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Recursion L手臂装配中的诅咒示例_Recursion_Assembly_Arm_Cortex M3_Cortex M - Fatal编程技术网

Recursion L手臂装配中的诅咒示例

Recursion L手臂装配中的诅咒示例,recursion,assembly,arm,cortex-m3,cortex-m,Recursion,Assembly,Arm,Cortex M3,Cortex M,有人能给我举个例子,说明在ARM组装中,仅使用此处列出的指令(用于可视化)如何进行递归吗 我试图为这个类做一个递归斐波那契函数和阶乘函数。我知道递归是一个调用函数的函数,但我不知道如何在ARM中模拟它 如果链接不起作用,我将使用visUAL,我只能使用以下说明: 莫夫 MVN 药品不良反应 LDR 加 模数转换器 潜艇 SBC RSB RSC 及 提高采收率 比克 奥尔 LSL LSR ASR 罗尔 RRX 化学机械抛光 CMN TST 特克 LDR LDM 扫描隧道显微镜 B 基本法 填满




  • 莫夫
  • MVN
  • 药品不良反应
  • LDR
  • 模数转换器
  • 潜艇
  • SBC
  • RSB
  • RSC
  • 提高采收率
  • 比克
  • 奥尔
  • LSL
  • LSR
  • ASR
  • 罗尔
  • RRX
  • 化学机械抛光
  • CMN
  • TST
  • 特克
  • LDR
  • LDM
  • 扫描隧道显微镜
  • B
  • 基本法
  • 填满
  • 结束

    ;VisUAL initializess all registers to 0 except for R13/SP, which is -16777216

    MOV     R4, #0
    MOV     R5, #1

    MOV     r0, #4

    MOV     LR, #16             ;tells program to move to 4th instruction


    STMDB   SP!, {R4-R6, LR}    ;Stores necessary values on stack (PUSH command)
    LDR     R4, [SP]            ;Loads older value for R4 from memory
    ADD     R4, R4, R5          ;Adds R5 to R4
    STR     R4, [SP], #8        ;stores current value for R4 to memory
    MOV     R5, R4              ;Makes R5 = R4

    CMP     R4, #144            ;If R4 >= 144:
    BGE     POP                 ;Branch to POP

    MOV     PC, LR              ;Moves to STMDB(PUSH) statement

    LDMIA   SP!, {R4-R6, LR}    ;Pops registers off stack
    END                         ;ends program



   MOV R0, #6
   END ; pseudo-instruction to make your simulator terminate

FIB                                 ; int fib(int i) {
   STMDB SP!, {R4,R5,R6,LR}         ;   int n, tmp;
   MOV R4, R0                       ;   n = i;
   CMP R0, #2                       ;   if (i <= 2) {
   MOV R0, #1                       ;     return 1;
   BLE FIB_END                      ;   }
   SUB R0, R4, #2                   ;   i = n-2;
   BL FIB                           ;   i = fib(i);
   MOV R5, R0                       ;   tmp = i;
   SUB R0, R4, #1                   ;   i = n-1;
   BL FIB                           ;   i = fib(i);
   ADD R0, R0, R5                   ;   i = i + tmp;
FIB_END                             ;   return i;
   LDMIA SP!, {R4,R5,R6,PC}         ;  }
MOV R0,#6
小谎;int fib(int i){
STMDB SP!,{R4,R5,R6,LR};int n,tmp;
MOV R4,R0;n=i;

