C 如何使用数组使此代码正确运行?

C 如何使用数组使此代码正确运行?,c,C,所以我正在尝试修复这个代码。当我运行编译器时,它会运行,但结果填充为零,而不是正确的美元金额。我错过了什么 // Array Discussion Code // Sales Tax Calculator int main() { //main function initialization int x, num; //initialization of integer values float array[10], total, tax;//initializatio


// Array Discussion Code
// Sales Tax Calculator
int main() 
    //main function initialization
    int x, num; //initialization of integer values
    float array[10], total, tax;//initialization of array, total, and tax floats

    printf("Enter the sales tax rate in your state (in 0.xx format): ");//user is prompted to enter their state sales tax rate
    scanf("%f", &tax);//user enters their sales tax rate
    printf("\nEnter the number of items you purchased: ");//prompts the user for the number of items they bought
    scanf("%d", &num);//user inputs the number of products they bought
    printf("\nEnter the price of each item: ");//prompts the user to begin entering the prices of each item

    for (x = 0; x<num; x++){//for loop to allow user to input the number of values they want
        scanf("%f", &array[num]);//user inputs a value
        total = 0;//initial value of total
    for (x = 0; x < num; x++){//loop executes as many times as there are items
        total = total + array[x];//for loop to find the total of all items

        printf("\nYour total before tax is $%.2f", total); //program displays total before tax

        tax = tax * total;//total sales tax is calculated

        printf("\nYour sales tax is $%.2f", tax);//total sales tax is displayed

        total = tax + total;//grand total is calculated

        printf("\nYour grand total is $%.2f", total);//grand total is displayed
    return 0;
}//end main function
int main()
int x,num;//整数值的初始化




#include <stdio.h>
// Array Discussion Code
// Sales Tax Calculator
int main() 
    const int maxItem = 100;
    //main function initialization
    int x, num; //initialization of integer values
    float array[maxItem] = { 0.0 }, total = 0, tax = 0;//initialization of array, total, and tax floats

    printf("Enter the sales tax rate in your state (in 0.xx format): ");//user is prompted to enter their state sales tax rate
    scanf("%f", &tax);//user enters their sales tax rate
    printf("\nEnter the number of items you purchased(maximum %d): ", maxItem);//prompts the user for the number of items they bought
    scanf("%d", &num);//user inputs the number of products they bought

    while(num > maxItem){
      printf("\nNumber of item purchased can only be at maximum of %d. Please re-enter an amount: ", maxItem);//prompts the user for the number of items they bought
      scanf("%d", &num);//user inputs the number of products they bought

    printf("\nEnter the price of each item: ");//prompts the user to begin entering the prices of each item

    for (x = 0; x<num; x++){//for loop to allow user to input the number of values they want
        printf("\nItem %d: ", x);
        scanf("%f", &array[x]);//user inputs a value
    for (x = 0; x < num; x++){//loop executes as many times as there are items
        total = total + array[x];//for loop to find the total of all items

        printf("\nYour total before tax is $%.2f", total); //program displays total before tax

        tax = tax * total;//total sales tax is calculated

        printf("\nYour sales tax is $%.2f", tax);//total sales tax is displayed

        total = tax + total;//grand total is calculated

        printf("\nYour grand total is $%.2f", total);//grand total is displayed
    return 0;
}//end main function
int main()
常量int maxItem=100;
int x,num;//整数值的初始化
对于(x=0;x maxItem){

#include <stdio.h>
// Array Discussion Code
// Sales Tax Calculator
int main() 
    const int maxItem = 100;
    //main function initialization
    int x, num; //initialization of integer values
    float array[maxItem] = { 0.0 }, total = 0, tax = 0;//initialization of array, total, and tax floats

    printf("Enter the sales tax rate in your state (in 0.xx format): ");//user is prompted to enter their state sales tax rate
    scanf("%f", &tax);//user enters their sales tax rate
    printf("\nEnter the number of items you purchased(maximum %d): ", maxItem);//prompts the user for the number of items they bought
    scanf("%d", &num);//user inputs the number of products they bought

    while(num > maxItem){
      printf("\nNumber of item purchased can only be at maximum of %d. Please re-enter an amount: ", maxItem);//prompts the user for the number of items they bought
      scanf("%d", &num);//user inputs the number of products they bought

    printf("\nEnter the price of each item: ");//prompts the user to begin entering the prices of each item

    for (x = 0; x<num; x++){//for loop to allow user to input the number of values they want
        printf("\nItem %d: ", x);
        scanf("%f", &array[x]);//user inputs a value
        total = total + array[x];

    printf("\nYour total before tax is $%.2f", total); //program displays total before tax

    tax = tax * total;//total sales tax is calculated

    printf("\nYour sales tax is $%.2f", tax);//total sales tax is displayed

    total = tax + total;//grand total is calculated

    printf("\nYour grand total is $%.2f", total);//grand total is displayed

    return 0;
}//end main function
#include <stdio.h>
// Array Discussion Code
// Sales Tax Calculator
int main() 

    //main function initialization
    int x, num; //initialization of integer values
    float total = 0.0, tax = 0.0, item = 0.0;//initialization of array, total, and tax floats

    printf("Enter the sales tax rate in your state (in 0.xx format): ");//user is prompted to enter their state sales tax rate
    scanf("%f", &tax);//user enters their sales tax rate
    printf("\nEnter the number of items you purchased: ");//prompts the user for the number of items they bought
    scanf("%d", &num);//user inputs the number of products they bought

    printf("\nEnter the price of each item: ");//prompts the user to begin entering the prices of each item

    for (x = 1; x<=num; x++){//for loop to allow user to input the number of values they want
        printf("\nItem %d: ", x);
        scanf("%f", &item);//user inputs a value
        total += item;

    printf("\nYour total before tax is $%.2f", total); //program displays total before tax

    tax = tax * total;//total sales tax is calculated

    printf("\nYour sales tax is $%.2f", tax);//total sales tax is displayed

    total = tax + total;//grand total is calculated

    printf("\nYour grand total is $%.2f", total);//grand total is displayed

    return 0;
}//end main function