Assembly 如何用汇编语言打印两个变量?

Assembly 如何用汇编语言打印两个变量?,assembly,arm,Assembly,Arm,对于我的程序,它会要求用户输入一个正数,然后进行双阶乘计算并打印出结果。然而,我目前拥有的是,当我输入5时,输出将打印为“Result=15”。我想将输出打印为“5=15的结果”。我怎么做 在r2中,像在C中一样,将第三个参数传递给printf(当然,要匹配格式字符串)。并将格式字符串更改为“Result of%d=%d\n”,这意味着在输出下,在BL printf之前添加“LDR R2,addr\u format”,然后添加“LDR R2,[R2]”?您的意思肯定是添加迭代次数?而迭代次数值


“Result of%d=%d\n”
,这意味着在输出下,在BL printf之前添加“LDR R2,addr\u format”,然后添加“LDR R2,[R2]”?您的意思肯定是
.global main                @ start of the assembly code

    PUSH {LR}
    BL _getInput
    BL _calculate
    BL _output

    POP {PC}

    PUSH {LR}
    BL _displayPrompt

    SUB SP, SP, #4          @ create word on stack

    LDR R0, addr_format     @ get the address of the the input entered by user
    MOV R1, SP              @ copy as parameter
    BL scanf

    LDR R1, [SP]            @ load the data from memory address of SP into R1
    LDR R2, addr_iterations @ load the address of iterations into R2
    STR R1, [R2]            @ store data from R1 into iterations
    ADD SP, SP, #4

    POP {PC}

    PUSH {LR}
    LDR R0, =prompt

    BL printf

    POP {PC}

    LDR R0, addr_product
    LDR R0, [R0]
    LDR R1, addr_iterations
    LDR R1, [R1]                    @ Load the iteration counter
    MUL R0, R0, R1                  @ R0 *= R1 / product = product * counter
    SUBS R1, R1, #2             @ R1-- / counter = counter - 1

    LDR R2, addr_iterations         @ write back
    LDR R3, addr_product            @ address of where to store the result
    STR R0, [R3]                    @ store the final product back into addr_product
    STR R1, [R2]                    

    MOVLE PC, LR                    @ go back to main once the variable interations is 0 / return
    BGT _calculate                  @ continue looping as long as not 0

    PUSH {LR}
    LDR R0, addr_message
    LDR R1, addr_product
    LDR R1, [R1]

    BL printf

    POP {PC}

addr_format: .word scanformat

addr_iterations: .word iterations

addr_product: .word product

addr_message: .word message


    prompt: .asciz "Enter a positive integer number: "
    scanformat: .asciz "%d"
    iterations: .word 1
    product: .word 1
    message: .asciz "Result: %d\n"