CMP R0,#2;如果(i其他递归函数:

unsigned int so ( unsigned int x )
    static unsigned int z=0;
    if(x==0) return(z);

arm-none-eabi-gcc -O2 -c Desktop/so.c -o so.o
arm-none-eabi-objdump -D so.o

00000000 <so>:
   0:   e92d4010    push    {r4, lr}
   4:   e59f4034    ldr r4, [pc, #52]   ; 40 <so+0x40>
   8:   e5943000    ldr r3, [r4]
   c:   e3500000    cmp r0, #0
  10:   e0803003    add r3, r0, r3
  14:   e5843000    str r3, [r4]
  18:   1a000002    bne 28 <so+0x28>
  1c:   e1a00003    mov r0, r3
  20:   e8bd4010    pop {r4, lr}
  24:   e12fff1e    bx  lr
  28:   e2400001    sub r0, r0, #1
  2c:   ebfffffe    bl  0 <so>
  30:   e5943000    ldr r3, [r4]
  34:   e8bd4010    pop {r4, lr}
  38:   e1a00003    mov r0, r3
  3c:   e12fff1e    bx  lr
  40:   00000000    


ldr rd,[rn]认为他brakets说的是该地址的项目,所以在rn中读取地址处的内存,并将该值保存在rd中

str rd,[rn]一条arm指令出错,其余的第一个参数是等号的左边(加上r1,r2,r3 r1=r2+r3,ldr r1,[r4]r1=[r4])。这一条是向后的[rn]=rd将rd中的值存储到地址r4描述的内存位置,一级间接寻址

stmdb sp!表示在执行任何操作之前,先将堆栈指针减量为列表中寄存器数量的4字节倍,然后将第一个编号最低的寄存器写入[sp+0],然后写入[sp+4]旁边依此类推,最后一个值将比sp的起始值小四个。!表示函数在sp为递减值的情况下结束。您可以使用ldm/stm进行堆栈推送和弹出操作以外的操作。例如memcpy,但这是另一回事


BL yourself
。简单。显示伪代码(或C)对于你正在尝试做的事情,以及你遇到的困难。用C写一个非常简单的递归例子,大约总共五行。编译和反汇编,看看产生了什么。如果你遵循C EABI,那么你只需简单地编写代码,而不必这样做,就可以完成了。@Jester抱歉,我已经添加了我到目前为止所做的事情。我不知道w C或除Python 3以外的任何高级语言。@old_timer抱歉,我不懂C。我只懂Python 3。在调试器中单步执行您的代码,这样您就可以看到寄存器值是如何变化的。您的
Disassembly of section .bss:

00000000 <z.4099>:
   0:   00000000    
arm-none-eabi-ld -Ttext=0x1000 -Tbss=0x2000 so.o -o so.elf
arm-none-eabi-ld: warning: cannot find entry symbol _start; defaulting to 0000000000001000
arm-none-eabi-objdump -D so.elf

so.elf:     file format elf32-littlearm

Disassembly of section .text:

00001000 <so>:
    1000:   e92d4010    push    {r4, lr}
    1004:   e59f4034    ldr r4, [pc, #52]   ; 1040 <so+0x40>
    1008:   e5943000    ldr r3, [r4]
    100c:   e3500000    cmp r0, #0
    1010:   e0803003    add r3, r0, r3
    1014:   e5843000    str r3, [r4]
    1018:   1a000002    bne 1028 <so+0x28>
    101c:   e1a00003    mov r0, r3
    1020:   e8bd4010    pop {r4, lr}
    1024:   e12fff1e    bx  lr
    1028:   e2400001    sub r0, r0, #1
    102c:   ebfffff3    bl  1000 <so>
    1030:   e5943000    ldr r3, [r4]
    1034:   e8bd4010    pop {r4, lr}
    1038:   e1a00003    mov r0, r3
    103c:   e12fff1e    bx  lr
    1040:   00002000    

Disassembly of section .bss:

00002000 <z.4099>:
    2000:   00000000    
arm-none-eabi-gcc -O2 -c -mcpu=mpcore Desktop/so.c -o so.o
arm-none-eabi-objdump -D so.o

so.o:     file format elf32-littlearm

Disassembly of section .text:

