在WSO2 EI 6.6中删除spring mediator有什么原因吗

在WSO2 EI 6.6中删除spring mediator有什么原因吗,wso2,wso2esb,Wso2,Wso2esb,WSO2 EI v6.6删除了对Spring Mediator的支持。它在v6.5上被称为“弃用”,因此问题不在于删除,而在于删除的原因。 删除此中介程序有什么具体原因吗?他们已向WSO2体系结构邮件列表发送了一份关于不推荐此功能的更新。这里是其中包含的内容 | Feature | Reason for deprecating |

WSO2 EI v6.6删除了对Spring Mediator的支持。它在v6.5上被称为“弃用”,因此问题不在于删除,而在于删除的原因。


| Feature                                    | Reason for deprecating                                                  |
| Priority Executors, Enqueue Mediator       | Rarely used                                                             |
| Bean Mediator                              | Rarely used, no active development                                      |
| POJO Command Mediator                      | Rarely used, no active development                                      |
| Spring Mediator                            | Rarely used, no active development                                      |
| Conditional Router Mediator                | Same as Filter mediator, so no use of having this                       |
| In, Out Mediators                          | Rarely used, not required with the new call/respond mediator approach.  |
| Event Mediator & In memory Topics          | No real production usage                                                |
| ESB artifacts option in Management console | Rarely used                                                             |