R 重新排列数据:从水年转换为日历年

R 重新排列数据:从水年转换为日历年,r,date,time-series,tidyr,R,Date,Time Series,Tidyr,我有一个表格,其中包含来自流量计的数据,如下所示: Water.Year May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr 1 1953-1954 55.55 43.62 30.46 26.17 26.76 41.74 19.92 41.25 28.77 20.96 12.47 10.51 2 1954-1955 23.49 81.35 46.71 29.33 67.83 133


  Water.Year   May   Jun   Jul   Aug    Sep    Oct    Nov   Dec   Jan   Feb   Mar   Apr 
1  1953-1954 55.55 43.62 30.46 26.17  26.76  41.74  19.92 41.25 28.77 20.96 12.47 10.51
2  1954-1955 23.49 81.35 46.71 29.33  67.83 133.30  37.62 30.16 21.07 19.38 13.87 10.63
3  1955-1956  9.87 51.59 55.36 63.03 154.08  98.15 104.06 32.85 22.89 17.30 15.68 10.88

> data <- structure(list(Water.Year = structure(1:6, .Label = c("1953-1954", "1954-1955", "1955-1956", "1956-1957", "1957-1958", "1958-1959", "1959-1960", "1960-1961", "1961-1962", "1962-1963", "1963-1964", "1964-1965", "1965-1966", "1966-1967", "1967-1968", "1968-1969", "1969-1970", "1970-1971", "1971-1972", "1972-1973", "1973-1974", "1974-1975", "1975-1976", "1976-1977", "1977-1978", "1978-1979", "1979-1980", "1980-1981", "1981-1982", "1982-1983", "1983-1984", "1984-1985", "1985-1986", "1986-1987", "1987-1988", "1988-1989", "1989-1990", "1990-1991", "1991-1992", "1992-1993", "1993-1994", "1994-1995", "1995-1996", "1996-1997", "1997-1998", "1998-1999", "1999-2000", "2000-2001"), class = "factor"), May = c(55.55, 23.49, 9.87, 18.03, 17.46, 11.37), Jun = c(43.62, 81.35, 51.59, 28.61, 15.14, 29.48), Jul = c(30.46, 46.71, 55.36, 24.36, 20.09, 19.48), Ago = c(26.17, 29.33, 63.03, 22.01, 16.97, 16.86), Set = c(26.76, 67.83, 154.08, 28.51, 27.24, 21.01), Oct = c(41.74, 133.3, 98.15, 53.72, 35.78, 19.78), Nov = c(19.92, 37.62, 104.06, 115.78, 20.35, 18.69), Dic = c(41.25, 30.16, 32.85, 32.04, 22, 18.86), Ene = c(28.77, 21.07, 22.89, 25.44, 13.27, 14.89), Feb = c(20.96, 19.38, 17.3, 14.53, 10.37, 10.4), Mar = c(12.47, 13.87, 15.68, 10.78, 8.77, 8.79), Abr = c(10.51, 10.63, 10.88, 9.33, 7.69, 8.99)), .Names = c("Water.Year", "May", "Jun", "Jul", "Ago", "Set", "Oct", "Nov", "Dic", "Ene", "Feb", "Mar", "Abr"), row.names = c(NA, 6L), class = "data.frame")




