Python 找出一个句子是否有另一个句子的起始词或同一个句子的结束词

Python 找出一个句子是否有另一个句子的起始词或同一个句子的结束词,python,Python,例如,我有一组这样的句子: New York is in New York State D.C. is the capital of United States The weather is cool in the south of that country. Lets take a bus to get to point b from point a. is cool in the south of that country 还有这样一句话: New York is in New York


New York is in New York State
D.C. is the capital of United States
The weather is cool in the south of that country.
Lets take a bus to get to point b from point a.
is cool in the south of that country

New York is in New York State
D.C. is the capital of United States
The weather is cool in the south of that country.
Lets take a bus to get to point b from point a.
is cool in the south of that country


D.C. is the capital of United States The weather is cool in the south of that country.



sentences="""New York is in New York State
D.C. is the capital of United States
The weather is cool in the south of that country
Lets take a bus to get to point b from point a""".split("\n")

ends   =  { tuple(sWords[i:]):sWords[:i] for s in sentences
               for sWords in [s.split()] for i in range(len(sWords)) }
starts  = { tuple(sWords[:i]):sWords[i:] for s in sentences
               for sWords in [s.split()] for i in range(1,len(sWords)+1) }

def extendSentence(sentence):
    sWords   = sentence.split(" ")
    prefix   = next( (ends[p] for i in range(1,len(sWords)+1)
                      for p in [tuple(sWords[:i])] if p in ends),
    suffix   = next( (starts[p] for i in range(len(sWords))
                      for p in [tuple(sWords[i:])] if p in starts),
    return " ".join(prefix + [sentence] + suffix)

print(extendSentence("of United States The weather is cool"))

# D.C. is the capital of United States The weather is cool in the south of that country

print(extendSentence("is cool in the south of that country"))

# The weather is cool in the south of that country
