Algorithm 如何从字母矩阵中找到可能的单词列表[Boggle Solver]

Algorithm 如何从字母矩阵中找到可能的单词列表[Boggle Solver],algorithm,puzzle,boggle,Algorithm,Puzzle,Boggle,最近我在我的iPhone上玩了一个叫做“扰码”的游戏。你们中的一些人可能知道这个游戏是Boggle。基本上,当游戏开始时,你会得到一个字母矩阵,如下所示: F X I E A M L O E W B X A S T U 游戏的目标是找到尽可能多的单词,这些单词可以通过将字母链接在一起形成。你可以从任何字母开始,它周围的所有字母都是公平的游戏,然后当你转到下一个字母时,该字母周围的所有字母都是公平的游戏,除了以前使用过的字母之外。因此,在上面的表格中,例如,我可以想出单词LOB,TUX,SEA,





我很想看看是否有Stackoverflowers能想出更有效的解决方案。我主要是使用大3 ps:Python、PHP和Perl来寻找解决方案,尽管java或C++的任何东西都很酷,因为速度是必不可少的。 当前解决方案

  • 亚当·罗森菲尔德,巨蟒,20多岁
  • 约翰·福伊,巨蟒,~3s
  • 肯特·弗雷德里克,Perl,~1s
  • 大流士·培根,巨蟒,~1秒
  • rvarcher,VB.NET,~1s
  • Paolo Bergantino,PHP,~5s(~2s本地)








您将要获得的最快解决方案可能包括将您的词典存储在一个数据库中。然后,创建一个三元组队列(x,y,s),队列中的每个元素对应于一个单词的前缀s,该前缀可以在网格中拼写,在位置(x,y)处结束。使用N x N个元素(其中N是网格的大小)初始化队列,网格中每个正方形对应一个元素。然后,算法进行如下操作:

While the queue is not empty: Dequeue a triple (x, y, s) For each square (x', y') with letter c adjacent to (x, y): If s+c is a word, output s+c If s+c is a prefix of a word, insert (x', y', s+c) into the queue 输出:

Found "pic" directions from (4,0)(p) go  → →
Found "pick" directions from (4,0)(p) go  → → ↑
Found "pickman" directions from (4,0)(p) go  → → ↑ ↑ ↖ ↑
Found "picket" directions from (4,0)(p) go  → → ↑ ↗ ↖
Found "picked" directions from (4,0)(p) go  → → ↑ ↗ ↘
Found "pickle" directions from (4,0)(p) go  → → ↑ ↘ →



'IN': 1
'WA': 1
'EX': 2


letter: char
isWord: boolean
    For each letter:
        if the struct representing it on the current depth has isWord == true, enter it as an answer.
        Cycle through all its neighbors; if there is a child of the current node corresponding to the letter, recursively call BEGIN on it.
def make_lookups(grid, fn='dict.txt'):
    # Make set of valid characters.
    chars = set()
    for word in grid:

    words = set(x.strip() for x in open(fn) if set(x.strip()) <= chars)
    prefixes = set()
    for w in words:
        for i in range(len(w)+1):

    return words, prefixes
graph = { (x, y):set([(x0,y0), (x1,y1), (x2,y2)]), }
def make_graph(grid):
    root = None
    graph = { root:set() }
    chardict = { root:'' }

    for i, row in enumerate(grid):
        for j, char in enumerate(row):
            chardict[(i, j)] = char
            node = (i, j)
            children = set()
            graph[node] = children
            add_children(node, children, grid)

    return graph, chardict

def add_children(node, children, grid):
    x0, y0 = node
    for i in [-1,0,1]:
        x = x0 + i
        if not (0 <= x < len(grid)):
        for j in [-1,0,1]:
            y = y0 + j
            if not (0 <= y < len(grid[0])) or (i == j == 0):

def to_word(chardict, pos_list):
    return ''.join(chardict[x] for x in pos_list)
def find_words(graph, chardict, position, prefix, results, words, prefixes):
    """ Arguments:
      graph :: mapping (x,y) to set of reachable positions
      chardict :: mapping (x,y) to character
      position :: current position (x,y) -- equals prefix[-1]
      prefix :: list of positions in current string
      results :: set of words found
      words :: set of valid words in the dictionary
      prefixes :: set of valid words or prefixes thereof
    word = to_word(chardict, prefix)

    if word not in prefixes:

    if word in words:

    for child in graph[position]:
        if child not in prefix:
            find_words(graph, chardict, child, prefix+[child], results, words, prefixes)
grid = ['fxie', 'amlo', 'ewbx', 'astu']
g, c = make_graph(grid)
w, p = make_lookups(grid)
res = set()
find_words(g, c, None, [], res, w, p)
 ['a', 'b', 'e', 'f', 'i', 'l', 'm', 'o', 's', 't',
 'u', 'w', 'x', 'ae', 'am', 'as', 'aw', 'ax', 'bo',
 'bu', 'ea', 'el', 'em', 'es', 'fa', 'ie', 'io', 'li',
 'lo', 'ma', 'me', 'mi', 'oe', 'ox', 'sa', 'se', 'st',
 'tu', 'ut', 'wa', 'we', 'xi', 'aes', 'ame', 'ami',
 'ase', 'ast', 'awa', 'awe', 'awl', 'blo', 'but', 'elb',
 'elm', 'fae', 'fam', 'lei', 'lie', 'lim', 'lob', 'lox',
 'mae', 'maw', 'mew', 'mil', 'mix', 'oil', 'olm', 'saw',
 'sea', 'sew', 'swa', 'tub', 'tux', 'twa', 'wae', 'was',
 'wax', 'wem', 'ambo', 'amil', 'amli', 'asem', 'axil',
 'axle', 'bleo', 'boil', 'bole', 'east', 'fame', 'limb',
 'lime', 'mesa', 'mewl', 'mile', 'milo', 'oime', 'sawt',
 'seam', 'seax', 'semi', 'stub', 'swam', 'twae', 'twas',
 'wame', 'wase', 'wast', 'weam', 'west', 'amble', 'awest',
 'axile', 'embox', 'limbo', 'limes', 'swami', 'embole',
 'famble', 'semble', 'wamble']
model name      : Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Duo CPU     T9300  @ 2.50GHz
cache size      : 6144 KB
Memory usage summary: heap total: 77057577, heap peak: 11446200, stack peak: 26448
       total calls   total memory   failed calls
 malloc|     947212       68763684              0
realloc|      11191        1045641              0  (nomove:9063, dec:4731, free:0)
 calloc|     121001        7248252              0
   free|     973159       65854762

Histogram for block sizes:
  0-15         392633  36% ==================================================
 16-31          43530   4% =====
 32-47          50048   4% ======
 48-63          70701   6% =========
 64-79          18831   1% ==
 80-95          19271   1% ==
 96-111        238398  22% ==============================
112-127          3007  <1% 
128-143        236727  21% ==============================
s/iter unfiltered filtered unfiltered 8.16 -- -94% filtered 0.464 1658% --
# Print a maximal-length word and its path:
print max(solve(), key=lambda (word, path): len(word))
Imports System.Collections.Generic
Imports System.IO

Partial Class boggle_Default

    'Bob Archer, 4/15/2009

    'To avoid using a 2 dimensional array in VB I'm not using typical X,Y
    'coordinate iteration to find paths.
    'I have locked the code into a 4 by 4 grid laid out like so:
    ' abcd
    ' efgh
    ' ijkl
    ' mnop
    'To find paths the code starts with a letter from a to p then
    'explores the paths available around it. If a neighboring letter
    'already exists in the path then we don't go there.
    'Neighboring letters (grid points) are hard coded into
    'a Generic.Dictionary below.