data <- structure(list(Water.Year = structure(1:6, .Label = c("1953-1954", "1954-1955", "1955-1956", "1956-1957", "1957-1958", "1958-1959", "1959-1960", "1960-1961", "1961-1962", "1962-1963", "1963-1964", "1964-1965", "1965-1966", "1966-1967", "1967-1968", "1968-1969", "1969-1970", "1970-1971", "1971-1972", "1972-1973", "1973-1974", "1974-1975", "1975-1976", "1976-1977", "1977-1978", "1978-1979", "1979-1980", "1980-1981", "1981-1982", "1982-1983", "1983-1984", "1984-1985", "1985-1986", "1986-1987", "1987-1988", "1988-1989", "1989-1990", "1990-1991", "1991-1992", "1992-1993", "1993-1994", "1994-1995", "1995-1996", "1996-1997", "1997-1998", "1998-1999", "1999-2000", "2000-2001"), class = "factor"), May = c(55.55, 23.49, 9.87, 18.03, 17.46, 11.37), Jun = c(43.62, 81.35, 51.59, 28.61, 15.14, 29.48), Jul = c(30.46, 46.71, 55.36, 24.36, 20.09, 19.48), Ago = c(26.17, 29.33, 63.03, 22.01, 16.97, 16.86), Set = c(26.76, 67.83, 154.08, 28.51, 27.24, 21.01), Oct = c(41.74, 133.3, 98.15, 53.72, 35.78, 19.78), Nov = c(19.92, 37.62, 104.06, 115.78, 20.35, 18.69), Dic = c(41.25, 30.16, 32.85, 32.04, 22, 18.86), Ene = c(28.77, 21.07, 22.89, 25.44, 13.27, 14.89), Feb = c(20.96, 19.38, 17.3, 14.53, 10.37, 10.4), Mar = c(12.47, 13.87, 15.68, 10.78, 8.77, 8.79), Abr = c(10.51, 10.63, 10.88, 9.33, 7.69, 8.99)), .Names = c("Water.Year", "May", "Jun", "Jul", "Ago", "Set", "Oct", "Nov", "Dic", "Ene", "Feb", "Mar", "Abr"), row.names = c(NA, 6L), class = "data.frame")


library(tidyr) # for separate function
library(reshape2) # for melt function
library(dplyr) # for pipe operator and arrange function

# Reproducible Data
weather = structure(list(Water.Year = structure(1:3, .Label = c("1953-1954", 
                                                      "1954-1955", "1955-1956"), class = "factor"), 
                         May = c(55.55, 23.49, 9.87), 
                         Jun = c(43.62, 81.35, 51.59), 
                         Jul = c(30.46, 46.71, 55.36), 
                         Aug = c(26.17, 29.33, 63.03), 
                         Sep = c(26.76, 67.83, 154.08), 
                         Oct = c(41.74, 133.3, 98.15), 
                         Nov = c(19.92, 37.62, 104.06), 
                         Dec = c(41.25, 30.16, 32.85), 
                         Jan = c(28.77, 21.07, 22.89), 
               Feb = c(20.96, 19.38, 17.3), Mar = c(12.47, 13.87, 15.68), 
               Apr = c(10.51, 10.63, 10.88)), .Names = c("Water.Year", "May", 
                                                         "Jun", "Jul", "Aug", "Sep", "Oct", "Nov", "Dec", "Jan", "Feb", 
                                                         "Mar", "Apr"), class = "data.frame", row.names = c(NA, -3L))

df = separate(weather, Water.Year, c("year1","year2"))

# Split into two datasets
columns1 = c("year1", "May", "Jun", "Jul", "Aug", "Sep", "Oct", "Dec")

df1 = subset(df, select = c(year1, May:Dec))
df2 = subset(df, select = c(year2, Jan:Apr))

longdf1 = melt(df1, variable.name = "Month", id.vars = "year1",
               value.name = "Flow.Measurement") 
names(longdf1)[1] = "Calendar.Year"
longdf2 = melt(df2, variable.name = "Month", id.vars = "year2",
               value.name = "Flow.Measurement") 
names(longdf2)[1] = "Calendar.Year"

# Combine the two datasets
final_df = rbind(longdf1, longdf2)

# Releveling the Month
final_df$Month = factor(final_df$Month, levels = month.abb)

final_df = arrange(final_df, Calendar.Year, Month)

