Unity3d 使用中的问题统一中的协同程序

Unity3d 使用中的问题统一中的协同程序,unity3d,Unity3d,嗨,亲爱的朋友们 我写了一个游戏对象的透明跟随类,并将其作为一个组件添加到几个游戏对象中,但当我按下play按钮时,这个类作为一个组件出现的所有对象都开始打开和关闭。。。如果我只想打开一个叫名字的游戏对象……打开和关闭。请帮助我 请 using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using UnityEngine; using UnityEngine.UI; using System


我写了一个游戏对象的透明跟随类,并将其作为一个组件添加到几个游戏对象中,但当我按下play按钮时,这个类作为一个组件出现的所有对象都开始打开和关闭。。。如果我只想打开一个叫名字的游戏对象……打开和关闭。请帮助我 请

    using System.Collections;
    using System.Collections.Generic;
    using UnityEngine;
    using UnityEngine.UI;
    using System.Threading;

    public class Transparent : MonoBehaviour {

        private float duration =  .7f;
        public float waitTime;
        IEnumerator co;
         // Update is called once per frame void 
        public void Start()
            this.StartCoroutine (this.co);
        IEnumerator blink() { 

            Color textureColor = this.GetComponent<SpriteRenderer> ().material.color;
                //textureColor.a = Mathf.PingPong(Time.time, duration) / duration; 
                //this.GetComponent<SpriteRenderer>().material.color = textureColor;
                while (true) { // this could also be a condition indicating "alive or dead"
                    // we scale all axis, so they will have the same value, 
                    // so we can work with a float instead of comparing vectors

                    textureColor.a = Mathf.PingPong (Time.time, duration) / duration; 
                this.GetComponent<SpriteRenderer> ().material.color = textureColor;

                    // reset the timer

                    yield return new WaitForSeconds (waitTime);

            //end of if(this.transform.childCount =0)


        void stop_Transparency () 

                this.StopCoroutine (co);



and write different class for transparency dice that has child follow class

using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;

public class dice_Transparent : MonoBehaviour {
    private float duration =  .7f;
    public float waitTime;
    IEnumerator co;
    // Update is called once per frame void 
    public void Start()
        this.StartCoroutine (this.co);
    IEnumerator dice_blink() { 

        Color textureColor0 = this.transform.GetChild (0).GetComponent<SpriteRenderer> ().material.color;
        Color textureColor1 = this.transform.GetChild (1).GetComponent<SpriteRenderer> ().material.color;
        Color textureColor2 = this.transform.GetChild (2).GetComponent<SpriteRenderer> ().material.color;
        Color textureColor3 = this.transform.GetChild (3).GetComponent<SpriteRenderer> ().material.color;
        Color textureColor4 = this.transform.GetChild (4).GetComponent<SpriteRenderer> ().material.color;
        Color textureColor5 = this.transform.GetChild (5).GetComponent<SpriteRenderer> ().material.color;

        //textureColor.a = Mathf.PingPong(Time.time, duration) / duration; 
        //this.GetComponent<SpriteRenderer>().material.color = textureColor;
        while (true) { // this could also be a condition indicating "alive or dead"
            // we scale all axis, so they will have the same value, 
            // so we can work with a float instead of comparing vectors
            textureColor0.a=Mathf.PingPong (Time.time, duration) / duration;
            textureColor1.a=Mathf.PingPong (Time.time, duration) / duration;
            textureColor2.a=Mathf.PingPong (Time.time, duration) / duration;
            textureColor3.a=Mathf.PingPong (Time.time, duration) / duration;
            textureColor4.a=Mathf.PingPong (Time.time, duration) / duration;
            textureColor5.a=Mathf.PingPong (Time.time, duration) / duration;
            this.transform.GetChild (0).GetComponent<SpriteRenderer> ().material.color = textureColor0;
            this.transform.GetChild (1).GetComponent<SpriteRenderer> ().material.color = textureColor1;
            this.transform.GetChild (2).GetComponent<SpriteRenderer> ().material.color = textureColor2;
            this.transform.GetChild (3).GetComponent<SpriteRenderer> ().material.color = textureColor3;
            this.transform.GetChild (4).GetComponent<SpriteRenderer> ().material.color = textureColor4;
            this.transform.GetChild (5).GetComponent<SpriteRenderer> ().material.color = textureColor5;

            // reset the timer

            yield return new WaitForSeconds (waitTime);

        //end of if(this.transform.childCount =0)


    void stop_Transparency () 

        this.StopCoroutine (this.co);




