Sql 使用声明性查询进行每日普查

Sql 使用声明性查询进行每日普查,sql,sql-server,Sql,Sql Server,给定如下所示的数据集: ID admission_date discharge_date 1 2016-02-27 2016-05-06 2 2016-03-06 2016-05-13 3 2016-03-14 2016-05-03 4 2016-04-01 2016-05-19 5 2016-04-03 2016-06-15 6 2016-04-06 2016-05-14 7 2016-04-27


ID  admission_date  discharge_date
1   2016-02-27      2016-05-06
2   2016-03-06      2016-05-13
3   2016-03-14      2016-05-03
4   2016-04-01      2016-05-19
5   2016-04-03      2016-06-15
6   2016-04-06      2016-05-14
7   2016-04-27      2016-05-03
8   2016-04-27      2016-05-10
9   2016-04-28      2016-05-04
10  2016-04-28      2016-05-01
11  2016-04-28      2016-05-14
12  2016-04-29      2016-05-02
13  2016-04-29      2016-05-01

date          census
2016-05-01    13
2016-05-02    11 (rows 10 and 13 do not count because patient
                  was not hospitalized on 2016-05-02)




--Use the recursive cte only if there isn't a dates table in the database   
--Generates all dates in 2016
with dates(dt) as (select cast('2016-01-01' as date) 
                   union all
                   select dateadd(day,1,dt) 
                   from dates
                   where dt<'2017-01-01'
--Actual query
select d.dt,count(distinct t.id)
from tbl t
join dates d on d.dt>=t.admission_date and d.dt<=t.dishcarge_date
where d.dt>='2016-05-01' and d.dt<='2016-05-02' --change this as needed
group by d.dt
option (maxrecursion 0)


--Use the recursive cte only if there isn't a dates table in the database   
--Generates all dates in 2016
with dates(dt) as (select cast('2016-01-01' as date) 
                   union all
                   select dateadd(day,1,dt) 
                   from dates
                   where dt<'2017-01-01'
--Actual query
select d.dt,count(distinct t.id)
from tbl t
join dates d on d.dt>=t.admission_date and d.dt<=t.dishcarge_date
where d.dt>='2016-05-01' and d.dt<='2016-05-02' --change this as needed
group by d.dt
option (maxrecursion 0)


with d as (
      select v.*
      from t cross apply
           (values (admission_date, 1, 0),
                   (discharge_date, 0, 1)
           ) v(dte, incoming, outgoing)
select dte,
       (sum(sum(incoming)) over (order by dte) - sum(sum(outgoing)) over (order by dte)
       ) as census
from d
group by dte
order by dte;



with d as (
      select v.*
      from t cross apply
           (values (admission_date, 1, 0),
                   (discharge_date, 0, 1)
           ) v(dte, incoming, outgoing)
select dte,
       (sum(sum(incoming)) over (order by dte) - sum(sum(outgoing)) over (order by dte)
       ) as census
from d
group by dte
order by dte;

