Algorithm 计算相交圆盘数的算法

Algorithm 计算相交圆盘数的算法,algorithm,language-agnostic,Algorithm,Language Agnostic,给定一个由N整数组成的数组A,我们在二维平面上绘制N圆盘,这样第i个圆盘的中心位于(0,i),半径A[i]。如果k-th和j-th盘至少有一个公共点,我们说k-th盘和j-th盘相交 写一个函数 int number_of_disc_intersections(int[] A); 给定一个数组A描述如上所述的N盘,返回相交盘对的数量。例如,给定N=6和 A[0] = 1 A[1] = 5 A[2] = 2 A[3] = 1 A[4] = 4 A[5] = 0 共有11对交叉盘: 0th an



int number_of_disc_intersections(int[] A);

A[0] = 1
A[1] = 5
A[2] = 2
A[3] = 1
A[4] = 4
A[5] = 0

0th and 1st
0th and 2nd
0th and 4th
1st and 2nd
1st and 3rd
1st and 4th
1st and 5th
2nd and 3rd
2nd and 4th
3rd and 4th
4th and 5th
因此函数应该返回11。 如果相交对数超过10000000,则函数应返回-1。函数可以假定

count = 0
for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) {
  for (int j = i+1; j < N; j++) {
    if (i + A[i] >= j - A[j]) count++;
对于(int i=0;i=j-A[j])计数++; } }









< >我把法尔克H·弗夫纳的思想改编成C++,并在范围内做出了改变。 与上面写的相反,不需要超出数组的范围(无论数组中的值有多大)。 在编码时,该代码接收到100%。 谢谢你的好主意

int number_of_disc_intersections ( const vector<int> &A ) {
    int sum=0;
    vector<int> start(A.size(),0);
    vector<int> end(A.size(),0);
    for (unsigned int i=0;i<A.size();i++){
        if ((int)i<A[i]) start[0]++;
        else        start[i-A[i]]++;
        if (i+A[i]>=A.size())   end[A.size()-1]++;
        else                    end[i+A[i]]++;
    int active=0;
    for (unsigned int i=0;i<A.size();i++){
        if (sum>10000000) return -1;
    return sum;

公共静态int getcrossions(int[]A)
int size=A.长度;
对于(int i=0;i


def int(a)

    event ={|h,k| h[k] = {:start => 0, :stop => 0}}
    a.each_index {|i|
        event[i - a[i]][:start] += 1
        event[i + a[i]][:stop ] += 1
    sorted_events = (event.sort_by {|index, value| index}).map! {|n| n[1]}

    past_start = 0
    intersect = 0

    sorted_events.each {|e|

        intersect += e[:start] * (e[:start]-1) / 2 +
                     e[:start] * past_start

        past_start += e[:start]
        past_start -= e[:stop]
    return intersect

puts int [1,1]

puts int [1,5,2,1,4,0]


#include <map>
#include <algorithm>

inline bool mySortFunction(pair<int,int> p1, pair<int,int> p2)
    return ( p1.first < p2.first );

int number_of_disc_intersections ( const vector<int> &A ) {
    int i, size = A.size();
    if ( size <= 1 ) return 0;
    // Compute lower boundary of all discs and sort them in ascending order
    vector< pair<int,int> > lowBounds(size);
    for(i=0; i<size; i++) lowBounds[i] = pair<int,int>(i-A[i],i+A[i]);
    sort(lowBounds.begin(), lowBounds.end(), mySortFunction);
    // Browse discs
    int nbIntersect = 0;
    for(i=0; i<size; i++)
        int curBound = lowBounds[i].second;
        for(int j=i+1; j<size && lowBounds[j].first<=curBound; j++)
            // Maximal number of intersections
            if ( nbIntersect > 10000000 ) return -1;
    return nbIntersect;
内联bool mysort函数(对p1,对p2)
from bisect import bisect_right

def number_of_disc_intersections(li):
    pairs = 0
    # treat as a series of intervals on the y axis at x=0
    intervals = sorted( [(i-li[i], i+li[i]) for i in range(len(li))] )
    # do this by creating a list of start points of each interval
    starts = [i[0] for i in intervals]
    for i in range(len(starts)):
        # find the index of the rightmost value less than or equal to the interval-end
        count = bisect_right(starts, intervals[i][1])
        # subtract current position to exclude previous matches, and subtract self
        count -= (i+1)
        pairs += count
        if pairs > 10000000:
            return -1
    return pairs



