Artificial intelligence FIND-S算法-简单问题

Artificial intelligence FIND-S算法-简单问题,artificial-intelligence,machine-learning,Artificial Intelligence,Machine Learning,FIND-S算法可能是最简单的机器学习算法之一。然而,我找不到太多的例子。。只是机器学习中经常使用的标准“晴天、雨天、打球”示例。请有人帮我做这个申请(这是机器学习中的一道过去的试题) 假设的形式为aFind-S寻找最严格(即最“具体”)的假设,适用于所有正面例子(负面被忽略) 在您的例子中,有一个明显的图形解释:“找到包含所有“+”坐标的最小矩形” 。。。也就是a=4,b=6,c=3,d=5 执行此操作的算法如下所示: Define a hypothesis rectangle h[a,b,






Define a hypothesis rectangle h[a,b,c,d], and initialise it to [-,-,-,-]
for each + example e {
    if e is not within h {
        enlarge h to be just big enough to hold e (and all previous e's)
    } else { do nothing: h already contains e }

 0. h = [-,-,-,-] // initial value
 1. h = [4,4,4,4] // (4,4) is not in h: change h so it just contains (4,4)
 2. h = [4,5,3,4] // (5,3) is not in h, so enlarge h to fit (4,4) and (5,3)
 3. h = [4,6,3,5] // (6,5) is not in h, so enlarge again
 4. // no more positive examples left, so we're done.

 0. h = [-,-,-,-] // initial value
 1. h = [4,4,4,4] // (4,4) is not in h: change h so it just contains (4,4)
 2. h = [4,5,3,4] // (5,3) is not in h, so enlarge h to fit (4,4) and (5,3)
 3. h = [4,6,3,5] // (6,5) is not in h, so enlarge again
 4. // no more positive examples left, so we're done.