
Scala中非布尔类型的逻辑运算符,scala,boolean,type-safety,Scala,Boolean,Type Safety,我喜欢使用布尔运算符编写的简洁代码,而不是使用Lisp、Python或JavaScript等(通常是动态的)语言编写的条件语句,如典型的: x = someString or "default string" vs 在Scala中,我想到的是: object Helpers { case class NonBooleanLogic[A](x: A) { // I could overload the default && and || // but I th


x = someString or "default string"


object Helpers {
  case class NonBooleanLogic[A](x: A) {
    // I could overload the default && and ||
    // but I think new operators are less 'surprise prone'
    def |||(y: => A)(implicit booleanConversion: A => Boolean) = if (x) x else y
    def &&&(y: => A)(implicit booleanConversion: A => Boolean) = if (!x) x else y

  implicit def num2bool(n : Int) = n != 0

  implicit def seq2bool(s : Seq[Any]) = !s.isEmpty

  implicit def any2bool(x : Any) = x != null

  implicit def asNonBoolean[T](x: T) = NonBooleanLogic(x)

object SandBox {
  // some tests cases...

  1 ||| 2                                         //> res2: Int = 1

  val x : String = null                           //> x  : String = null
  x ||| "hello"                                   //> res3: String = hello

  //works promoting 2 to Float
  1.0 &&& 2                                       //> res4: Double = 2.0

  //this doesn't work :(
  1 &&& 2.0

  • 如何使其适用于具有共同祖先的类型,而不恢复到
  • 这太酷了,其他人以前肯定做过,可能是在一个更好的文档化、测试和全面的库中。在哪里可以找到它

  • 我将坚持选择[T]。。。这对Scala来说更为惯用。我还经常在验证中使用它,例如:在web表单中,有时不应将空字符串视为有效的用户输入


    object MyOptionConverter
        implicit def toOption(any: AnyRef) = Option(any)
        implicit def toOption(str: String) = {
            Option(str).filter(_.length > 0)
        implicit def toOption[T](value: T)(implicit num: Numeric[T]): Option[T] = {
            Option(value).filter(_ != 0)
    import MyOptionConverter._
    println(1 getOrElse 10)   // 1
    println(5.5 getOrElse 20) // 5.5
    println(0 getOrElse 30)  // 30
    println(0.0 getOrElse 40) // 40
    println((null: String) getOrElse "Hello")  // Hello
    println((null: AnyRef) getOrElse "No object") // No object
    println("World" getOrElse "Hello")

    object MyOptionConverter
        class MyBooleanLogic[T](x: Option[T], origin: T)
            def |||(defaultValue: T) = x.getOrElse(defaultValue)
            def &&&(defaultValue: T) = x.isDefined match {
                case true  => defaultValue
                case false => origin
        implicit def toOption(any: AnyRef) = {
            new MyBooleanLogic(Option(any), any)
        implicit def toOption(str: String) = {
            new MyBooleanLogic(Option(str).filter(_.length > 0), str)
        implicit def toOption[T](value: T)(implicit num: Numeric[T])= {
            new MyBooleanLogic(Option(value).filter(_ != 0), value)
    import MyOptionConverter._
    println(1 ||| 10)   // 1
    println(5.5 ||| 20) // 5.5
    println(0 ||| 30)  // 30
    println(0.0 ||| 40) // 40
    println((null: String) ||| "Hello")  // Hello
    println((null: AnyRef) ||| "No object") // No object
    println("World" ||| "Hello")
    println(1 &&& 10)   // 10
    println(5.5 &&& 20) // 20
    println(0 &&& 30)  // 0
    println(0.0 &&& 40) // 0.0
    println((null: String) &&& "Hello")  // null
    println((null: AnyRef) &&& "No object") // null
    println("World" &&& "Hello") // Hello



    val x = someString or "default string"


    val someString:Option[String] = getAString()


    val x = someString getOrElse "default string"

    如果您想自己实现类似的功能,请查看getOrElse in选项的接口(Map和标准库中的其他地方也有类似的版本):


    val x:Option[Int]=1
    x getOrElse 1.0 // this will be an AnyVal, not Any.