    'Paths is a list of only valid Paths found. 
    'If a word prefix or word is not found the path is not
    'added and extending that path is terminated.
    Dim Paths As New Generic.List(Of String)

    'NeighborsOf. The keys are the letters a to p.
    'The value is a string of letters representing neighboring letters.
    'The string of neighboring letters is split and iterated later.
    Dim NeigborsOf As New Generic.Dictionary(Of String, String)

    'BoggleLetters. The keys are mapped to the lettered grid of a to p.
    'The values are what the user inputs on the page.
    Dim BoggleLetters As New Generic.Dictionary(Of String, String)

    'Used to store last postition of path. This will be a letter
    'from a to p.
    Dim LastPositionOfPath As String = ""

    'I found a HashTable was by far faster than a Generic.Dictionary 
    ' - about 10 times faster. This stores prefixes of words and words.
    'I determined 792773 was the number of words and unique prefixes that
    'will be generated from the dictionary file. This is a max number and
    'the final hashtable will not have that many.
    Dim HashTableOfPrefixesAndWords As New Hashtable(792773)

    'Stores words that are found.
    Dim FoundWords As New Generic.List(Of String)

    'Just to validate what the user enters in the grid.
    Dim ErrorFoundWithSubmittedLetters As Boolean = False

    Public Sub BuildAndTestPathsAndFindWords(ByVal ThisPath As String)
        'Word is the word correlating to the ThisPath parameter.
        'This path would be a series of letters from a to p.
        Dim Word As String = ""

        'The path is iterated through and a word based on the actual
        'letters in the Boggle grid is assembled.
        For i As Integer = 0 To ThisPath.Length - 1
            Word += Me.BoggleLetters(ThisPath.Substring(i, 1))

        'If my hashtable of word prefixes and words doesn't contain this Word
        'Then this isn't a word and any further extension of ThisPath will not
        'yield any words either. So exit sub to terminate exploring this path.
        If Not HashTableOfPrefixesAndWords.ContainsKey(Word) Then Exit Sub

        'The value of my hashtable is a boolean representing if the key if a word (true) or
        'just a prefix (false). If true and at least 3 letters long then yay! word found.
        If HashTableOfPrefixesAndWords(Word) AndAlso Word.Length > 2 Then Me.FoundWords.Add(Word)

        'If my List of Paths doesn't contain ThisPath then add it.
        'Remember only valid paths will make it this far. Paths not found
        'in the HashTableOfPrefixesAndWords cause this sub to exit above.
        If Not Paths.Contains(ThisPath) Then Paths.Add(ThisPath)

        'Examine the last letter of ThisPath. We are looking to extend the path
        'to our neighboring letters if any are still available.
        LastPositionOfPath = ThisPath.Substring(ThisPath.Length - 1, 1)

        'Loop through my list of neighboring letters (representing grid points).
        For Each Neighbor As String In Me.NeigborsOf(LastPositionOfPath).ToCharArray()
            'If I find a neighboring grid point that I haven't already used
            'in ThisPath then extend ThisPath and feed the new path into
            'this recursive function. (see recursive.)
            If Not ThisPath.Contains(Neighbor) Then Me.BuildAndTestPathsAndFindWords(ThisPath & Neighbor)
    End Sub

    Protected Sub ButtonBoggle_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles ButtonBoggle.Click

        'User has entered the 16 letters and clicked the go button.

        'Set up my Generic.Dictionary of grid points, I'm using letters a to p -
        'not an x,y grid system.  The values are neighboring points.
        NeigborsOf.Add("a", "bfe")
        NeigborsOf.Add("b", "cgfea")
        NeigborsOf.Add("c", "dhgfb")
        NeigborsOf.Add("d", "hgc")
        NeigborsOf.Add("e", "abfji")
        NeigborsOf.Add("f", "abcgkjie")
        NeigborsOf.Add("g", "bcdhlkjf")
        NeigborsOf.Add("h", "cdlkg")
        NeigborsOf.Add("i", "efjnm")
        NeigborsOf.Add("j", "efgkonmi")
        NeigborsOf.Add("k", "fghlponj")
        NeigborsOf.Add("l", "ghpok")
        NeigborsOf.Add("m", "ijn")
        NeigborsOf.Add("n", "ijkom")
        NeigborsOf.Add("o", "jklpn")
        NeigborsOf.Add("p", "klo")

        'Retrieve letters the user entered.
        BoggleLetters.Add("a", Me.TextBox1.Text.ToLower.Trim())
        BoggleLetters.Add("b", Me.TextBox2.Text.ToLower.Trim())
        BoggleLetters.Add("c", Me.TextBox3.Text.ToLower.Trim())
        BoggleLetters.Add("d", Me.TextBox4.Text.ToLower.Trim())
        BoggleLetters.Add("e", Me.TextBox5.Text.ToLower.Trim())
        BoggleLetters.Add("f", Me.TextBox6.Text.ToLower.Trim())
        BoggleLetters.Add("g", Me.TextBox7.Text.ToLower.Trim())
        BoggleLetters.Add("h", Me.TextBox8.Text.ToLower.Trim())
        BoggleLetters.Add("i", Me.TextBox9.Text.ToLower.Trim())
        BoggleLetters.Add("j", Me.TextBox10.Text.ToLower.Trim())
        BoggleLetters.Add("k", Me.TextBox11.Text.ToLower.Trim())
        BoggleLetters.Add("l", Me.TextBox12.Text.ToLower.Trim())
        BoggleLetters.Add("m", Me.TextBox13.Text.ToLower.Trim())
        BoggleLetters.Add("n", Me.TextBox14.Text.ToLower.Trim())
        BoggleLetters.Add("o", Me.TextBox15.Text.ToLower.Trim())
        BoggleLetters.Add("p", Me.TextBox16.Text.ToLower.Trim())

        'Validate user entered something with a length of 1 for all 16 textboxes.
        For Each S As String In BoggleLetters.Keys
            If BoggleLetters(S).Length <> 1 Then
                ErrorFoundWithSubmittedLetters = True
                Exit For
            End If

        'If input is not valid then...
        If ErrorFoundWithSubmittedLetters Then
            'Present error message.
            'Else assume we have 16 letters to work with and start finding words.
            Dim SB As New StringBuilder

            Dim Time As String = String.Format("{0}:{1}:{2}:{3}", Date.Now.Hour.ToString(), Date.Now.Minute.ToString(), Date.Now.Second.ToString(), Date.Now.Millisecond.ToString())

            Dim NumOfLetters As Integer = 0
            Dim Word As String = ""
            Dim TempWord As String = ""
            Dim Letter As String = ""
            Dim fr As StreamReader = Nothing
            fr = New System.IO.StreamReader(HttpContext.Current.Request.MapPath("~/boggle/dic.txt"))

            'First fill my hashtable with word prefixes and words.
            'HashTable(PrefixOrWordString, BooleanTrueIfWordFalseIfPrefix)
            While fr.Peek <> -1
                Word = fr.ReadLine.Trim()
                TempWord = ""
                For i As Integer = 0 To Word.Length - 1
                    Letter = Word.Substring(i, 1)
                    'This optimization helped quite a bit. Words in the dictionary that begin
                    'with letters that the user did not enter in the grid shouldn't go in my hashtable.
                    'I realize most of the solutions went with a Trie. I'd never heard of that before,
                    'which is one of the neat things about SO, seeing how others approach challenges
                    'and learning some best practices.
                    'However, I didn't code a Trie in my solution. I just have a hashtable with 
                    'all words in the dicitonary file and all possible prefixes for those words.
                    'A Trie might be faster but I'm not coding it now. I'm getting good times with this.
                    If i = 0 AndAlso Not BoggleLetters.ContainsValue(Letter) Then Continue While
                    TempWord += Letter
                    If Not HashTableOfPrefixesAndWords.ContainsKey(TempWord) Then
                        HashTableOfPrefixesAndWords.Add(TempWord, TempWord = Word)
                    End If
            End While

            SB.Append("Number of Word Prefixes and Words in Hashtable: " & HashTableOfPrefixesAndWords.Count.ToString())
            SB.Append("<br />")

            SB.Append("Loading Dictionary: " & Time & " - " & String.Format("{0}:{1}:{2}:{3}", Date.Now.Hour.ToString(), Date.Now.Minute.ToString(), Date.Now.Second.ToString(), Date.Now.Millisecond.ToString()))
            SB.Append("<br />")

            Time = String.Format("{0}:{1}:{2}:{3}", Date.Now.Hour.ToString(), Date.Now.Minute.ToString(), Date.Now.Second.ToString(), Date.Now.Millisecond.ToString())

            'This starts a path at each point on the grid an builds a path until 
            'the string of letters correlating to the path is not found in the hashtable
            'of word prefixes and words.

            SB.Append("Finding Words: " & Time & " - " & String.Format("{0}:{1}:{2}:{3}", Date.Now.Hour.ToString(), Date.Now.Minute.ToString(), Date.Now.Second.ToString(), Date.Now.Millisecond.ToString()))
            SB.Append("<br />")

            SB.Append("Num of words found: " & FoundWords.Count.ToString())
            SB.Append("<br />")
            SB.Append("<br />")

            SB.Append(String.Join("<br />", FoundWords.ToArray()))

            'Output results.
            Me.LiteralBoggleResults.Text = SB.ToString()
            Me.PanelBoggleResults.Visible = True

        End If

    End Sub

End Class
$boggle = "fxie

$alphabet = str_split(str_replace(array("\n", " ", "\r"), "", strtolower($boggle)));
$rows = array_map('trim', explode("\n", $boggle));
$dictionary = file("C:/dict.txt");
$prefixes = array(''=>'');
$words = array();
$regex = '/[' . implode('', $alphabet) . ']{3,}$/S';
foreach($dictionary as $k=>$value) {
    $value = trim(strtolower($value));
    $length = strlen($value);
    if(preg_match($regex, $value)) {
        for($x = 0; $x < $length; $x++) {
            $letter = substr($value, 0, $x+1);
            if($letter == $value) {
                $words[$value] = 1;
            } else {
                $prefixes[$letter] = 1;

