安装tfs 2013时出现错误TF255146

安装tfs 2013时出现错误TF255146,tfs,tfs-2013,Tfs,Tfs 2013,我研究了如何解决这个错误: TF255146: Team Foundation Server requires SQL Server 2012 SP1 (11.00.3000) or greater. The SQL Server instance SERVER\sql2012 you supplied is version 11.0.2100.60. TF255507: The security identifier (SID) for the following SQL Server l


TF255146: Team Foundation Server requires SQL Server 2012 SP1 (11.00.3000) or greater.  The SQL Server instance SERVER\sql2012 you supplied is version 11.0.2100.60.

TF255507: The security identifier (SID) for the following SQL Server login conflicts with a specified domain or workgroup account: WIN-3QKNH40DUMD\Administrator. The domain or workgroup account is: SERVER\Administrator.  The server selected to host the databases for Team Foundation Server is: SERVER\sql2012. 
You can resolve this issue by renaming the conflicting login. To do so, open a command prompt on the computer that is running SQL Server and execute the following command:
sqlcmd -E -S "SERVER\sql2012" -Q "ALTER LOGIN [WIN-3QKNH40DUMD\Administrator] WITH NAME = [SERVER\Administrator]"
For more information, see the following page on the Microsoft Web site: http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=183408
我不需要安装sharepoint和reporting service。我搜索了很多来查找和修复这个错误,但是失败了



然后安装SQL 2012 SP1,然后安装TFS 2013,您应该可以开始了。

您需要安装SQL Server 2012的SP1。TFS 2013不支持没有SP1的SQL Server 2012
