Windows phone 8.1 自定义页面内容未显示在band互动程序中存在问题

Windows phone 8.1 自定义页面内容未显示在band互动程序中存在问题,windows-phone-8.1,microsoft-band,Windows Phone 8.1,Microsoft Band,我对bandClient.TileManager.SetPagesAsync有一个问题,它返回true,我认为这意味着一切都成功了,但是当我单击我的band tile时,没有显示任何内容。我省略了下面的瓷砖创建代码,因为我相信它可以很好地工作,因为我能够成功地向它发送消息。有什么想法吗 private void CreateLeaderboardPageLayout(BandTile tile) { // create a scrollable vertical pane

我对bandClient.TileManager.SetPagesAsync有一个问题,它返回true,我认为这意味着一切都成功了,但是当我单击我的band tile时,没有显示任何内容。我省略了下面的瓷砖创建代码,因为我相信它可以很好地工作,因为我能够成功地向它发送消息。有什么想法吗

private void CreateLeaderboardPageLayout(BandTile tile)
        // create a scrollable vertical panel that will hold 3 text messages
        ScrollFlowPanel panel = new ScrollFlowPanel
            Rect = new PageRect(0, 0, 245, 102),
            Orientation = FlowPanelOrientation.Vertical

        // add the text block to contain the first message
        panel.Elements.Add(new TextBlock 
            ElementId = (short) TileMessagesLayoutElementId.Message1,
            Rect = new PageRect(0, 0, 245, 102),
            // left, top, right, bottom margins
            Margins = new Margins(15, 0, 15, 0),
            Color = new BandColor(0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF)

        // add the text block to contain the second message
        panel.Elements.Add(new TextBlock
            ElementId = (short)TileMessagesLayoutElementId.Message2,
            Rect = new PageRect(0, 0, 245, 102),
            // left, top, right, bottom margins
            Margins = new Margins (15, 0, 15, 0),
            Color = new BandColor(0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF)

        // add the text block to contain the third message
        panel.Elements.Add(new TextBlock
            ElementId = (short)TileMessagesLayoutElementId.Message3,
            Rect = new PageRect(0, 0, 245, 102),
            // left, top, right, bottom margins
            Margins = new Margins(15, 0, 15, 0),
            Color = new BandColor(0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF)

        // create the page layout
        var layout = new PageLayout(panel);


    public async Task UpdateLeaderBoard(IBandClient bandClient)
        // create the object containing the page content to be set
        var pageContent = new PageData(MSC_LEADERBOARD_GUID, 0,
            new TextBlockData((Int16) TileMessagesLayoutElementId.Message1,
                "This is the text of the first message"),
            new TextBlockData((Int16) TileMessagesLayoutElementId.Message2,
                "This is the text of the second message")
            new TextBlockData((Int16) TileMessagesLayoutElementId.Message3,
                "This is the text of the third message")
        var added = await bandClient.TileManager.SetPagesAsync(MSC_TILE_GUID, pageContent);