//One way of cloning the A:
$start = array();
$end = array();

foreach ($A as $key=>$value)

for ($i=0; $i<count($A); $i++)
  if ($i<$A[$i]) 

  if ($i+$A[$i] >= count($A))   
for ($i=0; $i<count($A);$i++)
  $sum += $active*$start[$i]+($start[$i]*($start[$i]-1))/2;
  if ($sum>10000000) return -1;
  $active += $start[$i]-$end[$i];
return $sum;
int i,j,温度;


public class DiscIntersectionCount {

public int number_of_disc_intersections(int[] A) {
    int[] leftPoints = new int[A.length];
    for (int i = 0; i < A.length; i++) {
        leftPoints[i] = i - A[i];

//      System.out.println(Arrays.toString(leftPoints));
    int count  = 0;
    for (int i = 0; i < A.length - 1; i++) {
        int rpoint = A[i] + i;

        int rrank = getRank(leftPoints, rpoint);

        //if disk has sifnificant radius, exclude own self
        if (rpoint > i) rrank -= 1;
        int rank = rrank; 
//          System.out.println(rpoint+" : "+rank);

        rank -= i;
        count += rank;
    return count;


public int getRank(int A[], int num) {
    if (A==null || A.length == 0) return -1;        
    int mid = A.length/2;
    while ((mid >= 0) && (mid < A.length)) {

        if (A[mid] == num) return mid;

        if ((mid == 0) && (A[mid] > num)) return -1;
        if ((mid == (A.length - 1)) && (A[mid] < num)) return A.length;
        if (A[mid] < num && A[mid + 1] >= num) return mid + 1;
        if (A[mid] > num && A[mid - 1] <= num) return mid - 1;

        if (A[mid] < num) mid = (mid + A.length)/2;
        else  mid = (mid)/2;


    return -1;

public static void main(String[] args) {
    DiscIntersectionCount d = new DiscIntersectionCount();
    int[] A = 
    //  {1,1,2}
    int count = d.number_of_disc_intersections(A);
for(int i=0;ii)rrank-=1;
int rank=rrank;
public int getRank(int A[],int num){
if(A==null | | A.length==0)返回-1;
int mid=A.length/2;

using System;

class Solution {
    public int solution(int[] A)
        return IntersectingDiscs.Execute(A);

class IntersectingDiscs
    public static int Execute(int[] data)
        int counter = 0;

        var intervals = Interval.GetIntervals(data);

        Array.Sort(intervals); // sort by Left value

        for (int i = 0; i < intervals.Length; i++)
            counter += GetCoverage(intervals, i);

            if(counter > 10000000)
                return -1;

        return counter;

    private static int GetCoverage(Interval[] intervals, int i)
        var currentInterval = intervals[i];

        // search for an interval starting at currentInterval.Right

        int j = Array.BinarySearch(intervals, new Interval { Left = currentInterval.Right });

        if(j < 0)
            // item not found

            j = ~j; // bitwise complement (see Array.BinarySearch documentation)

            // now j == index of the next item larger than the searched one

            j = j - 1; // set index to the previous element

        while(j + 1 < intervals.Length && intervals[j].Left == intervals[j + 1].Left)
            j++; // get the rightmost interval starting from currentInterval.Righ

        return j - i; // reduce already processed intervals (the left side from currentInterval)

class Interval : IComparable
    public long Left { get; set; }
    public long Right { get; set; }

