
sql查询case语句多个条件,sql,Sql,我有一个名为SurveyResponse的表,它有以下列 Id int, not null SurveyId int, not null QuestionId int, not null Response varchar, null QuestionPossibleAnswerId int, null


    Id                         int, not null
    SurveyId                   int, not null
    QuestionId                 int, not null
    Response                   varchar, null
    QuestionPossibleAnswerId   int, null
    Id              int, not null
    SurveyTypeId    int, not null
    CountyId        int, not null

    Id                         int, not null
    SurveyId                   int, not null
    QuestionId                 int, not null
    Response                   varchar, null
    QuestionPossibleAnswerId   int, null
    Id              int, not null
    SurveyTypeId    int, not null
    CountyId        int, not null

我需要得到SurveyTypeId=3的回答,3是本年度的调查 回答不是空的,问题ID=6,我需要问题6的评论


    select sr.Response, 
    (SELECT qpa1.PossibleAnswerText
    FROM    QuestionPossibleAnswer AS qpa1 INNER JOIN
            SurveyResponse AS sr1 ON qpa1.Id = sr1.QuestionPossibleAnswerId
    WHERE        (sr1.QuestionId = 1) AND (sr1.SurveyId = sr.SurveyId)) AS County
    FROM            SurveyResponse AS sr 
    LEFT OUTER JOIN QuestionPossibleAnswer AS qpa ON sr.QuestionPossibleAnswerId =     qpa.Id 
    INNER JOIN Survey AS s ON sr.SurveyId = s.Id 
    INNER JOIN SurveyType AS st ON s.SurveyTypeId = st.Id
    WHERE (sr.Response IS NOT NULL) AND (sr.QuestionId = 6) AND (st.Id = 3)
    ORDER BY County
这给了我问题6的答案和县名,但我需要过滤case QuestionId=24和questionpossibleanswirid=111的地方,在存在的地方使用

and exists(select 1 from SurveyResponse SR2 where QuestionId = 24 and 
QuestionPossibleAnswerId = 111 and SR2.SurveyId = s.Id)