00000000 <so>:
   0:   e92d4010    push    {r4, lr}
   4:   e59f402c    ldr r4, [pc, #44]   ; 38 <so+0x38>
   8:   e3500000    cmp r0, #0
   c:   e5943000    ldr r3, [r4]
  10:   e0803003    add r3, r0, r3
  14:   e5843000    str r3, [r4]
  18:   1a000001    bne 24 <so+0x24>
  1c:   e1a00003    mov r0, r3
  20:   e8bd8010    pop {r4, pc}
  24:   e2400001    sub r0, r0, #1
  28:   ebfffffe    bl  0 <so>
  2c:   e5943000    ldr r3, [r4]
  30:   e1a00003    mov r0, r3
  34:   e8bd8010    pop {r4, pc}
  38:   00000000 
    push    {r4, lr}
    @ z += x
    ldr r4, zptr
    ldr r3, [r4]
    add r3, r0, r3
    str r3, [r4]
    @ if x==0 return z
    cmp r0, #0
    beq l30
    @ so(x - 1)
    sub r0, r0, #1
    bl so
    ldr r3, [r4]
    @ return z
    mov r0, r3
    pop {r4, pc}
zptr: .word z

.section .bss
z: .word 0

arm-none-eabi-as so.s -o so.o
arm-none-eabi-objdump -D so.o

so.o:     file format elf32-littlearm

Disassembly of section .text:

00000000 <so>:
   0:   e92d4010    push    {r4, lr}  (stmdb)
   4:   e59f4024    ldr r4, [pc, #36]   ; 30 <zptr>
   8:   e5943000    ldr r3, [r4]
   c:   e0803003    add r3, r0, r3
  10:   e5843000    str r3, [r4]
  14:   e3500000    cmp r0, #0
  18:   0a000002    beq 28 <l30>
  1c:   e2400001    sub r0, r0, #1
  20:   ebfffff6    bl  0 <so>
  24:   e5943000    ldr r3, [r4]

00000028 <l30>:
  28:   e1a00003    mov r0, r3
  2c:   e8bd8010    pop {r4, pc}  (ldmia)

00000030 <zptr>:
  30:   00000000    

Disassembly of section .bss:

00000000 <z>:
   0:   00000000    
push {r4,lr}  which is a pseudo instruction for stmdb sp!,{r4,lr}

Lr is the r14 which is the return address look at the bl instruction
branch and link, so we branch to some address but lr (link register) is 
set to the return address, the instruction after the bl.  So when main or some other function calls so(4);  lets assume so is at address 0x1000 so the program counter, r15, pc gets 0x1000, lr will get the value of the instruction after the caller so lets say that is 0x708.  Lets also assume the stack pointer during this first call to so() from main is at 0x8000, and lets say that .bss is at 0x2000 so z lives at address 0x2000 (which also means the value at 0x1030, zptr is 0x2000.

We enter the function for the first time with r0 (x) = 4.

When you read the arm docs for stmdb sp!,{r4,lr} it decrements before (db)  so sp on entry this time is 0x8000 so it decrements for the two items to 0x7FF8, the first item in the list is written there so

0x7FF8 = r4 from main
0x7FFC = 9x 0x708 return address to main

the ! means sp stays modified so sp-0x7ff8

then ldr r4,zptr  r4 = 0x2000
ldr r3,[r4] this is an indirect load so what is at address r4 is read to 
put in r3 so r3 = [0x2000] = 0x0000 at this point  the z variable.