    // Implementation of IComparable interface
    // which is used by Array.Sort().
    public int CompareTo(object obj)
        // elements will be sorted by Left value

        var another = obj as Interval;

        if (this.Left < another.Left)
            return -1;

        if (this.Left > another.Left)
            return 1;

        return 0;

    /// <summary>
    /// Transform array items into Intervals (eg. {1, 2, 4} -> {[-1,1], [-1,3], [-2,6]}).
    /// </summary>
    public static Interval[] GetIntervals(int[] data)
        var intervals = new Interval[data.Length];

        for (int i = 0; i < data.Length; i++)
            // use long to avoid data overflow (eg. int.MaxValue + 1)

            long radius = data[i];

            intervals[i] = new Interval
                Left = i - radius,
                Right = i + radius

        return intervals;
for(int i=0,t=a.length-1;ia[i]?i-a[i]:0;
int e=t-
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
void sortPairs(int bounds[], int len){
    int i,j, temp;
            if(bounds[i] > bounds[j]){
                temp = bounds[i];
                bounds[i] = bounds[j];
                bounds[j] = temp;
                temp = bounds[i+len];
                bounds[i+len] = bounds[j+len];
                bounds[j+len] = temp;
int adjacentPointPairsCount(int a[], int len){
    int count=0,i,j;
    int *bounds;
    if(len<2) {
        goto toend;
    bounds = malloc(sizeof(int)*len *2);
    for(i=0; i< len; i++){
        bounds[i] = i-a[i];
        bounds[i+len] = i+a[i];
    sortPairs(bounds, len);
        int currentBound = bounds[i+len];
                goto toend;
    return count;   
public class DiscIntersectionCount {

public int number_of_disc_intersections(int[] A) {
    int[] leftPoints = new int[A.length];
    for (int i = 0; i < A.length; i++) {
        leftPoints[i] = i - A[i];

//      System.out.println(Arrays.toString(leftPoints));
    int count  = 0;
    for (int i = 0; i < A.length - 1; i++) {
        int rpoint = A[i] + i;

        int rrank = getRank(leftPoints, rpoint);

        //if disk has sifnificant radius, exclude own self
        if (rpoint > i) rrank -= 1;
        int rank = rrank; 
//          System.out.println(rpoint+" : "+rank);

        rank -= i;
        count += rank;
    return count;


public int getRank(int A[], int num) {
    if (A==null || A.length == 0) return -1;        
    int mid = A.length/2;
    while ((mid >= 0) && (mid < A.length)) {

        if (A[mid] == num) return mid;

        if ((mid == 0) && (A[mid] > num)) return -1;
        if ((mid == (A.length - 1)) && (A[mid] < num)) return A.length;
        if (A[mid] < num && A[mid + 1] >= num) return mid + 1;
        if (A[mid] > num && A[mid - 1] <= num) return mid - 1;

        if (A[mid] < num) mid = (mid + A.length)/2;
        else  mid = (mid)/2;


    return -1;

public static void main(String[] args) {
    DiscIntersectionCount d = new DiscIntersectionCount();
    int[] A = 
    //  {1,1,2}
    int count = d.number_of_disc_intersections(A);
def solution(a)
    end_points = []
    a.each_with_index do |ai, i|
        end_points << [i - ai, i + ai]
    end_points = end_points.sort_by { |points| points[0]}

    intersecting_pairs = 0
    end_points.each_with_index do |point, index|
        lep, hep = point
        pairs = bsearch(end_points, index, end_points.size - 1, hep)
        return -1 if 10000000 - pairs + index < intersecting_pairs
        intersecting_pairs += (pairs - index)
    return intersecting_pairs

# This method returns the maximally appropriate position
# where the higher end-point may have been inserted.
def bsearch(a, l, u, x)
    if l == u
        if x >= a[u][0]
            return u
            return l - 1 
    mid = (l + u)/2

