Python 计算特定行的几何平均回报率

Python 计算特定行的几何平均回报率,python,pandas,Python,Pandas,我有一个这样的数据帧 Date price mid std top btm .............. 1999-07-21 8.6912 8.504580 0.084923 9.674425 8.334735 1999-07-22 8.6978 8.508515 0.092034 8.692583 8.324447 1999-07-


       Date       price     mid      std         top             btm
    1999-07-21  8.6912  8.504580    0.084923    9.674425    8.334735
    1999-07-22  8.6978  8.508515    0.092034    8.692583    8.324447
    1999-07-23  8.8127  8.524605    0.118186    10.760976   8.288234
    1999-07-24  8.8779  8.688810    0.091124    8.871057    8.506563
我想创建一个名为“diff”的新列。 如果在一行中,'price'>'top',那么我想用这行价格的几何平均回报率和前一行n-5的价格来填充这行的'diff'。5天几何平均数



与for set NaNs一起使用:



df['Date'] = pd.to_datetime(df['Date'])
df = df.set_index('Date')

from scipy.stats.mstats import gmean

df['gmean'] = (df['price'].rolling('5d')
                          .apply(gmean, raw=True)
                          .where(df['price'] > df['top']))
print (df)
             price       mid       std        top       btm     gmean
1999-07-21  8.6912  8.504580  0.084923   9.674425  8.334735       NaN
1999-07-22  8.6978  8.508515  0.092034   8.692583  8.324447  8.694499
1999-07-23  8.8127  8.524605  0.118186  10.760976  8.288234       NaN
1999-07-24  8.8779  8.688810  0.091124   8.871057  8.506563  8.769546


import pandas as pd
from functools import reduce

__name__ = 'RunScript'

ddict = {

data = pd.DataFrame(ddict)

def geo_mean(iter):
        Geometric mean function. Pass iterable
    return reduce(lambda a, b: a * b, iter) ** (1.0 / len(iter))

def set_geo_mean(df):
    # Shift the price row down one period
    data['shifted price'] = data['price'].shift(periods=1)

    # Create a masked expression that evaluates price vs top
    masked_expression = df['price'] > df['top']

    # Return rows from dataframe where masked expression is true
    masked_data = df[masked_expression]

    # Apply our function to the relevant rows
    df.loc[masked_expression, 'geo_mean'] = geo_mean([masked_data['price'], masked_data['shifted price']])

    # Drop the shifted price data column once complete
    df.drop('shifted price', axis=1, inplace=True)

if __name__ == 'RunScript':
    # Call function and pass dataframe argument.

import pandas as pd
import numpy as np

df = pd.DataFrame(...)

df['diff'] = df['price'] - df['top']

df.loc[df['diff'] <= 0, 'diff'] = np.NaN # or 0
import pandas as pd
from functools import reduce

__name__ = 'RunScript'

ddict = {

data = pd.DataFrame(ddict)

def geo_mean(iter):
        Geometric mean function. Pass iterable
    return reduce(lambda a, b: a * b, iter) ** (1.0 / len(iter))

def set_geo_mean(df):
    # Shift the price row down one period
    data['shifted price'] = data['price'].shift(periods=1)

    # Create a masked expression that evaluates price vs top
    masked_expression = df['price'] > df['top']

    # Return rows from dataframe where masked expression is true
    masked_data = df[masked_expression]

    # Apply our function to the relevant rows
    df.loc[masked_expression, 'geo_mean'] = geo_mean([masked_data['price'], masked_data['shifted price']])

    # Drop the shifted price data column once complete
    df.drop('shifted price', axis=1, inplace=True)

if __name__ == 'RunScript':
    # Call function and pass dataframe argument.