R 主成分回归中“成分”的含义是什么?

R 主成分回归中“成分”的含义是什么?,r,pca,R,Pca,我正在学习主成分回归,我不理解PCR方法得到的结果。我使用PCR的目的是减少预测因子的数量 例如: library(caret) # Load the data data("Boston", package = "MASS") # Split the data into training and test set set.seed(123) training.samples <- Boston$medv %>% createDataPartition(p = 0.8, list



# Load the data
data("Boston", package = "MASS")
# Split the data into training and test set
training.samples <- Boston$medv %>%
  createDataPartition(p = 0.8, list = FALSE)
train.data  <- Boston[training.samples, ]
test.data <- Boston[-training.samples, ]
# Build the model on training set
model <- train(
  medv~., data = train.data, method = "pcr",
  scale = TRUE,
  trControl = trainControl("cv", number = 10),
  tuneLength = 10

# Print the best tuning parameter ncomp that
# minimize the cross-validation error, RMSE


我可以问一下1比5是什么意思吗? $bestTune车型的ncomp 5结果是什么意思? 我在哪里可以从这些结果中找到简化模型?我的最终目标是选择重要的预测因子。 谢谢






, , 1 comps   # coefficients applied to variables to create component #1

crim    -0.592587562
zn       0.599992485
indus   -0.802349361
chas     0.006248825
nox     -0.791459829
rm       0.447008384
age     -0.713823494
dis      0.739724065
rad     -0.741112634
tax     -0.785801427
ptratio -0.487355792
black    0.457723689
lstat   -0.716345800

, , 2 comps    # coefficients applied to variables to create component #2...

crim    -1.3071490
zn      -0.1696660
indus   -0.5509926
chas     1.3404699
nox     -0.1278061
rm       1.2483213
age      0.2066896
dis     -0.2710928
rad     -1.3575348
tax     -1.3611397
ptratio -1.5186875
black    0.8599876
lstat   -1.0065236

, , 3 comps

crim    -0.379353935
zn       0.914275307
indus   -0.663750247
chas     1.800225620
nox      0.173805923
rm       2.911531130
age      0.006938608
dis     -0.221098241
rad     -0.348203175
tax     -0.583374313
ptratio -2.388449513
black   -0.232188538
lstat   -1.784086797

, , 4 comps

crim    -0.4650669
zn       0.8355077
indus   -0.6614445
chas     1.0473459
nox      0.3090320
rm       3.0563403
age      0.1453604
dis     -0.3965918
rad     -0.4828702
tax     -0.6739500
ptratio -2.6654286
black   -0.3997876
lstat   -1.8464750

, , 5 comps

crim    -0.56682510
zn       0.07089925
indus   -0.72683562
chas     0.61226427
nox      0.03060117
rm       4.18612272
age      0.17409947
dis     -0.70519697
rad      0.11136186
tax     -0.31640619
ptratio -1.42839422
black    0.70692195
lstat   -2.80938875

, , 6 comps

crim    -0.4526589
zn       0.2148831
indus   -0.7151197
chas     0.5618245
nox      0.0850809
rm       4.1544127
age      0.2220764
dis     -0.7142467
rad      0.1485075
tax     -0.2614366
ptratio -1.5666266
black    1.0166062
lstat   -2.7407352

5     5
, , 1 comps   # coefficients applied to variables to create component #1

crim    -0.592587562
zn       0.599992485
indus   -0.802349361
chas     0.006248825
nox     -0.791459829
rm       0.447008384
age     -0.713823494
dis      0.739724065
rad     -0.741112634
tax     -0.785801427
ptratio -0.487355792
black    0.457723689
lstat   -0.716345800

, , 2 comps    # coefficients applied to variables to create component #2...

crim    -1.3071490
zn      -0.1696660
indus   -0.5509926
chas     1.3404699
nox     -0.1278061
rm       1.2483213
age      0.2066896
dis     -0.2710928
rad     -1.3575348
tax     -1.3611397
ptratio -1.5186875
black    0.8599876
lstat   -1.0065236

, , 3 comps

crim    -0.379353935
zn       0.914275307
indus   -0.663750247
chas     1.800225620
nox      0.173805923
rm       2.911531130
age      0.006938608
dis     -0.221098241
rad     -0.348203175
tax     -0.583374313
ptratio -2.388449513
black   -0.232188538
lstat   -1.784086797

, , 4 comps

crim    -0.4650669
zn       0.8355077
indus   -0.6614445
chas     1.0473459
nox      0.3090320
rm       3.0563403
age      0.1453604
dis     -0.3965918
rad     -0.4828702
tax     -0.6739500
ptratio -2.6654286
black   -0.3997876
lstat   -1.8464750

, , 5 comps

crim    -0.56682510
zn       0.07089925
indus   -0.72683562
chas     0.61226427
nox      0.03060117
rm       4.18612272
age      0.17409947
dis     -0.70519697
rad      0.11136186
tax     -0.31640619
ptratio -1.42839422
black    0.70692195
lstat   -2.80938875

, , 6 comps

crim    -0.4526589
zn       0.2148831
indus   -0.7151197
chas     0.5618245
nox      0.0850809
rm       4.1544127
age      0.2220764
dis     -0.7142467
rad      0.1485075
tax     -0.2614366
ptratio -1.5666266
black    1.0166062
lstat   -2.7407352