
SQL查询结果问题,sql,sql-server,sql-server-2008,tsql,Sql,Sql Server,Sql Server 2008,Tsql,查询用于获取某个客户端的余额 SELECT t.[InvoiceID], t.S_Type as Type, t.Date, t.Debit, t.Credit, b.Balance FROM Statement as t CROSS apply (SELECT Balance = SUM(Debit) - SUM(Credit) FROM Statement as x WHERE (x.date < t.date or


SELECT  t.[InvoiceID], t.S_Type as Type,
        t.Date, t.Debit, t.Credit, b.Balance
FROM Statement as t CROSS apply
     (SELECT Balance = SUM(Debit) - SUM(Credit)
      FROM Statement as x
      WHERE (x.date < t.date or
             x.date = t.date 
            ) AND
            x.InvoiceID = t.InvoiceID 
            AND x.CustID = t.CustID
     ) b
WHERE t.CustID ='2' and date between '2015-01-01' and '2016-01-12'
order by InvoiceID, Type desc, Date
该问题与销售发票有关#13 20 176其应与发票借方合计并显示余额


   InvoiceID    Type                Date    Debit   Credit  Balance
    4          Sales Invoice    2015-06-09  520.00  0.00    520.00
    4          Receipt Voucher  2016-01-04  0.00    520.00  0.00
    6          Sales Invoice    2015-06-09  160.00  0.00    160.00
    6          Receipt Voucher  2016-01-04  0.00    160.00  0.00
    9          Sales Invoice    2015-06-09  850.00  0.00    850.00
    9          Receipt Voucher  2016-01-04  0.00    850.00  0.00
    13         Sales Invoice    2015-06-09  200.00  0.00    200.00
    20         Sales Invoice    2015-07-11  1225.00 0.00    1425.00
    176        Sales Invoice    2015-12-14  900.00  0.00    2325.00


SELECT  t.[InvoiceID], t.S_Type as Type,
        t.Date, t.Debit, t.Credit, b.Balance
FROM Statement as t CROSS apply
     (SELECT Balance = SUM(Debit) - SUM(Credit)
      FROM Statement as x
      WHERE x.CustID = t.CustID AND
            (x.date < t.date or
             x.date = t.date AND x.InvoiceID <= t.InvoiceID
     ) b
WHERE t.CustID ='2' and
      date between '2015-01-01' and '2016-01-12'
ORDER BY InvoiceID, Type desc, Date;

sum(coalesce(debit, 0) - coalesce(credit, 0)) over (partition by custid order by date, invoiceid)

sum(debit - credit) over (partition by custid order by date, invoiceid)
sum(coalesce(debit, 0) - coalesce(credit, 0)) over (partition by custid order by date, invoiceid)