Python 电报机器人可以';t向该组发送相同的消息

Python 电报机器人可以';t向该组发送相同的消息,python,telegram,Python,Telegram,我制作了一个脚本,将从NASA API获取的一些信息通过电报发送给一个小组。我制作了一个机器人,我只能发送一次消息。我不能再发同样的信息了。在代码中,我创建了临时变量k,如果我更改字符串,它将被发送。我的主消息bot只发送了一次,现在不发送了。 有人的建议吗 import json import requests import requests_cache import schedule from mars_api import NASA_API_KEY as nasa_key from ma

我制作了一个脚本,将从NASA API获取的一些信息通过电报发送给一个小组。我制作了一个机器人,我只能发送一次消息。我不能再发同样的信息了。在代码中,我创建了临时变量
,如果我更改字符串,它将被发送。我的主消息bot只发送了一次,现在不发送了。 有人的建议吗

import json
import requests
import requests_cache
import schedule

from mars_api import NASA_API_KEY as nasa_key
from mars_api import BOT_TOKEN as bot_token
from mars_api import bot_chatID

# from mars_api import TELEGRAM_API_KEY as telegram_key


class MarsDataLoader:

    def __init__(self,nasa_key):

        self.nasa_key = nasa_key
        data_from_nasa_api = requests.get(f'{nasa_key}&feedtype=json&ver=1.0')
        content = data_from_nasa_api.json()
        self.content = content 

class DayAtMars(MarsDataLoader):

    def __init__(self, content): = content['sol_keys'][0]
        self.temperature_on_mars = content[]['AT']['av']
        self.speed_of_wind_on_mars = content[]['HWS']['av']
        self.pressure_on_mars = content[]['PRE']['av']

    def create_weather_on_mars_information(self,):
        massage =f'''Goood morning! Today is going to be sunny day on Elysium Platinia. There will be no clouds. 
        Temperature outside: {self.temperature_on_mars}, light wind with {self.speed_of_wind_on_mars} m/s. Air pressure is {self.pressure_on_mars} Pa. 
        Unfortunately there is still no chance to survive outside on Mars. So brace yourself 
        and prepare for another beautifull day on Earth. In case you ARE on Mars... so sunny 
        weather but still you are in a deep shit if you are outside without a spacesuit on.'''
        return massage

k = 'harrrrry'

def telegram_send_text_massage(massage, bot_token, bot_chatID):

    send_text = '' + bot_token + '/sendMessage?chat_id=' + bot_chatID + '&parse_mode=Markdown&text=' + massage

    response = requests.get(send_text)

    return response.json()

if __name__ == '__main__':
    data_from_nasa_api = MarsDataLoader(nasa_key)
    day_at_mars = DayAtMars(data_from_nasa_api.content)
    current_condition_on_mars = day_at_mars.create_weather_on_mars_information()