    # Notice that we are searching in higher range
    # even if we have found equality.
    if a[mid][0] <= x
        return bsearch(a, mid+1, u, x)
        return bsearch(a, l, mid, x)
disk0  -------         start= -3, end= 3
disk1      .           start=  1, end= 1
disk2      ---         start=  1, end= 3
disk3  -------------   start= -3, end= 9
index  3210123456789   (digits left of zero are -ve)

intervals = [(-3, 3), (-3, 9), (1, 1), (1,3)]
starts    = [-3, -3, 1, 1]

the loop order will be: disk0, disk3, disk1, disk2

0th loop: 
    by the end of disk0, 4 disks have started 
    one of which is disk0 itself 
    none of which could have already been counted
    so add 3
1st loop: 
    by the end of disk3, 4 disks have started 
    one of which is disk3 itself
    one of which has already started to the left so is either counted OR would not overlap
    so add 2
2nd loop: 
    by the end of disk1, 4 disks have started 
    one of which is disk1 itself
    two of which have already started to the left so are either counted OR would not overlap
    so add 1
3rd loop: 
    by the end of disk2, 4 disks have started
    one of which is disk2 itself
    two of which have already started to the left so are either counted OR would not overlap
    so add 0

pairs = 6
to check: these are (0,1), (0,2), (0,2), (1,2), (1,3), (2,3),    
using System;

class Solution {
    public int solution(int[] A)
        return IntersectingDiscs.Execute(A);

class IntersectingDiscs
    public static int Execute(int[] data)
        int counter = 0;

        var intervals = Interval.GetIntervals(data);

        Array.Sort(intervals); // sort by Left value

        for (int i = 0; i < intervals.Length; i++)
            counter += GetCoverage(intervals, i);

            if(counter > 10000000)
                return -1;

        return counter;

    private static int GetCoverage(Interval[] intervals, int i)
        var currentInterval = intervals[i];

        // search for an interval starting at currentInterval.Right

        int j = Array.BinarySearch(intervals, new Interval { Left = currentInterval.Right });

        if(j < 0)
            // item not found

            j = ~j; // bitwise complement (see Array.BinarySearch documentation)

            // now j == index of the next item larger than the searched one

            j = j - 1; // set index to the previous element

        while(j + 1 < intervals.Length && intervals[j].Left == intervals[j + 1].Left)
            j++; // get the rightmost interval starting from currentInterval.Righ

        return j - i; // reduce already processed intervals (the left side from currentInterval)

class Interval : IComparable
    public long Left { get; set; }
    public long Right { get; set; }

    // Implementation of IComparable interface
    // which is used by Array.Sort().
    public int CompareTo(object obj)
        // elements will be sorted by Left value

        var another = obj as Interval;

        if (this.Left < another.Left)
            return -1;

        if (this.Left > another.Left)
            return 1;

        return 0;

    /// <summary>
    /// Transform array items into Intervals (eg. {1, 2, 4} -> {[-1,1], [-1,3], [-2,6]}).
    /// </summary>
    public static Interval[] GetIntervals(int[] data)
        var intervals = new Interval[data.Length];

        for (int i = 0; i < data.Length; i++)
            // use long to avoid data overflow (eg. int.MaxValue + 1)

            long radius = data[i];

            intervals[i] = new Interval
                Left = i - radius,
                Right = i + radius

        return intervals;
int solution(int A[], int N) {
    int C[N];
    int a, S=0, t=0;

    // Mark left and middle of disks
    for (int i=0; i<N; i++) {
        C[i] = -1;
        a = A[i];
        if (a>=i) {
        } else {
    // Sum of left side of disks at location
    for (int i=0; i<N; i++) {
        t += C[i];
        C[i] = t;
    // Count pairs, right side only:
    // 1. overlaps based on disk size
    // 2. overlaps based on disks but not centers
    for (int i=0; i<N; i++) {
        a = A[i];
        S += ((a<N-i) ? a: N-i-1);
        if (i != N-1) {
          S += C[((a<N-i) ? i+a: N-1)];
        if (S>10000000) return -1;
    return S;
  class Solution
        class Interval
            public long Left;
            public long Right;