z+=x;  add r3,r0,r3  r3 = r0 + r3 = 4 + 0 = 4
str r3,[r4]  [r4] = r3, [0x2000] = r3 write 4 to 0x2000

cmp r0,#0   4 != 0

beq to 28 nope, not equal so no branch

sub r0,r0,#1   r0 = 4 - 1 = 3

bl so  so this is so(3); pc = 0x1000 lr = 0x1024

so now we enter so for the second time with r0 = 3

stmdb sp!,{r4,lr}

0x7FF0 = r4 (saving from so(4) call but we dont care its value even though we know it)
0x7FF4 = lr from so(4) = 0x1024
ldr r4,zptr r4 = 0x2000
ldr r3,[r4] r3 = [0x2000] = 4
add r3,r0,r3  r3 = 3 + 4 = 7
str r3,[r4]  write 7 to 0x2000
cmp r0,#0 3 != 0
beq 0x1028 not equal so dont branch
sub r0,r0,#1   r0 = 3-1 = 2
bl so  pc=0x1000 lr=0x1024


stmdb sp!,{r4,lr}
0x7FE8 = r4 from caller, just save it
0x7FEC = lr from caller, 0x1024
ldr r4,zprt  r4=0x2000
ldr r3,[r4]  r3 = read 7 from 0x2000
add r3,r0,r3  r3 = 2 + 7 = 9
str r3,[r4]  write 9 to 0x2000
cmp r0,#0  2 != 0
beq 0x1028  not equal so dont branch
sub r0,r0,#1  r0 = 2 - 1 = 1
bl 0x1000 pc=0x1000 lr=0x1024


stmdb sp!,{r4,lr}
0x7FE0 = save r4
0x7FE4 = lr = 0x1024
ldr r4,zptr r4=0x2000
ldr r3,[r4]  r3 = read 9 from 0x2000
add r3,r0,r3  r3 = 1 + 9 = 10
str r3,[r4]  write 10 to 0x2000
cmp r0,#0  1 != 0
beq 0x1028  not equal so dont branch
sub r0,r0,#1  r0 = 1 - 1 = 0
bl 0x1000  pc=0x1000 lr=0x1024


stmdb sp!,{r4,lr}
0x7FD8 = r4
0x7FDC = lr = 0x1024
sp = 0x7FD8
ldr r4,zptr  r4 = 0x2000
ldr r3,[r4]  r3 = read 10 from 0x2000
add r3,r0,r3  r3 = 0 + 10 = 10
str r0,[r4]  write 10 to 0x2000
cmp r0,#0  0 = 0  so it matches
beq 0x1028 it is equal so we finally take this branch
mov r0,r3  r0 = 10
ldmia sp!,{r4,pc}
increment after
r4 = [sp+0] = [0x7FD8] restore r4 from caller
pc = [sp+4] = [0x7FDC] = 0x1024
sp += 8 = 0x7FE0
(branch to 0x1024)(return from so(0) to so(1))
ldr r3,[r4]  read 10 from 0x2000
mov r0,r3  r0 = 10
ldmia sp!,{r4,pc}
r4 = [sp+0] = [0x7FE0] restore r4 from caller
pc = [sp+4] = [0x7FE4] = 0x1024
sp += 8 = 0x7FE8
(branch to 0x1024)(return from so(1) to so(2))
ldr r3,[r4]  read 10 from 0x2000
mov r0,r3  r0 = 10
ldmia sp!,{r4,pc}
r4 = [sp+0] = [0x7FE8] restore r4 from caller
pc = [sp+4] = [0x7FEC] = 0x1024
sp += 8 = 0x7FF0
(branch to 0x1024)(return from so(2) to so(3))
ldr r3,[r4]  read 10 from 0x2000
mov r0,r3  r0 = 10
ldmia sp!,{r4,pc}
r4 = [sp+0] = [0x7FF0] restore r4 from caller
pc = [sp+4] = [0x7FF4] = 0x1024
sp += 8 = 0x7FF8
(branch to 0x1024)(return from so(3) to so(4))
ldr r3,[r4]  read 10 from 0x2000
mov r0,r3  r0 = 10
ldmia sp!,{r4,pc}
r4 = [sp+0] = [0x7FF8] restore r4 from caller (main()'s r4)
pc = [sp+4] = [0x7FFC] = 0x708
sp += 8 = 0x8000
(branch to 0x708)(return from so(4) to main())

and we are done.