Warning: file_get_contents(/data/phpspider/zhask/data//catemap/3/clojure/3.json): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /data/phpspider/zhask/libs/function.php on line 167

Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /data/phpspider/zhask/libs/tag.function.php on line 1116

Notice: Undefined index: in /data/phpspider/zhask/libs/function.php on line 180

Warning: array_chunk() expects parameter 1 to be array, null given in /data/phpspider/zhask/libs/function.php on line 181
Vector 在Clojure中使用更新映射值_Vector_Clojure_Updates_Null Pointer_Nested Map - Fatal编程技术网

Vector 在Clojure中使用更新映射值

Vector 在Clojure中使用更新映射值,vector,clojure,updates,null-pointer,nested-map,Vector,Clojure,Updates,Null Pointer,Nested Map,我有一个类似于下面的json,需要在其中添加值 { "10 days refund": [ { "paymentType": "CreditCard", "amount": "40$", "expiryDate": "20/10/2025" },


{ "10 days refund": [
            "paymentType": "CreditCard",
            "amount": "40$",
            "expiryDate": "20/10/2025"
            "paymentType": "CreditCard",
            "amount": "20$",
            "expiryDate": "20/1/2024"
    "3 hours refund": [
            "paymentType": "DebitCard",
            "amount": "10$",
            "expiryDate": "20/10/2026"
            "paymentType": "DebitCard",
            "amount": "5$",
            "expiryDate": "20/10/2027"

{ "10 days refund": [
                "paymentType": "CreditCard",
                "amount": "40$",
                "expiryDate": "20/10/2025"
                "paymentType": "CreditCard",
                "amount": "20$",
                "expiryDate": "20/1/2024",
                "message" : "Refund will be processed in 10 days"
        "3 hours refund": [
                "paymentType": "DebitCard",
                "amount": "10$",
                "expiryDate": "20/10/2026"
                "paymentType": "DebitCard",
                "amount": "5$",
                "expiryDate": "20/10/2027",
                "message" : "Refund will be processed in 3 hours"
                    "paymentType": "CreditCard",
                    "amount": "40$",
                    "expiryDate": "20/10/2025"
                    "paymentType": "CreditCard",
                    "amount": "20$",
                    "expiryDate": "20/1/2024",
                    "message" : "Refund will be processed in 10 days"
                    "paymentType": "DebitCard",
                    "amount": "10$",
                    "expiryDate": "20/10/2026"
                    "paymentType": "DebitCard",
                    "amount": "5$",
                    "expiryDate": "20/10/2027",
                    "message" : "Refund will be processed in 3 hours"

(defn ^:private payment-methods
  (let [categories (group-by pm-fingerprint pm-sorted)]
    (for [[pm-fingerprint pm-sorted] categories
          :let [last-payment-method (last pm-sorted)
                dropped-last (drop-last pm-sorted)]]
      (if (= (:refund-category pm-fingerprint) "10 hours refund")
        ((println "10 days refund")
         (doall (conj (doall dropped-last) (assoc last-payment-method :message
                                                                      (text (str "Refund will be processed in 10 days"))))))
        ((println "3 hours refund")
         (doall (conj (doall dropped-last) (assoc last-payment-method :message
                                                                      (text (str "Refund will be processed in 3 hours"))))))))))

(defn ^:private pm-fingerprint
  (let [payment-type ("paymentType" payment-method)]
    {:refund-category (if (= payment-type "CreditCard"))
                     "10 days refund"
                     "3 hours refund")}))

{ "10 days refund": [
                "paymentType": "CreditCard",
                "amount": "40$",
                "expiryDate": "20/10/2025"
                "paymentType": "CreditCard",
                "amount": "20$",
                "expiryDate": "20/1/2024",
                "message" : "Refund will be processed in 10 days"
        "3 hours refund": [
                "paymentType": "DebitCard",
                "amount": "10$",
                "expiryDate": "20/10/2026"
                "paymentType": "DebitCard",
                "amount": "5$",
                "expiryDate": "20/10/2027",
                "message" : "Refund will be processed in 3 hours"
                    "paymentType": "CreditCard",
                    "amount": "40$",
                    "expiryDate": "20/10/2025"
                    "paymentType": "CreditCard",
                    "amount": "20$",
                    "expiryDate": "20/1/2024",
                    "message" : "Refund will be processed in 10 days"
                    "paymentType": "DebitCard",
                    "amount": "10$",
                    "expiryDate": "20/10/2026"
                    "paymentType": "DebitCard",
                    "amount": "5$",
                    "expiryDate": "20/10/2027",
                    "message" : "Refund will be processed in 3 hours"



(ns tst.demo.core
  (:use tupelo.core tupelo.test)
    [schema.core :as s]
    [tupelo.string :as str]

(def input
    "{ '10-days-refund': [
            { 'paymentType': 'CreditCard',
                'amount': '40$',
                'expiryDate': '20/10/2025' },
            { 'paymentType': 'CreditCard',
                'amount': '20$',
                'expiryDate': '20/1/2024' }
        '3-hours-refund': [
                'paymentType': 'DebitCard',
                'amount': '10$',
                'expiryDate': '20/10/2026' },
            { 'paymentType': 'DebitCard',
                'amount': '5$',
                'expiryDate': '20/10/2027' } ] }"))

  (let [data  (json->edn input)
        data2 (vec
                (for [entry data]
                  (let [[the-key pmt-lst] entry ; destruture into key and list of vals
                        pmt-lst-butlast   (butlast pmt-lst)
                        pmt-lst-last      (last pmt-lst)
                        last-new          (assoc pmt-lst-last :message "Coming Soon!")
                        pmt-lst-new       (append pmt-lst-butlast last-new)
                        entry-new         [the-key pmt-lst-new]]

    (is= data2
           [{:amount "40$" :expiryDate "20/10/2025" :paymentType "CreditCard"}
            {:amount      "20$"
             :expiryDate  "20/1/2024"
             :message     "Coming Soon!"
             :paymentType "CreditCard"}]]
           [{:amount "10$" :expiryDate "20/10/2026" :paymentType "DebitCard"}
            {:amount      "5$"
             :expiryDate  "20/10/2027"
             :message     "Coming Soon!"
             :paymentType "DebitCard"}]]]