Random ARMv7汇编,如何改进这个伪随机数生成器?

Random ARMv7汇编,如何改进这个伪随机数生成器?,random,raspberry-pi,arm,armv7,Random,Raspberry Pi,Arm,Armv7,我有一个伪随机函数,它是以unix epotch作为种子的时间为基础的,我需要得到4个1-5之间的数字,目前我要做的是每次得到一个数字并打印出来。这最初是针对0-9之间的数字,并将其更改为1-5。我意识到数字6-9将始终导致5,这意味着5比任何其他数字发生的总概率更高 这只是一个简单的猜谜游戏,所以它没有做任何事情 timeofday: MOV r7, #78 @gettimeofday returns time LDR r0, =time @add

我有一个伪随机函数,它是以unix epotch作为种子的时间为基础的,我需要得到4个1-5之间的数字,目前我要做的是每次得到一个数字并打印出来。这最初是针对0-9之间的数字,并将其更改为1-5。我意识到数字6-9将始终导致5,这意味着5比任何其他数字发生的总概率更高



    MOV r7, #78         @gettimeofday returns time
    LDR r0, =time       @address of holder for time_t
    MOV r1, #0          @timezone not needed
    SWI #0
    LDR r0, =time       @set r0 back to label addr
    LDRB r1, [r0, #4]   @load epotch value from r0 into r1
    MOV PC, LR          @back to calling location, Then it will branch to the function below.

    CMP r1, #10         @Ensuring we don't create a negative
    SUBGE r1, r1, #10   @decrease r1 by 10 until it's a single digit
    CMP r1, #10
    BGE fakemod         @if the number in r1 is still greater than 10 loop
singledigit:            @Need a value between 1-5
    CMP r1, #5          @Checks in r1 has a value larger than 5
    SUBGT r1, r1, #1    @subtracts if r1 is a integer greater than 5
    CMP r1, #5          @compares if the number is greater than 5 still
    BGT singledigit     @if greater than 5 go back to loop start.
    CMP r1, #0       @needs to be between 1-5, so if it's 0, just add 1
    ADDEQ r1, r1, #1
    MOV PC, LR          @once it's an integer between 1-5, go back to call location. 

timeofday and fakemod loop are the same.

CMP r1, #5
BGT timeofday

CMP r1, #0
BEQ timeofday


    CMP r1, #5       @Ensuring we don't create a negative
    SUBGT r1, r1, #5 @decrease r1 by 5 until it's a single digit
    CMP r1, #5
    BGT fakemod         @if the number in r1 is still greater than 10 loop

    CMP r1, #0
    ADDEQ r1, r1, #1

    MOV PC, LR          @once it's an integer less than 5, go to top.