$graph = array();
$chardict = array();
$positions = array();
$c = count($rows);
for($i = 0; $i < $c; $i++) {
    $l = strlen($rows[$i]);
    for($j = 0; $j < $l; $j++) {
        $chardict[$i.','.$j] = $rows[$i][$j];
        $children = array();
        $pos = array(-1,0,1);
        foreach($pos as $z) {
            $xCoord = $z + $i;
            if($xCoord < 0 || $xCoord >= count($rows)) {
            $len = strlen($rows[0]);
            foreach($pos as $w) {
                $yCoord = $j + $w;
                if(($yCoord < 0 || $yCoord >= $len) || ($z == 0 && $w == 0)) {
                $children[] = array($xCoord, $yCoord);
        $graph['None'][] = array($i, $j);
        $graph[$i.','.$j] = $children;

function to_word($chardict, $prefix) {
    $word = array();
    foreach($prefix as $v) {
        $word[] = $chardict[$v[0].','.$v[1]];
    return implode("", $word);

function find_words($graph, $chardict, $position, $prefix, $prefixes, &$results, $words) {
    $word = to_word($chardict, $prefix);
    if(!isset($prefixes[$word])) return false;

    if(isset($words[$word])) {
        $results[] = $word;

    foreach($graph[$position] as $child) {
        if(!in_array($child, $prefix)) {
            $newprefix = $prefix;
            $newprefix[] = $child;
            find_words($graph, $chardict, $child[0].','.$child[1], $newprefix, $prefixes, $results, $words);

$solution = array();
find_words($graph, $chardict, 'None', array(), $prefixes, $solution);
use Time::HiRes  qw{ time };

sub readFile($);
sub findAllPrefixes($);
sub isWordTraceable($);
sub findWordsInPuzzle(@);

my $startTime = time;

# Puzzle to solve

my @puzzle = ( 
    F, X, I, E,
    A, M, L, O,
    E, W, B, X,
    A, S, T, U

my $minimumWordLength = 3;
my $maximumPrefixLength = 3; # I tried four and it slowed down.

# Slurp the word list.
my $wordlistFile = "/usr/share/dict/words";

my @words = split(/\n/, uc(readFile($wordlistFile)));
print "Words loaded from word list: " . scalar @words . "\n";

print "Word file load time: " . (time - $startTime) . "\n";
my $postLoad = time;

# Define the legal transitions from one letter position to another. 
# Positions are numbered 0-15.
#     0  1  2  3
#     4  5  6  7
#     8  9 10 11
#    12 13 14 15
my %transitions = ( 
   -1 => [0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15],
    0 => [1,4,5], 
    1 => [0,2,4,5,6],
    2 => [1,3,5,6,7],
    3 => [2,6,7],
    4 => [0,1,5,8,9],
    5 => [0,1,2,4,6,8,9,10],
    6 => [1,2,3,5,7,9,10,11],
    7 => [2,3,6,10,11],
    8 => [4,5,9,12,13],
    9 => [4,5,6,8,10,12,13,14],
    10 => [5,6,7,9,11,13,14,15],
    11 => [6,7,10,14,15],
    12 => [8,9,13],
    13 => [8,9,10,12,14],
    14 => [9,10,11,13,15],
    15 => [10,11,14]

# Convert the transition matrix into a hash for easy access.
my %legalTransitions = ();
foreach my $start (keys %transitions) {
    my $legalRef = $transitions{$start};
    foreach my $stop (@$legalRef) {
        my $index = ($start + 1) * (scalar @puzzle) + ($stop + 1);
        $legalTransitions{$index} = 1;

my %prefixesInPuzzle = findAllPrefixes($maximumPrefixLength);

print "Find prefixes time: " . (time - $postLoad) . "\n";
my $postPrefix = time;

my @wordsFoundInPuzzle = findWordsInPuzzle(@words);

print "Find words in puzzle time: " . (time - $postPrefix) . "\n";

print "Unique prefixes found: " . (scalar keys %prefixesInPuzzle) . "\n";
print "Words found (" . (scalar @wordsFoundInPuzzle) . ") :\n    " . join("\n    ", @wordsFoundInPuzzle) . "\n";

print "Total Elapsed time: " . (time - $startTime) . "\n";


sub readFile($) {
    my ($filename) = @_;
    my $contents;
    if (-e $filename) {
        # This is magic: it opens and reads a file into a scalar in one line of code. 
        # See
        $contents = do { local( @ARGV, $/ ) = $filename ; <> } ; 
    else {
        $contents = '';
    return $contents;

# Is it legal to move from the first position to the second? They must be adjacent.
sub isLegalTransition($$) {
    my ($pos1,$pos2) = @_;
    my $index = ($pos1 + 1) * (scalar @puzzle) + ($pos2 + 1);
    return $legalTransitions{$index};

# Find all prefixes where $minimumWordLength <= length <= $maxPrefixLength
#   $maxPrefixLength ... Maximum length of prefix we will store. Three gives best performance. 
sub findAllPrefixes($) {
    my ($maxPrefixLength) = @_;
    my %prefixes = ();
    my $puzzleSize = scalar @puzzle;

    # Every possible N-letter combination of the letters in the puzzle 
    # can be represented as an integer, though many of those combinations
    # involve illegal transitions, duplicated letters, etc.
    # Iterate through all those possibilities and eliminate the illegal ones.
    my $maxIndex = $puzzleSize ** $maxPrefixLength;

    for (my $i = 0; $i < $maxIndex; $i++) {
        my @path;
        my $remainder = $i;
        my $prevPosition = -1;
        my $prefix = '';
        my %usedPositions = ();
        for (my $prefixLength = 1; $prefixLength <= $maxPrefixLength; $prefixLength++) {
            my $position = $remainder % $puzzleSize;

            # Is this a valid step?
            #  a. Is the transition legal (to an adjacent square)?
            if (! isLegalTransition($prevPosition, $position)) {

            #  b. Have we repeated a square?
            if ($usedPositions{$position}) {
            else {
                $usedPositions{$position} = 1;

            # Record this prefix if length >= $minimumWordLength.
            $prefix .= $puzzle[$position];
            if ($prefixLength >= $minimumWordLength) {
                $prefixes{$prefix} = 1;

            push @path, $position;
            $remainder -= $position;
            $remainder /= $puzzleSize;
            $prevPosition = $position;
        } # end inner for
    } # end outer for
    return %prefixes;

# Loop through all words in dictionary, looking for ones that are in the puzzle.
sub findWordsInPuzzle(@) {
    my @allWords = @_;
    my @wordsFound = ();
    my $puzzleSize = scalar @puzzle;
WORD: foreach my $word (@allWords) {
        my $wordLength = length($word);
        if ($wordLength > $puzzleSize || $wordLength < $minimumWordLength) {
            # Reject word as too short or too long.
        elsif ($wordLength <= $maximumPrefixLength ) {
            # Word should be in the prefix hash.
            if ($prefixesInPuzzle{$word}) {
                push @wordsFound, $word;
        else {
            # Scan through the word using a window of length $maximumPrefixLength, looking for any strings not in our prefix list.
            # If any are found that are not in the list, this word is not possible.
            # If no non-matches are found, we have more work to do.
            my $limit = $wordLength - $maximumPrefixLength + 1;
            for (my $startIndex = 0; $startIndex < $limit; $startIndex ++) {
                if (! $prefixesInPuzzle{substr($word, $startIndex, $maximumPrefixLength)}) {
                    next WORD;
            if (isWordTraceable($word)) {
                # Additional test necessary: see if we can form this word by following legal transitions
                push @wordsFound, $word;

    return @wordsFound;

# Is it possible to trace out the word using only legal transitions?
sub isWordTraceable($) {
    my $word = shift;
    return traverse([split(//, $word)], [-1]); # Start at special square -1, which may transition to any square in the puzzle.

