ed result 3)如果可以的话,你能给我一些关于另一种机制的代码的细节吗?它可以帮助我尝试一下。@Shawn,滑动窗口框架不支持函数计数不,它没有得到想要的结果 --mockup data SnowSQL with test (date,id,a,

ed result 3)如果可以的话,你能给我一些关于另一种机制的代码的细节吗?它可以帮助我尝试一下。@Shawn,滑动窗口框架不支持函数计数不,它没有得到想要的结果 --mockup data SnowSQL with test (date,id,a,,sql,window-functions,snowflake-cloud-data-platform,snowsql,Sql,Window Functions,Snowflake Cloud Data Platform,Snowsql,ed result 3)如果可以的话,你能给我一些关于另一种机制的代码的细节吗?它可以帮助我尝试一下。@Shawn,滑动窗口框架不支持函数计数不,它没有得到想要的结果 --mockup data SnowSQL with test (date,id,a,b,c,d) as( select $1 as date, $2 as id, $3 as a, $4 as b, $5 as c, $6 as d from values ('2019-07-15','x_1','ps','e','US',

ed result 3)如果可以的话,你能给我一些关于另一种机制的代码的细节吗?它可以帮助我尝试一下。@Shawn,
--mockup data SnowSQL
with test  (date,id,a,b,c,d) as(
select $1 as date, $2 as id, $3 as a, $4 as b, $5 as c, $6 as d
from values 
('2019-08-11','v_8','c','ps','CH','AS') )
select 1 as part,
  select sum(x)
  from (
select count(distinct id) as x
from test
 date = '2019-07-16'
group by a,b,c,d) ) as dau,
  select sum(x)
  from (
select count(distinct id) as x
from test
 date between '2019-07-16'::date-interval '7 days' and '2019-07-16'
//    <= '2019-07-15'
//and date >= '2019-07-15'::date-interval '7 days'
group by a,b,c,d)) as w,
(select sum(x)
  from (
select count(distinct id) as x
from test
 date <= '2019-07-16'
and date >= '2019-07-16'::date-interval '30 days'
group by a,b,c,d)) as m
--window function
select 2,sum(dau),sum(w),sum(m)
count(distinct id) over (Partition by date,a,b,c,d Order by date)as dau,
count(distinct id) over (Partition by a,b,c,d Order by date rows between 7 preceding  and current row) as w,
count(distinct id) over (Partition by a,b,c,d Order by date rows between 30 preceding  and current row) as m
from test
group by
where date='2019-07-16'
group by date
select distinct [date], id
      from #test
order by [date] desc

select [date], 
        count(*) over (order by date desc rows between current row and 7 following ) count_7_day,
        count(*) over (order by date desc rows between current row and 30 following ) count_30_day
from (select distinct [date], id
      from #test )x
order by [date] desc
create table  test as(
select $1 as date, $2 as id, $3 as a, $4 as b, $5 as c, $6 as d
from values 
('2019-08-11','v_8','c','ps','CH','AS') );
with distinct_data as (
    select distinct date, id
    from test
), days as ( -- set of days we want to range over
    select column1 as days from (values (1),(7),(30))
), windows_ends as ( -- last 60 days of date
    select dateadd('day',-SEQ8(),current_date) as win_date_end
    from table(generator(rowcount => 60))
), windows as (
    select d.days
        ,dateadd('day',-d.days, w.win_date_end) as win_date_start
    from days as d
    join windows_ends as w
select w.days
    ,count(distinct(d.id)) as c_id
from distinct_data as d
join windows as w on d.date > w.win_date_Start and d.date <= w.win_date_end
group by 1,2,3
order by 3,1;
with distinct_data as (
    select distinct date, id
    from test
), days as ( -- set of days we want to range over
    select column1 as days from (values (1),(7),(30))
), windows_ends as ( -- last 60 days of date
    select dateadd('day',-SEQ8(),current_date) as win_date_end
    from table(generator(rowcount => 60))
), windows as (
    select d.days
        ,dateadd('day',-d.days, w.win_date_end) as win_date_start
    from days as d
    join windows_ends as w
), manyrows as (
  select w.days
      ,count(distinct(d.id)) as c_id
  from distinct_data as d
  join windows as w on d.date > w.win_date_Start and d.date <= w.win_date_end
  group by 1,2
select win_date_end as date, "1" as d1, "7" as d7, "30" as d30
from manyrows
   pivot(sum(c_id) for days in (1,7,30)) as p
order by win_date_end;
with distinct_data as (
    select distinct date
    from test
), distinct_dates as (
    select distinct date
        ,dateadd('day',-30,date) as d30_s
    from distinct_data
), mixed_data as (
select d.date
    ,datediff('days',b.date, d.date) as d_diff
    ,iff(d_diff < 1, id, NULL) as d1_id
    ,iff(d_diff < 7, id, NULL) as d7_id
    ,iff(d_diff < 30, id, NULL) as d30_id
from distinct_dates as d
join distinct_data as b on b.date >= d.d30_s and b.date <= d.date
select date
    ,count(distinct(d1_id)) as d1
    ,count(distinct(d7_id)) as d7
    ,count(distinct(d30_id)) as d30
from mixed_data
group by 1 order by 1;