官方文件中发现的。 试着给它起个名字,然后再试试

Upload a file to the folder. The contents are taken from the given file path, and it will have the given name. If file_name is not specified, the uploaded file will take its name from file_path.

file_path (unicode) – The file path of the file to upload to Box.
file_name (unicode) – The name to give the file on Box. If None, then use the leaf name of file_path
preflight_check (bool) – If specified, preflight check will be performed before actually uploading the file.
preflight_expected_size (int) – The size of the file to be uploaded in bytes, which is used for preflight check. The default value is ‘0’, which means the file size is unknown.
upload_using_accelerator (bool) –
If specified, the upload will try to use Box Accelerator to speed up the uploads for big files. It will make an extra API call before the actual upload to get the Accelerator upload url, and then make a POST request to that url instead of the default Box upload url. It falls back to normal upload endpoint, if cannot get the Accelerator upload url.

Please notice that this is a premium feature, which might not be available to your app.

The newly uploaded file.

Return type:    


folder_id = '22222'
file_path = '/home/me/document.pdf'

results ='document', limit=1, ancestor_folder_ids=[folder_id], type='file', file_extensions=['pdf'])    
file_id = None
for item in results:
    file_id =

if file_id:
    updated_file = client.file(file_id).update_contents(file_path)
    print('File "{0}" has been updated'.format(
    new_file = client.folder(folder_id).upload(file_path)
    print('File "{0}" uploaded to Box with file ID {1}'.format(,


folder_id = '22222'
file_path = '/home/me/document.pdf'

results ='document', limit=1, ancestor_folder_ids=[folder_id], type='file', file_extensions=['pdf'])    
file_id = None
for item in results:
    file_id =

if file_id:
    updated_file = client.file(file_id).update_contents(file_path)
    print('File "{0}" has been updated'.format(
    new_file = client.folder(folder_id).upload(file_path)
    print('File "{0}" uploaded to Box with file ID {1}'.format(,