# Recursively look for a path through the puzzle that matches the word.
sub traverse($$) {
    my ($lettersRef, $pathRef) = @_;
    my $index = scalar @$pathRef - 1;
    my $position = $pathRef->[$index];
    my $letter = $lettersRef->[$index];
    my $branchesRef =  $transitions{$position};
BRANCH: foreach my $branch (@$branchesRef) {
            if ($puzzle[$branch] eq $letter) {
                # Have we used this position yet?
                foreach my $usedBranch (@$pathRef) {
                    if ($usedBranch == $branch) {
                        next BRANCH;
                if (scalar @$lettersRef == $index + 1) {
                    return 1; # End of word and success.
                push @$pathRef, $branch;
                if (traverse($lettersRef, $pathRef)) {
                    return 1; # Recursive success.
                else {
                    pop @$pathRef;
    return 0; # No path found. Failed.
0 [main] INFO gineer.bogglesolver.util.Util  - Reading the dictionary
2234 [main] INFO gineer.bogglesolver.util.Util  - Finish reading the dictionary
2234 [main] INFO gineer.bogglesolver.Solver  - Found: FAM
2234 [main] INFO gineer.bogglesolver.Solver  - Found: FAME
2234 [main] INFO gineer.bogglesolver.Solver  - Found: FAMBLE
2234 [main] INFO gineer.bogglesolver.Solver  - Found: FAE
2234 [main] INFO gineer.bogglesolver.Solver  - Found: IMA
2234 [main] INFO gineer.bogglesolver.Solver  - Found: ELI
2234 [main] INFO gineer.bogglesolver.Solver  - Found: ELM
2234 [main] INFO gineer.bogglesolver.Solver  - Found: ELB
2234 [main] INFO gineer.bogglesolver.Solver  - Found: AXIL
2234 [main] INFO gineer.bogglesolver.Solver  - Found: AXILE
2234 [main] INFO gineer.bogglesolver.Solver  - Found: AXLE
2234 [main] INFO gineer.bogglesolver.Solver  - Found: AMI
2234 [main] INFO gineer.bogglesolver.Solver  - Found: AMIL
2234 [main] INFO gineer.bogglesolver.Solver  - Found: AMLI
2234 [main] INFO gineer.bogglesolver.Solver  - Found: AME
2234 [main] INFO gineer.bogglesolver.Solver  - Found: AMBLE
2234 [main] INFO gineer.bogglesolver.Solver  - Found: AMBO
2250 [main] INFO gineer.bogglesolver.Solver  - Found: AES
2250 [main] INFO gineer.bogglesolver.Solver  - Found: AWL
2250 [main] INFO gineer.bogglesolver.Solver  - Found: AWE
2250 [main] INFO gineer.bogglesolver.Solver  - Found: AWEST
2250 [main] INFO gineer.bogglesolver.Solver  - Found: AWA
2250 [main] INFO gineer.bogglesolver.Solver  - Found: MIX
2250 [main] INFO gineer.bogglesolver.Solver  - Found: MIL
2250 [main] INFO gineer.bogglesolver.Solver  - Found: MILE
2250 [main] INFO gineer.bogglesolver.Solver  - Found: MILO
2250 [main] INFO gineer.bogglesolver.Solver  - Found: MAX
2250 [main] INFO gineer.bogglesolver.Solver  - Found: MAE
2250 [main] INFO gineer.bogglesolver.Solver  - Found: MAW
2250 [main] INFO gineer.bogglesolver.Solver  - Found: MEW
2250 [main] INFO gineer.bogglesolver.Solver  - Found: MEWL
2250 [main] INFO gineer.bogglesolver.Solver  - Found: MES
2250 [main] INFO gineer.bogglesolver.Solver  - Found: MESA
2250 [main] INFO gineer.bogglesolver.Solver  - Found: MWA
2250 [main] INFO gineer.bogglesolver.Solver  - Found: MWA
2250 [main] INFO gineer.bogglesolver.Solver  - Found: LIE
2250 [main] INFO gineer.bogglesolver.Solver  - Found: LIM
2250 [main] INFO gineer.bogglesolver.Solver  - Found: LIMA
2250 [main] INFO gineer.bogglesolver.Solver  - Found: LIMAX
2250 [main] INFO gineer.bogglesolver.Solver  - Found: LIME
2250 [main] INFO gineer.bogglesolver.Solver  - Found: LIMES
2250 [main] INFO gineer.bogglesolver.Solver  - Found: LIMB
2250 [main] INFO gineer.bogglesolver.Solver  - Found: LIMBO
2250 [main] INFO gineer.bogglesolver.Solver  - Found: LIMBU
2250 [main] INFO gineer.bogglesolver.Solver  - Found: LEI
2250 [main] INFO gineer.bogglesolver.Solver  - Found: LEO
2250 [main] INFO gineer.bogglesolver.Solver  - Found: LOB
2250 [main] INFO gineer.bogglesolver.Solver  - Found: LOX
2250 [main] INFO gineer.bogglesolver.Solver  - Found: OIME
2250 [main] INFO gineer.bogglesolver.Solver  - Found: OIL
2250 [main] INFO gineer.bogglesolver.Solver  - Found: OLE
2250 [main] INFO gineer.bogglesolver.Solver  - Found: OLM
2250 [main] INFO gineer.bogglesolver.Solver  - Found: EMIL
2250 [main] INFO gineer.bogglesolver.Solver  - Found: EMBOLE
2250 [main] INFO gineer.bogglesolver.Solver  - Found: EMBOX
2250 [main] INFO gineer.bogglesolver.Solver  - Found: EAST
2250 [main] INFO gineer.bogglesolver.Solver  - Found: WAF
2250 [main] INFO gineer.bogglesolver.Solver  - Found: WAX
2250 [main] INFO gineer.bogglesolver.Solver  - Found: WAME
2250 [main] INFO gineer.bogglesolver.Solver  - Found: WAMBLE
2250 [main] INFO gineer.bogglesolver.Solver  - Found: WAE
2250 [main] INFO gineer.bogglesolver.Solver  - Found: WEA
2250 [main] INFO gineer.bogglesolver.Solver  - Found: WEAM
2250 [main] INFO gineer.bogglesolver.Solver  - Found: WEM
2250 [main] INFO gineer.bogglesolver.Solver  - Found: WEA
2250 [main] INFO gineer.bogglesolver.Solver  - Found: WES
2250 [main] INFO gineer.bogglesolver.Solver  - Found: WEST
2250 [main] INFO gineer.bogglesolver.Solver  - Found: WAE
2250 [main] INFO gineer.bogglesolver.Solver  - Found: WAS
2250 [main] INFO gineer.bogglesolver.Solver  - Found: WASE
2250 [main] INFO gineer.bogglesolver.Solver  - Found: WAST
2250 [main] INFO gineer.bogglesolver.Solver  - Found: BLEO
2250 [main] INFO gineer.bogglesolver.Solver  - Found: BLO
2250 [main] INFO gineer.bogglesolver.Solver  - Found: BOIL
2250 [main] INFO gineer.bogglesolver.Solver  - Found: BOLE
2250 [main] INFO gineer.bogglesolver.Solver  - Found: BUT
2250 [main] INFO gineer.bogglesolver.Solver  - Found: AES
2250 [main] INFO gineer.bogglesolver.Solver  - Found: AWA
2250 [main] INFO gineer.bogglesolver.Solver  - Found: AWL
2250 [main] INFO gineer.bogglesolver.Solver  - Found: AWE
2250 [main] INFO gineer.bogglesolver.Solver  - Found: AWEST
2250 [main] INFO gineer.bogglesolver.Solver  - Found: ASE
2250 [main] INFO gineer.bogglesolver.Solver  - Found: ASEM
2250 [main] INFO gineer.bogglesolver.Solver  - Found: AST
2250 [main] INFO gineer.bogglesolver.Solver  - Found: SEA
2250 [main] INFO gineer.bogglesolver.Solver  - Found: SEAX
2250 [main] INFO gineer.bogglesolver.Solver  - Found: SEAM
2250 [main] INFO gineer.bogglesolver.Solver  - Found: SEMI
2250 [main] INFO gineer.bogglesolver.Solver  - Found: SEMBLE
2250 [main] INFO gineer.bogglesolver.Solver  - Found: SEW
2250 [main] INFO gineer.bogglesolver.Solver  - Found: SEA
2250 [main] INFO gineer.bogglesolver.Solver  - Found: SWA
2250 [main] INFO gineer.bogglesolver.Solver  - Found: SWAM
2250 [main] INFO gineer.bogglesolver.Solver  - Found: SWAMI
2250 [main] INFO gineer.bogglesolver.Solver  - Found: SWA
2250 [main] INFO gineer.bogglesolver.Solver  - Found: SAW
2250 [main] INFO gineer.bogglesolver.Solver  - Found: SAWT
2250 [main] INFO gineer.bogglesolver.Solver  - Found: STU
2250 [main] INFO gineer.bogglesolver.Solver  - Found: STUB
2250 [main] INFO gineer.bogglesolver.Solver  - Found: TWA
2250 [main] INFO gineer.bogglesolver.Solver  - Found: TWAE
2250 [main] INFO gineer.bogglesolver.Solver  - Found: TWA
2250 [main] INFO gineer.bogglesolver.Solver  - Found: TWAE
2250 [main] INFO gineer.bogglesolver.Solver  - Found: TWAS
2250 [main] INFO gineer.bogglesolver.Solver  - Found: TUB
2250 [main] INFO gineer.bogglesolver.Solver  - Found: TUX
package gineer.bogglesolver;

import org.apache.log4j.BasicConfigurator;
import org.apache.log4j.Logger;

public class Main
    private final static Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(Main.class);

    public static void main(String[] args)