    | | |

    // Create a type that does the conversion, C is the resulting type
    trait Converter[A, B, C] {
      def convert(a: A, b: => B)(implicit bool: BooleanConverter[A]): C
    trait LowerPriorityConverter {
      // We can convert any type as long as we know how to convert A to a Boolean
      // The resulting type should be a supertype of both A and B
      implicit def anyConverter[A <: C, B <: C, C] = new Converter[A, B, C] {
        def convert(a: A, b: => B)(implicit bool: BooleanConverter[A]) = if (a) a else b
      // We can go more specific if we can find a view from B to A
      implicit def aViewConverter[B <% A, A] = anyConverter[A, A, A]
    object Converter extends LowerPriorityConverter {
      // For Doubles, Floats and Ints we have a specialized conversion as long as the
      // second type is a Numeric
      implicit def doubleConverter[A <: Double: Numeric, B: Numeric] = 
        new Converter[A, B, Double] {
          def convert(a: A, b: => B)(implicit bool: BooleanConverter[A]) =
            if (a) a else implicitly[Numeric[B]].toDouble(b)
      implicit def floatConverter[A <: Float: Numeric, B: Numeric] = 
        new Converter[A, B, Float] {
          def convert(a: A, b: => B)(implicit bool: BooleanConverter[A]) = 
            if (a) a else implicitly[Numeric[B]].toFloat(b)
      implicit def intConverter[A <: Int: Numeric, B: Numeric] = 
        new Converter[A, B, Int] {
          def convert(a: A, b: => B)(implicit bool: BooleanConverter[A]) = 
            if (a) a else implicitly[Numeric[B]].toInt(b)
    // We have created a typeclass for the boolean converters as well, 
    // this allows us to use more generic types for the converters
    trait BooleanConverter[A] extends (A => Boolean)
    trait LowerPriorityBooleanConverter {
      implicit def any2bool = new BooleanConverter[AnyRef] {
        def apply(s: AnyRef) = s != null
    object BooleanConverter extends LowerPriorityBooleanConverter {
      implicit def num2bool[T: Numeric] = new BooleanConverter[T] {
        def apply(n: T) = implicitly[Numeric[T]].zero != n
      // Note that this could catch String as well
      implicit def seq2bool[T <% GenTraversableOnce[_]] = new BooleanConverter[T] {
        def apply(s: T) = s != null && !s.isEmpty
    // This is similar to the original post
    implicit class NonBooleanLogic[A](x: A) {
      // Note that we let the implicit converter determine the return type 
      // of the method
      def |||[B, C](y: => B)(
        // make sure we have implicits for both a converter and a boolean converter
        implicit converter: Converter[A, B, C], bool: BooleanConverter[A]): C =
        // do the actual conversion
        converter.convert(x, y)


    val x=if(someString!=null&&someString.size()>0)someString其他“默认字符串”
    val x=Option(someString).filterNot(u.isEmpty).getOrElse(“默认字符串”)或
    val x=if(someString!=null&&someString.size()>0)someString其他“默认字符串”
    val x = someString getOrElse "default string"
    final def getOrElse[B >: A](default: ⇒ B): B
    val x:Option[Int]=1
    x getOrElse 1.0 // this will be an AnyVal, not Any.
    // Create a type that does the conversion, C is the resulting type
    trait Converter[A, B, C] {
      def convert(a: A, b: => B)(implicit bool: BooleanConverter[A]): C
    trait LowerPriorityConverter {
      // We can convert any type as long as we know how to convert A to a Boolean
      // The resulting type should be a supertype of both A and B
      implicit def anyConverter[A <: C, B <: C, C] = new Converter[A, B, C] {
        def convert(a: A, b: => B)(implicit bool: BooleanConverter[A]) = if (a) a else b
      // We can go more specific if we can find a view from B to A
      implicit def aViewConverter[B <% A, A] = anyConverter[A, A, A]
    object Converter extends LowerPriorityConverter {
      // For Doubles, Floats and Ints we have a specialized conversion as long as the
      // second type is a Numeric
      implicit def doubleConverter[A <: Double: Numeric, B: Numeric] = 
        new Converter[A, B, Double] {
          def convert(a: A, b: => B)(implicit bool: BooleanConverter[A]) =
            if (a) a else implicitly[Numeric[B]].toDouble(b)
      implicit def floatConverter[A <: Float: Numeric, B: Numeric] = 
        new Converter[A, B, Float] {
          def convert(a: A, b: => B)(implicit bool: BooleanConverter[A]) = 
            if (a) a else implicitly[Numeric[B]].toFloat(b)
      implicit def intConverter[A <: Int: Numeric, B: Numeric] = 
        new Converter[A, B, Int] {
          def convert(a: A, b: => B)(implicit bool: BooleanConverter[A]) = 
            if (a) a else implicitly[Numeric[B]].toInt(b)
    // We have created a typeclass for the boolean converters as well, 
    // this allows us to use more generic types for the converters
    trait BooleanConverter[A] extends (A => Boolean)
    trait LowerPriorityBooleanConverter {
      implicit def any2bool = new BooleanConverter[AnyRef] {
        def apply(s: AnyRef) = s != null
    object BooleanConverter extends LowerPriorityBooleanConverter {
      implicit def num2bool[T: Numeric] = new BooleanConverter[T] {
        def apply(n: T) = implicitly[Numeric[T]].zero != n
      // Note that this could catch String as well
      implicit def seq2bool[T <% GenTraversableOnce[_]] = new BooleanConverter[T] {
        def apply(s: T) = s != null && !s.isEmpty
    // This is similar to the original post
    implicit class NonBooleanLogic[A](x: A) {
      // Note that we let the implicit converter determine the return type 
      // of the method
      def |||[B, C](y: => B)(
        // make sure we have implicits for both a converter and a boolean converter
        implicit converter: Converter[A, B, C], bool: BooleanConverter[A]): C =
        // do the actual conversion
        converter.convert(x, y)
    1 ||| 2                                       //> res0: Int = 1
    (null: String) ||| "test"                     //> res1: String = test
    1.0 ||| 2                                     //> res2: Double = 1.0
    1 ||| 2.0                                     //> res3: Int = 1
    List() ||| Seq("test")                        //> res4: Seq[String] = List(test)
    1f ||| 2.0                                    //> res5: Float = 1.0
    1f ||| 2f                                     //> res6: Float = 1.0
    0f ||| 2.0                                    //> res7: Float = 2.0
    0 ||| 2f                                      //> res8: Int = 2
    2.0 ||| 2f                                    //> res9: Double = 2.0
    2.0 ||| 3.0                                   //> res10: Double = 2.0
    Seq("test") ||| List()                        //> res11: Seq[String] = List(test)
    "" ||| "test"                                 //> res12: String = test