Azure “如何逃离”:&引用;在逻辑应用程序中搜索查询?

Azure “如何逃离”:&引用;在逻辑应用程序中搜索查询?,azure,azure-logic-apps,Azure,Azure Logic Apps,我只想收到新邮件,不想回复或转发邮件。 我的问题是: (主题:退货非“re:”或主题:发货非“re:”)和(附件:退货非例外或附件:发货非例外)和(主题:退货非调整)和(主题:退货非“fw:”或主题:发货非“fw:”) 但是我得到了这些错误。这些查询在MS Outlook应用程序中运行良好 { "status": 400, "message": "Syntax error: character ':' is not valid at position 24 in '\"(subject

我只想收到新邮件,不想回复或转发邮件。 我的问题是:


但是我得到了这些错误。这些查询在MS Outlook应用程序中运行良好

  "status": 400,
  "message": "Syntax error: character ':' is not valid at position 24 in '\"(subject:return NOT \"re:\" OR subject:shipment NOT \"re:\") AND (attachment: return NOT exception OR attachment:shipment NOT exception) AND (subject:return NOT adjustment) AND (subject:return NOT \"fw:\" OR subject:shipment NOT \"fw:\")\"'.\r\nclientRequestId: c6f3d1e1-b137-4c5d-acfd-1434ff85a610\r\nserviceRequestId: 2925969d-f4df-4a84-90b1-b9977f08a024",
  "error": {
    "message": "Syntax error: character ':' is not valid at position 24 in '\"(subject:return NOT \"re:\" OR subject:shipment NOT \"re:\") AND (attachment: return NOT exception OR attachment:shipment NOT exception) AND (subject:return NOT adjustment) AND (subject:return NOT \"fw:\" OR subject:shipment NOT \"fw:\")\"'."
  "source": ""

 | Escape | Replace: ‘"’, ‘\”‘ |