        Solver solver = new Solver(4,
                        "FXIE" +
                        "AMLO" +
                        "EWBX" +

package gineer.bogglesolver;

import gineer.bogglesolver.trie.Trie;
import gineer.bogglesolver.util.Constants;
import gineer.bogglesolver.util.Util;
import org.apache.log4j.Logger;

public class Solver
    private char[] puzzle;
    private int maxSize;

    private boolean[] used;
    private StringBuilder stringSoFar;

    private boolean[][] matrix;
    private Trie trie;

    private final static Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(Solver.class);

    public Solver(int size, String puzzle)
        trie = Util.getTrie(size);
        matrix = Util.connectivityMatrix(size);

        maxSize = size * size;
        stringSoFar = new StringBuilder(maxSize);
        used = new boolean[maxSize];

        if (puzzle.length() == maxSize)
            this.puzzle = puzzle.toCharArray();
            logger.error("The puzzle size does not match the size specified: " + puzzle.length());
            this.puzzle = puzzle.substring(0, maxSize).toCharArray();

    public void solve()
        for (int i = 0; i < maxSize; i++)

    private void traverseAt(int origin)
        used[origin] = true;

        //Check if we have a valid word
        if ((stringSoFar.length() >= Constants.MINIMUM_WORD_LENGTH) && (trie.containKey(stringSoFar.toString())))
  "Found: " + stringSoFar.toString());

        //Find where to go next
        for (int destination = 0; destination < maxSize; destination++)
            if (matrix[origin][destination] && !used[destination] && trie.containPrefix(stringSoFar.toString() + puzzle[destination]))

        used[origin] = false;
        stringSoFar.deleteCharAt(stringSoFar.length() - 1);

package gineer.bogglesolver.trie;

import gineer.bogglesolver.util.Constants;

class Node
    Node[] children;
    boolean isKey;

    public Node()
        isKey = false;
        children = new Node[Constants.NUMBER_LETTERS_IN_ALPHABET];

    public Node(boolean key)
        isKey = key;
        children = new Node[Constants.NUMBER_LETTERS_IN_ALPHABET];

     Method to insert a string to Node and its children

     @param key the string to insert (the string is assumed to be uppercase)
     @return true if the node or one of its children is changed, false otherwise
    public boolean insert(String key)
        //If the key is empty, this node is a key
        if (key.length() == 0)
            if (isKey)
                return false;
                isKey = true;
                return true;
        {//otherwise, insert in one of its child

            int childNodePosition = key.charAt(0) - Constants.LETTER_A;
            if (children[childNodePosition] == null)
                children[childNodePosition] = new Node();
                return true;
                return children[childNodePosition].insert(key.substring(1));

     Returns whether key is a valid prefix for certain key in this trie.
     For example: if key "hello" is in this trie, tests with all prefixes "hel", "hell", "hello" return true

     @param prefix the prefix to check
     @return true if the prefix is valid, false otherwise
    public boolean containPrefix(String prefix)
        //If the prefix is empty, return true
        if (prefix.length() == 0)
            return true;
        {//otherwise, check in one of its child
            int childNodePosition = prefix.charAt(0) - Constants.LETTER_A;
            return children[childNodePosition] != null && children[childNodePosition].containPrefix(prefix.substring(1));

     Returns whether key is a valid key in this trie.
     For example: if key "hello" is in this trie, tests with all prefixes "hel", "hell" return false

     @param key the key to check
     @return true if the key is valid, false otherwise
    public boolean containKey(String key)
        //If the prefix is empty, return true
        if (key.length() == 0)
            return isKey;
        {//otherwise, check in one of its child
            int childNodePosition = key.charAt(0) - Constants.LETTER_A;
            return children[childNodePosition] != null && children[childNodePosition].containKey(key.substring(1));

    public boolean isKey()
        return isKey;

    public void setKey(boolean key)
        isKey = key;
package gineer.bogglesolver.trie;

public class Trie
    Node root;

    public Trie()
        this.root = new Node();

     Method to insert a string to Node and its children

     @param key the string to insert (the string is assumed to be uppercase)
     @return true if the node or one of its children is changed, false otherwise
    public boolean insert(String key)
        return root.insert(key.toUpperCase());

     Returns whether key is a valid prefix for certain key in this trie.
     For example: if key "hello" is in this trie, tests with all prefixes "hel", "hell", "hello" return true

     @param prefix the prefix to check
     @return true if the prefix is valid, false otherwise
    public boolean containPrefix(String prefix)
        return root.containPrefix(prefix.toUpperCase());

     Returns whether key is a valid key in this trie.
     For example: if key "hello" is in this trie, tests with all prefixes "hel", "hell" return false

     @param key the key to check
     @return true if the key is valid, false otherwise
    public boolean containKey(String key)
        return root.containKey(key.toUpperCase());

package gineer.bogglesolver.util;

public class Constants

    public static final int NUMBER_LETTERS_IN_ALPHABET = 26;
    public static final char LETTER_A = 'A';
    public static final int MINIMUM_WORD_LENGTH = 3;
    public static final int DEFAULT_PUZZLE_SIZE = 4;
package gineer.bogglesolver.util;

import gineer.bogglesolver.trie.Trie;
import org.apache.log4j.Logger;

import java.util.Scanner;

public class Util
    private final static Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(Util.class);
    private static Trie trie;
    private static int size = Constants.DEFAULT_PUZZLE_SIZE;

     Returns the trie built from the dictionary.  The size is used to eliminate words that are too long.

     @param size the size of puzzle.  The maximum lenght of words in the returned trie is (size * size)
     @return the trie that can be used for puzzle of that size
    public static Trie getTrie(int size)
        if ((trie != null) && size == Util.size)
            return trie;

        trie = new Trie();
        Util.size = size;"Reading the dictionary");
        final File file = new File("dictionary.txt");
            Scanner scanner = new Scanner(file);
            final int maxSize = size * size;
            while (scanner.hasNext())
                String line = scanner.nextLine().replaceAll("[^\\p{Alpha}]", "");

                if (line.length() <= maxSize)
        catch (FileNotFoundException e)
            logger.error("Cannot open file", e);
        }"Finish reading the dictionary");
        return trie;

    static boolean[] connectivityRow(int x, int y, int size)
        boolean[] squares = new boolean[size * size];
        for (int offsetX = -1; offsetX <= 1; offsetX++)
            for (int offsetY = -1; offsetY <= 1; offsetY++)
                final int calX = x + offsetX;
                final int calY = y + offsetY;
                if ((calX >= 0) && (calX < size) && (calY >= 0) && (calY < size))
                    squares[calY * size + calX] = true;

        squares[y * size + x] = false;//the current x, y is false

        return squares;

     Returns the matrix of connectivity between two points.  Point i can go to point j iff matrix[i][j] is true
     Square (x, y) is equivalent to point (size * y + x).  For example, square (1,1) is point 5 in a puzzle of size 4