        public int solution(int[] A)
            if (A == null || A.Length < 1)
                return 0;
            var itervals = new Interval[A.Length];
            for (int i = 0; i < A.Length; i++)
                // use long to avoid data overflow (eg. int.MaxValue + 1)
                long radius = A[i];
                itervals[i] = new Interval()
                    Left = i - radius,
                    Right = i + radius
            itervals = itervals.OrderBy(i => i.Left).ToArray();

            int result = 0;
            for (int i = 0; i < itervals.Length; i++)
                var right = itervals[i].Right;
                for (int j = i + 1; j < itervals.Length && itervals[j].Left <= right; j++)
                    if (result > 10000000)
                        return -1;
            return result;
    public int solution(int[] A)
        long result = 0;
        Dictionary<long, int> dps = new Dictionary<long, int>();
        Dictionary<long, int> dpe = new Dictionary<long, int>();

        for (int i = 0; i < A.Length; i++)
            Inc(dps, Math.Max(0, i - A[i]));
            Inc(dpe, Math.Min(A.Length - 1, i + A[i]));

        long t = 0;
        for (int i = 0; i < A.Length; i++)
            int value;
            if (dps.TryGetValue(i, out value))
                result += t * value;
                result += value * (value - 1) / 2;
                t += value;
                if (result > 10000000)
                    return -1;
            dpe.TryGetValue(i, out value);
            t -= value;

        return (int)result;

    private static void Inc(Dictionary<long, int> values, long index)
        int value;
        values.TryGetValue(index, out value);
        values[index] = ++value;
int solution(vector<int> &A) {
    #define countmax 10000000
    int count = 0;
    // init lower edge array
    vector<int> E(A.size());
    for (int i = 0; i < (int) E.size(); i++)
        E[i] = 0;
    // first pass
    // count all lower numbered discs inside this one
    // mark lower edge of each disc
    for (int i = 0; i < (int) A.size(); i++)
        // if disc overlaps zero
        if (i - A[i] <= 0)
            count += i;
        // doesn't overlap zero
        else {   
            count += A[i];
            E[i - A[i]]++;
        if (count > countmax)
            return -1;
    // second pass
    // count higher numbered discs with edge inside this one
    for (int i = 0; i < (int) A.size(); i++)
        // loop up inside this disc until top of vector
        int jend = ((int) E.size() < (long long) i + A[i] + 1 ? 
                    (int) E.size() : i + A[i] + 1);
        // count all discs with edge inside this disc
        // note: if higher disc is so big that edge is at or below 
        // this disc center, would count intersection in first pass
        for (int j = i + 1; j < jend; j++)
            count += E[j];
        if (count > countmax)
            return -1;
    return count;
class Solution {
    public int solution(int[] A) {

        int[] westEnding = new int[A.length];
        int[] eastEnding = new int[A.length];

        for (int i=0; i<A.length; i++) {
            if (i-A[i]>=0) eastEnding[i-A[i]]++; else eastEnding[0]++;
            if ((long)i+A[i]<A.length) westEnding[i+A[i]]++; else westEnding[A.length-1]++;

        long result = 0; //long to contain the case of 50k*50k. codility doesn't test for this.
        int wests = 0;
        int easts = 0;
        for (int i=0; i<A.length; i++) {

            int balance = easts*wests; //these are calculated elsewhere


            result += (long) easts*wests - balance - 1; // 1 stands for the self-intersection
            if (result>10000000) return -1;

            wests-= westEnding[i];

        return (int) result;
import Glibc

struct Interval {
    let start: Int
    let end: Int

func bisectRight(intervals: [Interval], end: Int) -> Int {
    var pos = -1
    var startpos = 0
    var endpos = intervals.count - 1

    if intervals.count == 1 {
        if intervals[0].start < end {
            return 1
        } else {
            return 0

    while true {
        let currentLength = endpos - startpos

        if currentLength == 1 {
            pos = startpos
            pos += 1
            if intervals[pos].start <= end {
                pos += 1
        } else {
            let middle = Int(ceil( Double((endpos - startpos)) / 2.0 ))
            let middlepos = startpos + middle

            if intervals[middlepos].start <= end {
                startpos = middlepos
            } else {
                endpos = middlepos

    return pos

public func solution(inout A: [Int]) -> Int {
    let N = A.count
    var nIntersections = 0