> final_df
   Calendar.Year Month Flow.Measurement
1           1953   May            55.55
2           1953   Jun            43.62
3           1953   Jul            30.46
4           1953   Aug            26.17
5           1953   Sep            26.76
6           1953   Oct            41.74
7           1953   Nov            19.92
8           1953   Dec            41.25
9           1954   Jan            28.77
10          1954   Feb            20.96
11          1954   Mar            12.47
12          1954   Apr            10.51
13          1954   May            23.49
14          1954   Jun            81.35
15          1954   Jul            46.71
16          1954   Aug            29.33
17          1954   Sep            67.83
18          1954   Oct           133.30
19          1954   Nov            37.62
20          1954   Dec            30.16
21          1955   Jan            21.07
22          1955   Feb            19.38
23          1955   Mar            13.87
24          1955   Apr            10.63
25          1955   May             9.87
26          1955   Jun            51.59
27          1955   Jul            55.36
28          1955   Aug            63.03
29          1955   Sep           154.08
30          1955   Oct            98.15
31          1955   Nov           104.06
32          1955   Dec            32.85
33          1956   Jan            22.89
34          1956   Feb            17.30
35          1956   Mar            15.68
36          1956   Apr            10.88


## A tibble: 36 × 3
#    Year  Month Value
#   <chr> <fctr> <dbl>
#1   1953    May 55.55
#2   1953    Jun 43.62
#3   1953    Jul 30.46
#4   1953    Aug 26.17
#5   1953    Sep 26.76
#6   1953    Oct 41.74
#7   1953    Nov 19.92
#8   1953    Dec 41.25
#9   1954    Jan 28.77
#10  1954    Feb 20.96
## ... with 26 more rows
#3 1953年7月30日46
#4 1953年8月26日17
#6 1953年10月41日74
#9 1954年1月28日77
#10 1954年2月20日96
## ... 还有26行

我决定使用我得到的所有答案中的一些片段。 这是我写的代码:


#separate the year column into two years
df_years <- df %>%
  separate(Water.Year, c("Year1", "Year2")) 

#create two different dataframes for each section of the year
df1 <- subset(df_years, select = c(Year1, May:Dec))
df2 <- subset(df_years, select = c(Year2, Jan:Apr))

#rename both years' columns using the same name
colnames(df2)[1] <- "Year"
colnames(df1)[1] <- "Year"

#join both dataframes
cleandata <- full_join(df1, df2, by = "Year")

#sort months chronologically
cleandata <- cleandata[, c("Year", "Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "May", "Jun", "Jul", "Aug", "Sep", "Oct", "Nov", "Dec")]

#convert to tidy data set
cleandata <- gather(cleandata, "Month", "Flow", 2:13)

#sort by year and month
cleandata <- arrange(cleandata, Year, Month)


df %>%
  separate(Water.Year, c("Year1", "Year2")) %>%
  gather(Month, Value, -(Year1:Year2)) %>%
  group_by(Year1, Year2) %>%
  mutate(Year = if_else(match(Month, month.abb) >= 5, Year1, Year2),
         Month = factor(Month, levels = month.abb)) %>%
  ungroup() %>%
  select(Year, Month, Value) %>%
  arrange(Year, Month)
## A tibble: 36 × 3
#    Year  Month Value
#   <chr> <fctr> <dbl>
#1   1953    May 55.55
#2   1953    Jun 43.62
#3   1953    Jul 30.46
#4   1953    Aug 26.17
#5   1953    Sep 26.76
#6   1953    Oct 41.74
#7   1953    Nov 19.92
#8   1953    Dec 41.25
#9   1954    Jan 28.77
#10  1954    Feb 20.96
## ... with 26 more rows

#separate the year column into two years
df_years <- df %>%
  separate(Water.Year, c("Year1", "Year2")) 

#create two different dataframes for each section of the year
df1 <- subset(df_years, select = c(Year1, May:Dec))
df2 <- subset(df_years, select = c(Year2, Jan:Apr))

#rename both years' columns using the same name
colnames(df2)[1] <- "Year"
colnames(df1)[1] <- "Year"

#join both dataframes
cleandata <- full_join(df1, df2, by = "Year")

#sort months chronologically
cleandata <- cleandata[, c("Year", "Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "May", "Jun", "Jul", "Aug", "Sep", "Oct", "Nov", "Dec")]

#convert to tidy data set
cleandata <- gather(cleandata, "Month", "Flow", 2:13)

#sort by year and month
cleandata <- arrange(cleandata, Year, Month)