     @param size the size of the puzzle
     @return the connectivity matrix
    public static boolean[][] connectivityMatrix(int size)
        boolean[][] matrix = new boolean[size * size][];
        for (int x = 0; x < size; x++)
            for (int y = 0; y < size; y++)
                matrix[y * size + x] = connectivityRow(x, y, size);
        return matrix;
   d = { 'c': ['cat','cater'],
     'ca': ['cat','cater'],
     'cat': ['cat','cater'],
     'cate': ['cater'],
     'cater': ['cater'],
["swami"; "emile"; "limbs"; "limbo"; "limes"; "amble"; "tubs"; "stub";
 "swam"; "semi"; "seam"; "awes"; "buts"; "bole"; "boil"; "west"; "east";
 "emil"; "lobs"; "limb"; "lime"; "lima"; "mesa"; "mews"; "mewl"; "maws";
 "milo"; "mile"; "awes"; "amie"; "axle"; "elma"; "fame"; "ubs"; "tux"; "tub";
 "twa"; "twa"; "stu"; "saw"; "sea"; "sew"; "sea"; "awe"; "awl"; "but"; "btu";
 "box"; "bmw"; "was"; "wax"; "oil"; "lox"; "lob"; "leo"; "lei"; "lie"; "mes";
 "mew"; "mae"; "maw"; "max"; "mil"; "mix"; "awe"; "awl"; "elm"; "eli"; "fax"]
eel eeler eely eer eke eker eld eleut elk ell 
elle epee epihippus ere erept err error erupt eurus eye 
eyer eyey hip hipe hiper hippish hipple hippus his hish 
hiss hist hler hsi ihi iphis isis issue issuer ist 
isurus kee keek keeker keel keeler keep keeper keld kele 
kelek kelep kelk kell kelly kelp kelper kep kepi kept 
ker kerel kern keup keuper key kyl kyle lee leek 
leeky leep leer lek leo leper leptus lepus ler leu 
ley lleu lue lull luller lulu lunn lunt lunule luo 
lupe lupis lupulus lupus lur lure lurer lush lushly lust 
lustrous lut lye nul null nun nupe nurture nurturer nut 
oer ore ort ouphish our oust out outpeep outpeer outpipe 
outpull outpush output outre outrun outrush outspell outspue outspurn outspurt 
outstrut outstunt outsulk outturn outusure oyer pee peek peel peele 
peeler peeoy peep peeper peepeye peer pele peleus pell peller 
pelu pep peplus pepper pepperer pepsis per pern pert pertussis 
peru perule perun peul phi pip pipe piper pipi pipistrel 
pipistrelle pipistrellus pipper pish piss pist plup plus plush ply 
plyer psi pst puerer pul pule puler pulk pull puller 
pulley pullus pulp pulper pulu puly pun punt pup puppis 
pur pure puree purely purer purr purre purree purrel purrer 
puru purupuru pus push puss pustule put putt puture ree 
reek reeker reeky reel reeler reeper rel rely reoutput rep 
repel repeller repipe reply repp reps reree rereel rerun reuel 
roe roer roey roue rouelle roun roup rouper roust rout 
roy rue ruelle ruer rule ruler rull ruller run runt 
rupee rupert rupture ruru rus rush russ rust rustre rut 
shi shih ship shipper shish shlu sip sipe siper sipper 
sis sish sisi siss sissu sist sistrurus speel speer spelk 
spell speller splurt spun spur spurn spurrer spurt sput ssi 
ssu stre stree streek streel streeler streep streke streperous strepsis 
strey stroup stroy stroyer strue strunt strut stu stue stull 
stuller stun stunt stupe stupeous stupp sturnus sturt stuss stut 
sue suer suerre suld sulk sulker sulky sull sully sulu 
sun sunn sunt sunup sup supe super superoutput supper supple 
supplely supply sur sure surely surrey sus susi susu susurr 
susurrous susurrus sutu suture suu tree treey trek trekker trey 
troupe trouper trout troy true truer trull truller truly trun 
trush truss trust tshi tst tsun tsutsutsi tue tule tulle 
tulu tun tunu tup tupek tupi tur turn turnup turr 
turus tush tussis tussur tut tuts tutu tutulus ule ull 
uller ulu ululu unreel unrule unruly unrun unrust untrue untruly 
untruss untrust unturn unurn upper upperer uppish uppishly uppull uppush 
upspurt upsun upsup uptree uptruss upturn ure urn uro uru 
urus urushi ush ust usun usure usurer utu yee yeel 
yeld yelk yell yeller yelp yelper yeo yep yer yere 
yern yoe yor yore you youl youp your yourn yoy 
h b c d
e e g h
l l k l
m o f p
 b | c | d | e | f | g | h | k | l | m |  o |  p
 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11
     |  0  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9 10 11  <- from letter
     |  b  c  d  e  f  g  h  k  l  m  o  p
 0 b |     T     T     T  T     
 1 c |  T     T  T     T  T
 2 d |     T           T  T
 3 e |  T  T     T     T  T  T  T
 4 f |                       T  T     T  T
 5 g |  T  T  T  T        T  T  T
 6 h |  T  T  T  T     T     T  T
 7 k |           T  T  T  T     T     T  T
 8 l |           T  T  T  T  T  T  T  T  T
 9 m |                          T     T
10 o |              T        T  T  T
11 p |              T        T  T
 to letter
hello (6, 3, 8, 8, 10):
6 -> 3, 3 -> 8, 8 -> 8, 8 -> 10
[6][ 3] : T
[3][ 8] : T
[8][ 8] : T
[8][10] : T
hello (6, 3, 8, 8, 10):
42 (from 6 + 3x12), 99, 104, 128
-> "hello" will be stored as 42, 99, 104, 128 in the dictionary
(0,0) (0,1) -> here: h, b : [6][0]
(0,0) (1,0) -> here: h, e : [6][3]
(0,0) (1,1) -> here: h, e : [6][3]
(0,1) (0,0) -> here: b, h : [0][6]
(0,1) (0,2) -> here: b, c : [0][1]
Precomputation finished in 239.59ms:
  Words in the dictionary: 178590
  Longest word:            15 letters
  Number of triplet-moves: 408

Initialization finished in 0.22ms

Board solved in 3.70ms:
  Number of candidates: 230
  Number of actual words: 163 

Words found:
  eek, eel, eely, eld, elhi, elk, ern, erupt, erupts, euro
  eye, eyer, ghi, ghis, glee, gley, glue, gluer, gluey, glut
  gluts, hip, hiply, hips, his, hist, kelp, kelps, kep, kepi
  kepis, keps, kept, kern, key, kye, lee, lek, lept, leu
  ley, lunt, lunts, lure, lush, lust, lustre, lye, nus, nut
  nuts, ore, ort, orts, ouph, ouphs, our, oust, out, outre
  outs, oyer, pee, per, pert, phi, phis, pis, pish, plus
  plush, ply, plyer, psi, pst, pul, pule, puler, pun, punt
  punts, pur, pure, puree, purely, pus, push, put, puts, ree
  rely, rep, reply, reps, roe, roue, roup, roups, roust, rout
  routs, rue, rule, ruly, run, runt, runts, rupee, rush, rust
  rut, ruts, ship, shlep, sip, sipe, spue, spun, spur, spurn
  spurt, strep, stroy, stun, stupe, sue, suer, sulk, sulker, sulky
  sun, sup, supe, super, sure, surely, tree, trek, trey, troupe
  troy, true, truly, tule, tun, tup, tups, turn, tush, ups
  urn, uts, yeld, yelk, yelp, yelps, yep, yeps, yore, you
  your, yourn, yous
Precomputation finished in 239.68ms:
  Words in the dictionary: 178590
  Longest word:            15 letters
  Number of triplet-moves: 408

Initialization finished in 0.21ms

Board solved in 3.69ms:
  Number of candidates: 87
  Number of actual words: 76

Words found:
  amble, ambo, ami, amie, asea, awa, awe, awes, awl, axil
  axile, axle, boil, bole, box, but, buts, east, elm, emboli
  fame, fames, fax, lei, lie, lima, limb, limbo, limbs, lime
  limes, lob, lobs, lox, mae, maes, maw, maws, max, maxi
  mesa, mew, mewl, mews, mil, mile, milo, mix, oil, ole
  sae, saw, sea, seam, semi, sew, stub, swam, swami, tub
  tubs, tux, twa, twae, twaes, twas, uts, wae, waes, wamble
  wame, wames, was, wast, wax, west
Precomputation finished in 240.39ms:
  Words in the dictionary: 178590
  Longest word:            15 letters
  Number of triplet-moves: 768

Initialization finished in 0.23ms

Board solved in 3.85ms:
  Number of candidates: 331
  Number of actual words: 240

Words found:
  aero, aery, ahi, air, airt, airth, airts, airy, ear, egest
  elhi, elint, erg, ergo, ester, eth, ether, eye, eyen, eyer
  eyes, eyre, eyrie, gel, gelt, gelts, gen, gent, gentil, gest
  geste, get, gets, gey, gor, gore, gory, grey, greyest, greys
  gyre, gyri, gyro, hae, haet, haets, hair, hairy, hap, harp
  heap, hear, heh, heir, help, helps, hen, hent, hep, her
  hero, hes, hest, het, hetero, heth, hets, hey, hie, hilt
  hilts, hin, hint, hire, hit, inlet, inlets, ire, leg, leges
  legs, lehr, lent, les, lest, let, lethe, lets, ley, leys
  lin, line, lines, liney, lint, lit, neg, negs, nest, nester
  net, nether, nets, nil, nit, ogre, ore, orgy, ort, orts
  pah, pair, par, peg, pegs, peh, pelt, pelter, peltry, pelts
  pen, pent, pes, pest, pester, pesty, pet, peter, pets, phi
  philter, philtre, phiz, pht, print, pst, rah, rai, rap, raphe
  raphes, reap, rear, rei, ret, rete, rets, rhaphe, rhaphes, rhea
  ria, rile, riles, riley, rin, rye, ryes, seg, sel, sen
  sent, senti, set, sew, spelt, spelter, spent, splent, spline, splint
  split, stent, step, stey, stria, striae, sty, stye, tea, tear
  teg, tegs, tel, ten, tent, thae, the, their, then, these
  thesp, they, thin, thine, thir, thirl, til, tile, tiles, tilt
  tilter, tilth, tilts, tin, tine, tines, tirl, trey, treys, trog
  try, tye, tyer, tyes, tyre, tyro, west, wester, wry, wryest
  wye, wyes, wyte, wytes, yea, yeah, year, yeh, yelp, yelps
  yen, yep, yeps, yes, yester, yet, yew, yews, zero, zori
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Comparator;

public class Boggler {
    private ArrayList<String> words = new ArrayList<String>();      
    private ArrayList<String> roundWords = new ArrayList<String>(); 
    private ArrayList<Word> foundWords = new ArrayList<Word>();     
    private char[][] letterGrid = new char[4][4];                   
    private String letters;                                         

    public Boggler() throws FileNotFoundException, IOException, URISyntaxException {
        long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis();