    // Create array of intervals
    var unsortedIntervals: [Interval] = []
    for i in 0 ..< N {
        let interval = Interval(start: i-A[i], end: i+A[i])

    // Sort array
    let intervals = unsortedIntervals.sort {
        $0.start < $1.start

    for i in 0 ..< intervals.count {
        let end = intervals[i].end

        var count = bisectRight(intervals, end: end)

        count -= (i + 1)
        nIntersections += count

        if nIntersections > Int(10E6) {
            return -1

    return nIntersections
using System.Linq;

class Solution
    private struct Interval
        public Interval(long @from, long to)
            From = @from;
            To = to;

        public long From { get; }
        public long To { get; }

    public int solution(int[] A)
        int result = 0;

        Interval[] intervals = A.Select((value, i) =>
            long iL = i;
            return new Interval(iL - value, iL + value);
        .OrderBy(x => x.From)

        for (int i = 0; i < intervals.Length; i++)
            for (int j = i + 1; j < intervals.Length && intervals[j].From <= intervals[i].To; j++)

            if (result > 10000000)
                return -1;

        return result;
def solution(a)
  # write your code in Ruby 2.2
  open =
  close =

  (0..(a.length-1)).each do |c|
    r = a[c]
    open[ c-r ]  ? open[ c-r ]+=1  : open[ c-r ]=1
    close[ c+r ] ? close[ c+r ]+=1 : close[ c+r ]=1 

  open_now = 0
  intersections = 0
  open.merge(close).keys.sort.each do |v|
    intersections += (open[v]||0)*open_now
    open_now += (open[v]||0) - (close[v]||0)
      # sum the intersections of only newly open discs
      intersections += (open[v]*(open[v]-1))/2
      return -1 if intersections > 10000000
public int solution(int[] A) 
    var sortedStartPoints = A.Select((value, index) => (long)index-value).OrderBy(i => i).ToArray();
    var sortedEndPoints = A.Select((value, index) => (long)index+value).OrderBy(i => i).ToArray();     

    // true - increment, false - decrement, null - stop
    var points = new bool?[2*A.Length];

    // merge arrays
    for(int s=0, e=0, p=0; p < points.Length && s < sortedStartPoints.Length; p++)
        long startPoint = sortedStartPoints[s];
        long endPoint = sortedEndPoints[e];
        if(startPoint <= endPoint)
            points[p] = true;
            points[p] = false;

    int result = 0;
    int opened = 0;
    // calculate intersections
    foreach(bool? p in points.TakeWhile(_ => _.HasValue))
        if(result > 10000000)
            return -1;

        if(p == true)
            result += opened;

    return result;
  public int solution(int[] A) { 
    final int N = A.length;
    final int M = N + 2;
    int[] left  = new int[M]; // values of nb of "left"  edges of the circles in that point
    int[] sleft = new int[M]; // prefix sum of left[]
    int il, ir;               // index of the "left" and of the "right" edge of the circle

    for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) { // counting left edges
      il = tl(i, A);

    sleft[0] = left[0];
    for (int i = 1; i < M; i++) {// counting prefix sums for future use
    int o, pairs, total_p = 0, total_used=0;
    for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) { // counting pairs
      ir = tr(i, A, M);
      o  = sleft[ir];                // nb of open till right edge
      pairs  = o -1 - total_used;
      total_p += pairs;
    if(total_p > 10000000){
      total_p = -1;
    return total_p;

