R 带约束的一致分裂序列

R 带约束的一致分裂序列,r,algorithm,R,Algorithm,我希望(大致)具有包含/排除约束的一致分割序列。我在R中寻找这样的函数(因此,在R中描述),但它认为这也是一个很好的算法问题:) 以下设置描述了该问题 ## size n = 5 # length of a sequence m = 3 # number of groups ## constraints # inclusion constraints # same index (for example, first two elements) must be in a same group.



## size
n = 5 # length of a sequence
m = 3 # number of groups

## constraints
# inclusion constraints
# same index (for example, first two elements) must be in a same group.
ic = c(1,1,2,3,4)
# exclusion constraints
# same index (for example, last two elements) must not be in a same group.
ec = c(1,2,3,4,4)

## run
g = uniform_split(n, m, ic, ec) # the function I am looking for!

# possible g when m = 3:
g = c(1,1,2,2,3) # most preferred
g = c(1,1,3,2,3) # most preferred
g = c(1,1,1,2,3) # satisfies constraints, but less balanced.

# possible g when m = 2:
g = c(1,1,2,1,2) # most preferred
g = c(1,1,2,2,1) # most preferred
g = c(1,1,1,1,2) # satisfies constraints, less balanced
g = c(1,1,1,2,1) # satisfies constraints, less balanced


## size
n = 5 # length of a sequence
m = 3 # number of groups

## constraints
# inclusion constraints
# same index (for example, first two elements) must be in a same group.
ic = c(1,1,2,3,4)
# exclusion constraints
# same index (for example, last two elements) must not be in a same group.
ec = c(1,2,3,4,4)

## run
g = uniform_split(n, m, ic, ec) # the function I am looking for!

# possible g when m = 3:
g = c(1,1,2,2,3) # most preferred
g = c(1,1,3,2,3) # most preferred
g = c(1,1,1,2,3) # satisfies constraints, but less balanced.

# possible g when m = 2:
g = c(1,1,2,1,2) # most preferred
g = c(1,1,2,2,1) # most preferred
g = c(1,1,1,1,2) # satisfies constraints, less balanced
g = c(1,1,1,2,1) # satisfies constraints, less balanced

  • m在合并必须合并在一起的项(并添加它们的权重)之后,该问题是一个分区问题,该分区中存在关于项的一些边约束。由于分区通常是NP难的,我将首先尝试一种贪婪策略,该策略依次考虑不能共存的最大项目组,并将它们打包到负载最少的分区中(最重到最小、第二重到第二轻,等等)。先做“困难”组(先做最大总重量)。如果R有一个合适的优先级队列,那么这应该足够快