        URL path = GUI.class.getResource("words.txt");
        BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(new FileInputStream(new File(path.toURI()).getAbsolutePath()), "iso-8859-1"));
        String line;
        while((line = br.readLine()) != null) {
            if(line.length() < 3 || line.length() > 10) {


    public ArrayList<Word> getWords() {
        return this.foundWords;

    public void solve(String letters) {
        this.letters = "";
        this.foundWords = new ArrayList<Word>();

        for(int i = 0; i < letters.length(); i++) {
            if(!this.letters.contains(letters.substring(i, i + 1))) {
                this.letters += letters.substring(i, i + 1);

        for(int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
            for(int j = 0; j < 4; j++) {
                this.letterGrid[i][j] = letters.charAt(i * 4 + j);


        this.roundWords = new ArrayList<String>();      
        String pattern = "[" + this.letters + "]+";     

        for(int i = 0; i < this.words.size(); i++) {

            if(this.words.get(i).matches(pattern)) {

        for(int i = 0; i < this.roundWords.size(); i++) {
            Word word = checkForWord(this.roundWords.get(i));

            if(word != null) {

    private Word checkForWord(String word) {
        char initial = word.charAt(0);
        ArrayList<LetterCoord> startPoints = new ArrayList<LetterCoord>();

        int x = 0;  
        int y = 0;
        for(char[] row: this.letterGrid) {
            x = 0;

            for(char letter: row) {
                if(initial == letter) {
                    startPoints.add(new LetterCoord(x, y));



        ArrayList<LetterCoord> letterCoords = null;
        for(int initialTry = 0; initialTry < startPoints.size(); initialTry++) {
            letterCoords = new ArrayList<LetterCoord>();    

            x = startPoints.get(initialTry).getX(); 
            y = startPoints.get(initialTry).getY();

            LetterCoord initialCoord = new LetterCoord(x, y);

            letterLoop: for(int letterIndex = 1; letterIndex < word.length(); letterIndex++) {
                LetterCoord lastCoord = letterCoords.get(letterCoords.size() - 1);  
                char currentChar = word.charAt(letterIndex);                        

                ArrayList<LetterCoord> letterLocations = getNeighbours(currentChar, lastCoord.getX(), lastCoord.getY());

                if(letterLocations == null) {
                    return null;    

                for(int foundIndex = 0; foundIndex < letterLocations.size(); foundIndex++) {
                    if(letterIndex != word.length() - 1 && true == false) {
                        char nextChar = word.charAt(letterIndex + 1);
                        int lastX = letterCoords.get(letterCoords.size() - 1).getX();
                        int lastY = letterCoords.get(letterCoords.size() - 1).getY();

                        ArrayList<LetterCoord> possibleIndex = getNeighbours(nextChar, lastX, lastY);
                        if(possibleIndex != null) {
                            if(!letterCoords.contains(letterLocations.get(foundIndex))) {
                            continue letterLoop;
                        } else {
                            return null;
                    } else {
                        if(!letterCoords.contains(letterLocations.get(foundIndex))) {

                            continue letterLoop;

            if(letterCoords != null) {
                if(letterCoords.size() == word.length()) {
                    Word w = new Word(word);
                    return w;
                } else {
                    return null;

        if(letterCoords != null) {
            Word foundWord = new Word(word);

            return foundWord;

        return null;

    public ArrayList<LetterCoord> getNeighbours(char letterToSearch, int x, int y) {
        ArrayList<LetterCoord> neighbours = new ArrayList<LetterCoord>();

        for(int _y = y - 1; _y <= y + 1; _y++) {
            for(int _x = x - 1; _x <= x + 1; _x++) {
                if(_x < 0 || _y < 0 || (_x == x && _y == y) || _y > 3 || _x > 3) {

                if(this.letterGrid[_y][_x] == letterToSearch && !neighbours.contains(new LetterCoord(_x, _y))) {
                    neighbours.add(new LetterCoord(_x, _y));

        if(neighbours.isEmpty()) {
            return null;
        } else {
            return neighbours;

class Word {
    private String word;    
    private ArrayList<LetterCoord> letterCoords = new ArrayList<LetterCoord>();

    public Word(String word) {
        this.word = word;

    public boolean addCoords(int x, int y) {
        LetterCoord lc = new LetterCoord(x, y);

        if(!this.letterCoords.contains(lc)) {

            return true;

        return false;

    public void addList(ArrayList<LetterCoord> letterCoords) {
        this.letterCoords = letterCoords;

    public String toString() {
        String outputString = this.word + " ";
        for(int i = 0; i < letterCoords.size(); i++) {
            outputString += "(" + letterCoords.get(i).getX() + ", " + letterCoords.get(i).getY() + ") ";

        return outputString;

    public String getWord() {
        return this.word;

    public ArrayList<LetterCoord> getList() {
        return this.letterCoords;

class LetterCoord extends ArrayList {
    private int x;          
    private int y;          

    public LetterCoord(int x, int y) {
        this.x = x;
        this.y = y;

    public int getX() {
        return this.x;

    public int getY() {
        return this.y;

    public boolean equals(Object o) {
        if(!(o instanceof LetterCoord)) {
            return false;

        LetterCoord lc = (LetterCoord) o;

        if(this.x == lc.getX() &&
                this.y == lc.getY()) {
            return true;

        return false;

    public int hashCode() {
        int hash = 7;
        hash = 29 * hash + this.x;
        hash = 24 * hash + this.y;
        return hash;
var fs = require('fs')

var Node = function(value, row, col) {
    this.value = value
    this.row = row
    this.col = col

var Path = function() {
    this.nodes = []

Path.prototype.push = function(node) {
    return this

Path.prototype.contains = function(node) {
    for (var i = 0, ii = this.nodes.length; i < ii; i++) {
        if (this.nodes[i] === node) {
            return true

    return false

Path.prototype.clone = function() {
    var path = new Path()
    path.nodes = this.nodes.slice(0)
    return path

Path.prototype.to_word = function() {
    var word = ''

    for (var i = 0, ii = this.nodes.length; i < ii; ++i) {
        word += this.nodes[i].value

    return word

var Board = function(nodes, dict) {
    // Expects n x m array.
    this.nodes = nodes
    this.words = []
    this.row_count = nodes.length
    this.col_count = nodes[0].length
    this.dict = dict

Board.from_raw = function(board, dict) {
    var ROW_COUNT = board.length
      , COL_COUNT = board[0].length

    var nodes = []

    // Replace board with Nodes
    for (var i = 0, ii = ROW_COUNT; i < ii; ++i) {
        for (var j = 0, jj = COL_COUNT; j < jj; ++j) {
            nodes[i].push(new Node(board[i][j], i, j))

    return new Board(nodes, dict)

Board.prototype.toString = function() {
    return JSON.stringify(this.nodes)

Board.prototype.update_potential_words = function(dict) {
    for (var i = 0, ii = this.row_count; i < ii; ++i) {
        for (var j = 0, jj = this.col_count; j < jj; ++j) {
            var node = this.nodes[i][j]
              , path = new Path()



Board.prototype.on_board = function(row, col) {
    return 0 <= row && row < this.row_count && 0 <= col && col < this.col_count

Board.prototype.get_unsearched_neighbours = function(path) {
    var last_node = path.nodes[path.nodes.length - 1]

    var offsets = [
        [-1, -1], [-1,  0], [-1, +1]
      , [ 0, -1],           [ 0, +1]
      , [+1, -1], [+1,  0], [+1, +1]

    var neighbours = []

    for (var i = 0, ii = offsets.length; i < ii; ++i) {
        var offset = offsets[i]
        if (this.on_board(last_node.row + offset[0], last_node.col + offset[1])) {

            var potential_node = this.nodes[last_node.row + offset[0]][last_node.col + offset[1]]
            if (!path.contains(potential_node)) {
                // Create a new path if on board and we haven't visited this node yet.

    return neighbours

Board.prototype.dfs_search = function(path) {
    var path_word = path.to_word()

    if (this.dict.contains_exact(path_word) && path_word.length >= 3) {

    var neighbours = this.get_unsearched_neighbours(path)

    for (var i = 0, ii = neighbours.length; i < ii; ++i) {
        var neighbour = neighbours[i]
        var new_path = path.clone()

        if (this.dict.contains_prefix(new_path.to_word())) {

var Dict = function() {
    this.dict_array = []

    var dict_data = fs.readFileSync('./web2', 'utf8')
    var dict_array = dict_data.split('\n')

    for (var i = 0, ii = dict_array.length; i < ii; ++i) {
        dict_array[i] = dict_array[i].toUpperCase()

    this.dict_array = dict_array.sort()

Dict.prototype.contains_prefix = function(prefix) {
    // Binary search
    return this.search_prefix(prefix, 0, this.dict_array.length)

Dict.prototype.contains_exact = function(exact) {
    // Binary search
    return this.search_exact(exact, 0, this.dict_array.length)

Dict.prototype.search_prefix = function(prefix, start, end) {
    if (start >= end) {
        // If no more place to search, return no matter what.
        return this.dict_array[start].indexOf(prefix) > -1

    var middle = Math.floor((start + end)/2)

    if (this.dict_array[middle].indexOf(prefix) > -1) {
        // If we prefix exists, return true.
        return true
    } else {
        // Recurse
        if (prefix <= this.dict_array[middle]) {
            return this.search_prefix(prefix, start, middle - 1)
        } else {
            return this.search_prefix(prefix, middle + 1, end)

