
返回其列表参数中最短参数的Scheme函数,scheme,racket,Scheme,Racket,我正在尝试创建一个scheme函数,该函数将返回其参数列表中最短的参数 (最短的"1 2"(2 3 4)(4)(5 6 7 8))应编译(4) 这就是我目前所拥有的 (define (shortest lst) (foldl (lambda (e r) (if (or (not r) (< e r)) e r)) #f lst)) (定义(最短lst)(foldl(lambda(Er)(如果(或(非r)(


(最短的"1 2"(2 3 4)(4)(5 6 7 8))应编译(4)


(define (shortest lst) (foldl (lambda (e r) (if (or (not r) (< e r)) e r))



  • 名单
  • (定义(最短lst)
    ((12)(23 4)(4)(5 6 7 8))
  • 列表数量可变
  • (定义(最短的.args)
    (12)(2 3 4)(4)(5 6 7 8)

    ; the . is for accepting multiple args
    (define (shortest . lst)
      (foldl (lambda (e r)
               ; notice how we compare the lengths
               (if (or (not r) (< (length e) (length r))) e r))



    (define (shortest . args)
      (define (step tail-pairs new-tail-pairs)
        ;; step has a list of pairs of tail & original-list pairs it is looking at,
        ;; and another list of pairs of (cdr tail) & original-list which it will
        ;; look at on the next cycle.
        (if (null? tail-pairs)
            ;; Run out of things to look at, start on the next cycle
            (step new-tail-pairs '())
            (let ((this-tail-pair (first tail-pairs))
                  (more-tail-pairs (rest tail-pairs)))
              (if (null? (car this-tail-pair))
                  ;; found it: nothing left in this list so return the original
                  ;; list
                  (cdr this-tail-pair)
                  ;; Not empty: add this tail pair with its first element removed to
                  ;; the next cycle list, and loop on the remains of this cycle
                  (step more-tail-pairs (cons (cons (cdr (car this-tail-pair))
                                                    (cdr this-tail-pair))
      ;; build the initial list of tail pairs and start stepping down it.
      (step (map cons args args) '()))
    ; the . is for accepting multiple args
    (define (shortest . lst)
      (foldl (lambda (e r)
               ; notice how we compare the lengths
               (if (or (not r) (< (length e) (length r))) e r))
    (shortest '(1 2) '(2 3 4) '(4) '(5 6 7 8))
    => '(4)
    (shortest '())
    => '()
    => #f
    (define (shortest . args)
      (define (step tail-pairs new-tail-pairs)
        ;; step has a list of pairs of tail & original-list pairs it is looking at,
        ;; and another list of pairs of (cdr tail) & original-list which it will
        ;; look at on the next cycle.
        (if (null? tail-pairs)
            ;; Run out of things to look at, start on the next cycle
            (step new-tail-pairs '())
            (let ((this-tail-pair (first tail-pairs))
                  (more-tail-pairs (rest tail-pairs)))
              (if (null? (car this-tail-pair))
                  ;; found it: nothing left in this list so return the original
                  ;; list
                  (cdr this-tail-pair)
                  ;; Not empty: add this tail pair with its first element removed to
                  ;; the next cycle list, and loop on the remains of this cycle
                  (step more-tail-pairs (cons (cons (cdr (car this-tail-pair))
                                                    (cdr this-tail-pair))
      ;; build the initial list of tail pairs and start stepping down it.
      (step (map cons args args) '()))