Sql server 如何将tempdb从sp_MSforeachdb中排除?

Sql server 如何将tempdb从sp_MSforeachdb中排除?,sql-server,backup,tempdb,sp-msforeachdb,Sql Server,Backup,Tempdb,Sp Msforeachdb,下面我有一个代码来获取服务器中每个数据库的t-log备份信息。我想从列表中排除tempdb exec sp_MSforeachdb 'SELECT server_name, sysdb.name AS DatabaseName, bkup.user_name AS [User], ceiling(bkup.backup_size /1048576) as ''Size Meg'' , cast((bkup.backup_size /1073741824) as decimal (9,2)) as


exec sp_MSforeachdb 'SELECT server_name, sysdb.name AS DatabaseName, bkup.user_name AS [User],
ceiling(bkup.backup_size /1048576) as ''Size Meg'' ,
cast((bkup.backup_size /1073741824) as decimal (9,2)) as ''Gig'',
bkup.backup_start_date AS [Backup Started],
bkup.backup_finish_date AS [Backup Finished (Last BackUp Time)],
CAST((CAST(DATEDIFF(s, bkup.backup_start_date, bkup.backup_finish_date) AS int))/3600 AS varchar) + '' hours, ''
+ CAST(DATEDIFF(mi, bkup.backup_start_date, bkup.backup_finish_date) - (DATEDIFF(mi, bkup.backup_start_date, bkup.backup_finish_date)/60)*60 AS varchar) + '' minutes, ''
+ CAST((CAST(DATEDIFF(s, bkup.backup_start_date, bkup.backup_finish_date) AS int))%60 AS varchar)+ '' seconds'' AS [Total Time]
,DATEDIFF(DAY,CONVERT(CHAR(8),backup_finish_date,112),CONVERT(CHAR(8),expiration_date,112)) AS expiration_days
,bms.description AS [Description]
,bkup.is_damaged AS isDamaged
,bms.is_compressed AS isCompressed
,bkup.is_copy_only AS isCopyOnly
,bkup.database_creation_date AS DatabaseCreationDate
,bmf.physical_device_name AS PhysicalDeviceName
,CASE WHEN (bkup.backup_start_date is NULL OR bkup.backup_start_date < DATEADD(dd,-1,GetDate()) ) THEN ''Yes'' ELSE ''No'' END AS isOlderThan24Hours
FROM master.dbo.sysdatabases sysdb
LEFT OUTER JOIN msdb.dbo.backupset bkup ON bkup.database_name = sysdb.name
INNER JOIN msdb.dbo.backupmediafamily AS bmf ON bkup.media_set_id = bmf.media_set_id
LEFT outer JOIN sys.backup_devices AS bd ON bmf.device_type = bd.type
LEFT outer JOIN msdb.dbo.backupmediaset AS bms ON bkup.media_set_id = bms.media_set_id
--WHERE backup_finish_date = (SELECT MAX(bkup.backup_finish_date) FROM  msdb.dbo.backupset bkup WHERE sysdb.name = bkup.database_name) --Last backup
WHERE backup_finish_date > DATEADD(DAY, -1, (getdate()))  -- Last 60 days
AND bkup.type=''L''
AND sysdb.name = ''?''
ORDER BY backup_start_date DESC, backup_finish_date';

这样只能使用2000个字符 您使用了允许使用的所有字符 只需删除一些别名或使用较短的别名

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