Algorithm 反转距离

Algorithm 反转距离,algorithm,Algorithm,首先让我们回顾一下反转的定义 一些包含数字的序列S的逆是当S[i]>S[j]和i


1 4 3 7 5 6 2


这个问题可以用O(n^2)中的简单方法解决,方法是找到所有的反演并保持最大距离(或者如果我们找到更好的选项,则更新) 我们还可以使用合并排序执行更好的反转搜索,因此在O(nlogn)中也可以执行同样的操作。存在O(n)算法的可能性吗?记住,我们只需要最大距离,我们不想找到所有的倒数。请详细说明。



source:                          1 4 3 7 5 6 2
strictly increasing subsequence: 1 4   7

source:                          1 4 3 7 5 6 2
strictly decreasing subsequence: 1           2



也许我的想法和@Evgeny一样。 解释如下:

make a strictly increasing array from the beginning we call it array1
make a strictly decreasing array from the ending which is array2 (But keep the values in increasing order)

***Keep track of original indexes of the values of both arrays.

Now start from the beginning of both arrays.

Do this loop following untill array1 or array2 checking is complete

    While( array1[index] > arry2[index] )
        check the original distance between array1 index and arry2 index.
        Update result accordingly.
        increase array2 index.
    increase both array index

Continue with the loop

make a strictly increasing array from the beginning we call it array1
make a strictly decreasing array from the ending which is array2 (But keep the values in increasing order)

***Keep track of original indexes of the values of both arrays.

Now start from the beginning of both arrays.

Do this loop following untill array1 or array2 checking is complete

    While( array1[index] > arry2[index] )
        check the original distance between array1 index and arry2 index.
        Update result accordingly.
        increase array2 index.
    increase both array index

Continue with the loop