Typescript 如何获取对象中函数的include参数?

Typescript 如何获取对象中函数的include参数?,typescript,Typescript,我有这样的数据 const data = { inc: (num: number) => num + 1, inc2: (num: number, count = 2) => num + count, } const convertData = <T, K extends keyof T>(_data: T): Record<K, number> => _data const a = convertData(data) a.inc(


const data = {
    inc: (num: number) => num + 1,
    inc2: (num: number, count = 2) => num + count,

const convertData = <T, K extends keyof T>(_data:  T): Record<K, number> => _data

const a = convertData(data)
a.inc(2)  // << wrong, Type 'Number' has no compatible call signatures.
let { compose, mapObjIndexed } = require('ramda')
const inc = (n: number) => n + 1
const inc2 = (n: number) => n + 2
const g = {
const inc3 = (n: number) => n + 3
const g2 = mapObjIndexed((action: any) => compose(inc3, action))(g)

// But in this case g2 is any, so I have to define type of g2.
// How can I define type of g2 depend on the g?

// => So you can use
console.log('>>', g2.inc(2), g2.inc2(5))

let { compose, mapObjIndexed } = require('ramda')
const inc = (n: number) => n + 1
const inc2 = (n: number, count = 2) => n + count
const g = {
const inc3 = (n: number) => n + 3
const g2: any = Object.keys(g).reduce(
    (previousValue, key) => {
        console.log('props', previousValue, key)
        return {
            [key]: (...arg: any[]) => { return inc3(g[key](...arg)) },
// const g2 = mapObjIndexed((action: any) => compose(inc3, action))(g)

// => So you can use
// But in this case g2 is any, so I have to define type of g2.
// How can I define type of g2(in this case any) depend on the g
console.log('>>', g2.inc(2), g2.inc2(5)) // 6 and 10


const inc = (n: number) => n + 1
const inc2 = (n: number, count = 2) => n + count
const g = {
const inc3 = (n: number) => n + 3

type ChnageReturnType<T, R> = {
    [P in keyof T] : T[P] extends (...a: infer A) => any ? (...a: A) => R: never

type AnyReturnType<T> = {
    [P in keyof T] : T[P] extends (a: any) => infer R ? R: never
}[keyof T]

function mapObject<T, R>(o: T, mapFn: (o: AnyReturnType<T>)=> R) :ChnageReturnType<T, R> {
    return Object.keys(g).reduce(
        (previousValue, key) => {
            console.log('pore', previousValue, key)
            return {
                [key]: (...arg: any[]) => { return inc3(g[key](...arg)) },
    {}) as ChnageReturnType<T, R>
const g2 = mapObject(g, inc3)
console.log('>>', g2.inc(2), g2.inc2(5)) // both functions fully typed return numbers

const g3 = mapObject(g, o=> o.toString()) // o is types as number but will be typed to a union of all posible return values ()
console.log('>>', g3.inc(2), g3.inc2(5)) // both functions will return strings 

如何转换?预期结果是什么?@TitianCernicova Dragomir使用相同类型的数据,但使用keyofWell为什么要使用
,您是否需要选择某些道具?因为我想处理convertData的结果,在这种情况下是num+1 | num+2,但另一种情况是不同的?对不起,我仍然不清楚,您是否可以提供与传递的I参数类型不同的预期输出?
const g4: ChnageReturnType<typeof g, number> = Object.keys(g).reduce(
    (previousValue, key) => {
        console.log('pore', previousValue, key)
        return {
            [key]: (...arg: any[]) => { return inc3(g[key](...arg)) },
{}) as any