Bash 使用awk或sed将XML转换为管道分隔的输出文件

Bash 使用awk或sed将XML转换为管道分隔的输出文件,bash,Bash,如何使用awk或sed将以下XML标记转换为带有管道分隔文件的文本。 我尝试使用以下awk,但它没有从内容类型标记返回全文。任何帮助都会很好 Input_file.dat <entry> <updated>2014-05-17T16:34:00-07:00</updated> <id>994568497</id> <title&

如何使用awk或sed将以下XML标记转换为带有管道分隔文件的文本。 我尝试使用以下awk,但它没有从内容类型标记返回全文。任何帮助都会很好


                <title>No longer usable</title>
                <content type="text">I happen to like the new look, but it crashes with each attempt to use it to perform any real action. Fix it quickly please!.</content>
                <im:contentType term="Application" label="Application"/>


perl -ne '/<\/entry>/ && print "\n"; />(.*?)</ && !/<name>/  && print $1."|"; /<name>/ && /name>?(.*?)<\/.*?(uri>?)(.*)?<\/uri/ && print $1."|".$3'

perl-ne'/&打印“\n”/>(.*)(.*)(.*)(.*)(.*)(.*))(.*)?(.*)?)(.*)?与awk或sed相比,使用类似XSLT的东西或至少使用Python附带的XML解析器(如ElementTree模块)会更幸运。它们分别用于处理记录(有组织的信息字段)或行,而不是XML中的层次结构。是的,没错,但我尝试使用bash脚本,并尝试使用以下命令返回值,但有时会截断文本消息<代码>awk-F'[]'{ORS=“|”};\/“输出文件.csv”};\/“输出文件.csv”};\/“output\u file.csv”};\/>“output_file.csv”}Input_file.dat
perl -ne '/<\/entry>/ && print "\n"; />(.*?)</ && !/<name>/  && print $1."|"; /<name>/ && /name>?(.*?)<\/.*?(uri>?)(.*)?<\/uri/ && print $1."|".$3'
tiago@dell:~$ cat file
                <title>No longer usable</title>
                <content type="text">I happen to like the new look, but it crashes with each attempt to use it to perform any real action. Fix it quickly please!.</content>
                <im:contentType term="Application" label="Application"/>
                <title>No longer usable</title>
                <content type="text">I happen to like the new look, but it crashes with each attempt to use it to perform any real action. Fix it quickly please!.</content>
                <im:contentType term="Application" label="Application"/>
tiago@dell:~$ cat file | perl -ne '/<\/entry>/ && print "\n"; />(.*?)</ && !/<name>/  && print $1."|"; /<name>/ && /name>?(.*?)<\/.*?(uri>?)(.*)?<\/uri/ && print $1."|".$3' 
2014-05-17T16:34:00-07:00|994568497|No longer usable|I happen to like the new look, but it crashes with each attempt to use it to perform any real action. Fix it quickly please!.|0|0|1||Arcdouble|
2014-05-17T16:34:00-07:00|994568497|No longer usable|I happen to like the new look, but it crashes with each attempt to use it to perform any real action. Fix it quickly please!.|0|0|1||Arcdouble|