    private int tl(int i, int[] A){
    int tl = i - A[i]; // index of "begin" of the circle
      if (tl < 0) {
        tl = 0;
      } else {
        tl = i - A[i] + 1;
    return tl;
  int tr(int i, int[] A, int M){
    int tr;           // index of "end" of the circle
      if (Integer.MAX_VALUE - i < A[i] || i + A[i] >= M - 1) {
        tr = M - 1;
      } else {
        tr = i + A[i] + 1;
      return tr;
pos = bisect.bisect_right(lefts[i+1:], r)
public func solution(_ A : inout [Int]) -> Int {
    // write your code in Swift 4.2.1 (Linux)
    var count = 0
    let sortedA = A.sorted(by: >)
    if sortedA.isEmpty{ return 0 }
    let maxVal = sortedA[0]

    for i in 0..<A.count{
        let maxIndex = min(i + A[i] + maxVal + 1,A.count)
        for j in i + 1..<maxIndex{
            if j - A[j] <= i + A[i]{
                count += 1

        if count > 10_000_000{
            return -1

    return count
    private int solution(int[] A)
        int openedCircles = 0;
        int intersectCount = 0;
        List<Tuple<decimal, bool>> circles = new List<Tuple<decimal, bool>>();
        for(int i = 0; i < A.Length; i ++)
            // Circle start value
            circles.Add(new Tuple<decimal, bool>((decimal)i - (decimal)A[i], true));

            // Circle end value
            circles.Add(new Tuple<decimal, bool>((decimal)i + (decimal)A[i], false));
        circles = circles.OrderBy(x => x.Item1).ThenByDescending(x => x.Item2).ToList();
        foreach (var circle in circles)
            // We are opening new circle (within existing circles)
            if(circle.Item2 == true)
                intersectCount += openedCircles;

                if (intersectCount > 10000000)
                    return -1;

                // We are closing circle

        return intersectCount;
function solution(A) {
    let circleEndpoints = [];

    for(const [index, num] of Object.entries(A)) {
        circleEndpoints.push([parseInt(index)-num, true]);
        circleEndpoints.push([parseInt(index)+num, false]);

    circleEndpoints = circleEndpoints.sort(([a, openA], [b, openB]) => {
        if(a == b) return openA ? -1 : 1;
        return a - b;

    let openCircles = 0;
    let intersections = 0;

    for(const [endpoint, opening] of circleEndpoints) {
        if(opening) {
            intersections += openCircles;
            openCircles ++;
        } else {
            openCircles --;
        if(intersections > 10000000) return -1;

    return intersections;
def simple(A):
    """O(N^2) solution for validating more efficient solution."""
    N = len(A)
    unique_intersections = 0
    # Iterate over discs in order of their center positions 
    for j in range(N):
        # Iterate over discs whose center is to the right, to avoid double-counting.
        for k in range(j+1, N):
            # Increment cases where edge of current disk is at or right of the left edge of another disk.
            if j + A[j] >= k - A[k]:
                unique_intersections += 1
                # Stop early if we have enough intersections.
                # BUT: if the discs are small we still N^2 compare them all and time out.
                if unique_intersections > 10000000:
                    return -1
    return unique_intersections
def solution(A):
    """O(N log N) due to sorting, with O(N) pass over sorted arrays"""
    N = len(A)
    # Left edges of the discs, in increasing order of position.
    left_edges = sorted([(p-r) for (p,r) in enumerate(A)])
    # Right edges of the discs, in increasing order of position. 
    right_edges = sorted([(p+r) for (p,r) in enumerate(A)])
    #print("left edges:", left_edges[:10])
    #print("right edges:", right_edges[:10])
    intersections = 0
    right_i = 0
    # Iterate over the discs in order of their leftmost edge position.
    for left_i in range(N):
        # Find the first right_edge that's right of or equal to the current left_edge, naively:
        # right_i = bisect.bisect_left(right_edges, left_edges[left_i])
        # Just scan from previous index until right edge is at or beyond current left:
        while right_edges[right_i] < left_edges[left_i]:
             right_i += 1
        # Count number of discs starting left of current, minus the ones that already closed.
        intersections += left_i - right_i
        # Return early if we find more than 10 million intersections.
        if intersections > 10000000:
            return -1
    #print("correct:", simple(A))
    return intersections