Scroll Chart.js V2.7.2如何在不松开Y轴的情况下制作水平滚动条

Scroll Chart.js V2.7.2如何在不松开Y轴的情况下制作水平滚动条,scroll,chart.js,Scroll,Chart.js,我看到了一些解决方案,但它们在v2.7.2中不起作用 有没有不使用动画的方法-制作静态Y轴并水平滚动恐怕我还没有找到不使用动画的方法来实现这一点。然而,我已经找到了一个在Chart.js 2.7.2中有效的解决方案 此方法处理不同的DPR设置,并将缩放轴以匹配Chart.js应用于其图表的缩放。它还对Chart.js绘制的原始Y轴调用.clearRect(),清除定义区域中的像素,这意味着没有轴的重复或重叠 CSS: .chartWrapper { position: relative; }


恐怕我还没有找到不使用动画的方法来实现这一点。然而,我已经找到了一个在Chart.js 2.7.2中有效的解决方案



.chartWrapper {
 position: relative;

.chartWrapper > canvas {
  position: absolute;
  left: 0;
  top: 0;
  pointer-events: none;

.chartAreaWrapper {
  width: 600px;
  overflow-x: scroll;
    $(function () {
    var rectangleSet = false;

    var canvasTest = $('#chart-Test');
    var chartTest = new Chart(canvasTest, {
        type: 'bar',
        data: chartData,
        maintainAspectRatio: false,
        responsive: true,
        options: {
            tooltips: {
                titleFontSize: 0,
                titleMarginBottom: 0,
                bodyFontSize: 12
            legend: {
                display: false
            scales: {
                xAxes: [{
                    ticks: {
                        fontSize: 12,
                        display: false
                yAxes: [{
                    ticks: {
                        fontSize: 12,
                        beginAtZero: true
            animation: {
                onComplete: function () {
                    if (!rectangleSet) {
                        var scale = window.devicePixelRatio;                       

                        var sourceCanvas = chartTest.chart.canvas;
                        var copyWidth = chartTest.scales['y-axis-0'].width - 10;
                        var copyHeight = chartTest.scales['y-axis-0'].height + chartTest.scales['y-axis-0'].top + 10;

                        var targetCtx = document.getElementById("axis-Test").getContext("2d");

                        targetCtx.scale(scale, scale);
                        targetCtx.canvas.width = copyWidth * scale;
                        targetCtx.canvas.height = copyHeight * scale;

               = `${copyWidth}px`;
               = `${copyHeight}px`;
                        targetCtx.drawImage(sourceCanvas, 0, 0, copyWidth * scale, copyHeight * scale, 0, 0, copyWidth * scale, copyHeight * scale);

                        var sourceCtx = sourceCanvas.getContext('2d');

                        // Normalize coordinate system to use css pixels.

                        sourceCtx.clearRect(0, 0, copyWidth * scale, copyHeight * scale);
                        rectangleSet = true;
                onProgress: function () {
                    if (rectangleSet === true) {
                        var copyWidth = chartTest.scales['y-axis-0'].width;
                        var copyHeight = chartTest.scales['y-axis-0'].height + chartTest.scales['y-axis-0'].top + 10;

                        var sourceCtx = chartTest.chart.canvas.getContext('2d');
                        sourceCtx.clearRect(0, 0, copyWidth, copyHeight);

<div class="chartWrapper">
    <div class="chartAreaWrapper">
        <div class="chartAreaWrapper2">
          <canvas id="chart-Test" height="300" width="1200"></canvas>
     <canvas id="axis-Test" height="300" width="0"></canvas>

恐怕我还没有找到一种不使用动画就能实现这一点的方法。然而,我已经找到了一个在Chart.js 2.7.2中有效的解决方案



.chartWrapper {
 position: relative;

.chartWrapper > canvas {
  position: absolute;
  left: 0;
  top: 0;
  pointer-events: none;

.chartAreaWrapper {
  width: 600px;
  overflow-x: scroll;
    $(function () {
    var rectangleSet = false;

    var canvasTest = $('#chart-Test');
    var chartTest = new Chart(canvasTest, {
        type: 'bar',
        data: chartData,
        maintainAspectRatio: false,
        responsive: true,
        options: {
            tooltips: {
                titleFontSize: 0,
                titleMarginBottom: 0,
                bodyFontSize: 12
            legend: {
                display: false
            scales: {
                xAxes: [{
                    ticks: {
                        fontSize: 12,
                        display: false
                yAxes: [{
                    ticks: {
                        fontSize: 12,
                        beginAtZero: true
            animation: {
                onComplete: function () {
                    if (!rectangleSet) {
                        var scale = window.devicePixelRatio;                       

                        var sourceCanvas = chartTest.chart.canvas;
                        var copyWidth = chartTest.scales['y-axis-0'].width - 10;
                        var copyHeight = chartTest.scales['y-axis-0'].height + chartTest.scales['y-axis-0'].top + 10;

                        var targetCtx = document.getElementById("axis-Test").getContext("2d");

                        targetCtx.scale(scale, scale);
                        targetCtx.canvas.width = copyWidth * scale;
                        targetCtx.canvas.height = copyHeight * scale;

               = `${copyWidth}px`;
               = `${copyHeight}px`;
                        targetCtx.drawImage(sourceCanvas, 0, 0, copyWidth * scale, copyHeight * scale, 0, 0, copyWidth * scale, copyHeight * scale);

                        var sourceCtx = sourceCanvas.getContext('2d');

                        // Normalize coordinate system to use css pixels.

                        sourceCtx.clearRect(0, 0, copyWidth * scale, copyHeight * scale);
                        rectangleSet = true;
                onProgress: function () {
                    if (rectangleSet === true) {
                        var copyWidth = chartTest.scales['y-axis-0'].width;
                        var copyHeight = chartTest.scales['y-axis-0'].height + chartTest.scales['y-axis-0'].top + 10;

                        var sourceCtx = chartTest.chart.canvas.getContext('2d');
                        sourceCtx.clearRect(0, 0, copyWidth, copyHeight);

<div class="chartWrapper">
    <div class="chartAreaWrapper">
        <div class="chartAreaWrapper2">
          <canvas id="chart-Test" height="300" width="1200"></canvas>
     <canvas id="axis-Test" height="300" width="0"></canvas>