Dict.prototype.search_exact = function(exact, start, end) {
    if (start >= end) {
        // If no more place to search, return no matter what.
        return this.dict_array[start] === exact

    var middle = Math.floor((start + end)/2)

    if (this.dict_array[middle] === exact) {
        // If we prefix exists, return true.
        return true
    } else {
        // Recurse
        if (exact <= this.dict_array[middle]) {
            return this.search_exact(exact, start, middle - 1)
        } else {
            return this.search_exact(exact, middle + 1, end)

var board = [
    ['F', 'X', 'I', 'E']
  , ['A', 'M', 'L', 'O']
  , ['E', 'W', 'B', 'X']
  , ['A', 'S', 'T', 'U']

var dict = new Dict()

var b = Board.from_raw(board, dict)
console.log(JSON.stringify(b.words.sort(function(a, b) {
    return a.length - b.length
1     2     3     4
11    12    13    14
21    22    23    24
31    32    33    34
    ini_set('xdebug.var_display_max_depth', 20);
    ini_set('xdebug.var_display_max_children', 1024);
    ini_set('xdebug.var_display_max_data', 1024);

    class Node {
        var $loc;

        function __construct($value) {
            $this->value = $value;
            $next = null;

    class Boggle {
        var $root;
        var $locList = array (1, 2, 3, 4, 11, 12, 13, 14, 21, 22, 23, 24, 31, 32, 33, 34);
        var $wordList = [];
        var $foundWords = [];

        function __construct($board) {
            // Takes in a board string and creates all the nodes
            $node = new Node($board[0]);
            $node->loc = $this->locList[0];
            $this->root = $node;
            for ($i = 1; $i < strlen($board); $i++) {
                    $node->next = new Node($board[$i]);
                    $node->next->loc = $this->locList[$i];
                    $node = $node->next;
            // Load in a dictionary file
            // Use regexp to elimate all the words that could never appear and load the 
            // rest of the words into wordList
            $handle = fopen("dict.txt", "r");
            if ($handle) {
                while (($line = fgets($handle)) !== false) {
                    // process the line read.
                    $line = trim($line);
                    if (strlen($line) > 2) {
                        $this->wordList[] = trim($line);
            } else {
                // error opening the file.
                echo "Problem with the file.";

        function isConnected($node1, $node2) {
        // Determines if 2 nodes are connected on the boggle board

            return (($node1->loc == $node2->loc + 1) || ($node1->loc == $node2->loc - 1) ||
               ($node1->loc == $node2->loc - 9) || ($node1->loc == $node2->loc - 10) || ($node1->loc == $node2->loc - 11) ||
               ($node1->loc == $node2->loc + 9) || ($node1->loc == $node2->loc + 10) || ($node1->loc == $node2->loc + 11)) ? true : false;


        function find($value, $notInLoc = []) {
            // Returns a node with the value that isn't in a location
            $current = $this->root;
            while($current) {
                if ($current->value == $value && !in_array($current->loc, $notInLoc)) {
                    return $current;
                if (isset($current->next)) {
                    $current = $current->next;
                } else {
            return false;

        function findAll($value) {
            // Returns an array of nodes with a specific value
            $current = $this->root;
            $foundNodes = [];
            while ($current) {
                if ($current->value == $value) {
                    $foundNodes[] = $current;
                if (isset($current->next)) {
                    $current = $current->next;
                } else {
            return (empty($foundNodes)) ? false : $foundNodes;

        function findAllConnectedTo($node, $value, $notInLoc = []) {
            // Returns an array of nodes that are connected to a specific node and 
            // contain a specific value and are not in a certain location
            $nodeList = $this->findAll($value);
            $newList = [];
            if ($nodeList) {
                foreach ($nodeList as $node2) {
                    if (!in_array($node2->loc, $notInLoc) && $this->isConnected($node, $node2)) {
                        $newList[] = $node2;
            return (empty($newList)) ? false : $newList;

        function inner($word, $list, $i = 0, $notInLoc = []) {
            foreach($list as $node) {
                $notInLoc[] = $node->loc;
                if ($list2 = $this->findAllConnectedTo($node, $word[$i], $notInLoc)) {
                    if ($i == (strlen($word) - 1)) {
                        return true;
                    } else {
                        return $this->inner($word, $list2, $i, $notInLoc);
            return false;

        function findWord($word) {
            if ($list = $this->findAll($word[0])) {
                return $this->inner($word, $list);
            return false;

        function findAllWords() {
            foreach($this->wordList as $word) {
                if ($this->findWord($word)) {
                    $this->foundWords[] = $word;

        function displayBoard() {
            $current = $this->root;
            for ($i=0; $i < 4; $i++) {
                echo $current->value . " " . $current->next->value . " " . $current->next->next->value . " " . $current->next->next->next->value . "<br />";
                if ($i < 3) {
                    $current = $current->next->next->next->next;


    function randomBoardString() {
        return substr(str_shuffle(str_repeat("abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz", 16)), 0, 16);

    $myBoggle = new Boggle(randomBoardString());
    $x = microtime(true);
    $y = microtime(true);
    echo ($y-$x);

import nltk
from nltk.corpus import words
from collections import Counter

def possibleWords(input, charSet):
    for word in input:
        dict = Counter(word)
        flag = 1
        for key in dict.keys():
            if key not in charSet:
                flag = 0
        if flag == 1 and len(word)>5: #its depends if you want only length more than 5 use this otherwise remove that one. 
word_list = words.words()
# prints 236736
charSet = ['h', 'e', 'l', 'o', 'n', 'v', 't']
possibleWords(word_list, charSet)
1. Uses trie to save all the word in the english to fasten the search
2. The uses DFS to search the words in Boggle
Found "pic" directions from (4,0)(p) go  → →
Found "pick" directions from (4,0)(p) go  → → ↑
Found "pickman" directions from (4,0)(p) go  → → ↑ ↑ ↖ ↑
Found "picket" directions from (4,0)(p) go  → → ↑ ↗ ↖
Found "picked" directions from (4,0)(p) go  → → ↑ ↗ ↘
Found "pickle" directions from (4,0)(p) go  → → ↑ ↘ →
from collections import defaultdict
from nltk.corpus import words
from nltk.corpus import stopwords
from nltk.tokenize import word_tokenize

english_words = words.words()

# If you wan to remove stop words
# stop_words = set(stopwords.words('english'))
# english_words = [w for w in english_words if w not in stop_words]

boggle = [
    ['c', 'n', 't', 's', 's'],
    ['d', 'a', 't', 'i', 'n'],
    ['o', 'o', 'm', 'e', 'l'],
    ['s', 'i', 'k', 'n', 'd'],
    ['p', 'i', 'c', 'l', 'e']

# Instead of X and Y co-ordinates
# better to use Row and column
lenc = len(boggle[0])
lenr = len(boggle)

# Initialize trie datastructure
trie_node = {'valid': False, 'next': {}}

# lets get the delta to find all the nighbors
neighbors_delta = [
    (-1,-1, "↖"),
    (-1, 0, "↑"),
    (-1, 1, "↗"),
    (0, -1, "←"),
    (0,  1, "→"),
    (1, -1, "↙"),
    (1,  0, "↓"),
    (1,  1, "↘"),

def gen_trie(word, node):
    """udpates the trie datastructure using the given word"""
    if not word:

    if word[0] not in node:
        node[word[0]] = {'valid': len(word) == 1, 'next': {}}

    # recursively build trie
    gen_trie(word[1:], node[word[0]])

def build_trie(words, trie):
    """Builds trie data structure from the list of words given"""
    for word in words:
        gen_trie(word, trie)
    return trie

def get_neighbors(r, c):
    """Returns the neighbors for a given co-ordinates"""
    n = []
    for neigh in neighbors_delta:
        new_r = r + neigh[0]
        new_c = c + neigh[1]

        if (new_r >= lenr) or (new_c >= lenc) or (new_r < 0) or (new_c < 0):
        n.append((new_r, new_c, neigh[2]))
    return n

def dfs(r, c, visited, trie, now_word, direction):
    """Scan the graph using DFS"""
    if (r, c) in visited:

    letter = boggle[r][c]
    visited.append((r, c))

    if letter in trie:
        now_word += letter

        if trie[letter]['valid']:
            print('Found "{}" {}'.format(now_word, direction))

        neighbors = get_neighbors(r, c)
        for n in neighbors:
            dfs(n[0], n[1], visited[::], trie[letter], now_word, direction + " " + n[2])

def main(trie_node):
    """Initiate the search for words in boggle"""
    trie_node = build_trie(english_words, trie_node)

    # print the board
    print("Given board")
    for i in range(lenr):print (boggle[i])
    print ('\n')

    for r in range(lenr):
        for c in range(lenc):
            letter = boggle[r][c]
            dfs(r, c, [], trie_node, '', 'directions from ({},{})({}) go '.format(r, c, letter))

if __name__ == '__main__':