C++ 最终输出应该在[]和+;=应该在中间

C++ 最终输出应该在[]和+;=应该在中间,c++,C++,应详细说明总和部分的输出。但我不知道该怎么做 int main() { cout << "This program is to find the sum of two Different arrays"; cout << endl; // variable declaration int Sizer = 0, Sizec = 0, first[10][10], second[10][10], sum[10][10]; co


int main()
    cout << "This program is to find the sum of two Different arrays";
    cout << endl;

    // variable declaration
    int Sizer = 0, Sizec = 0, first[10][10], second[10][10], sum[10][10];
    cout << "Enter the number of rows for array: ";

    // input
    cin >> Sizer;
    cout << "Enter the number of columns for an array: ";
    cin >> Sizec;
    cout << endl;
    cout << "Enter the elements of first Array";
    cout << endl;

    // nested loop execution and input
    for (int c = 0; c < Sizer; c++)
        for (int d = 0; d < Sizec; d++)
            cout << "Enter elements of array [" << c + 1 << "]" << "[" << d + 1 << "]: ";
            cin >> first[c][d];

    cout << endl;
    cout << "Enter the elements of second Array";
    cout << endl;

    // nested loop and execution
    for (int c = 0; c < Sizer; c++)
        for (int d = 0; d < Sizec; d++)
            cout << "Enter elements of array [" << c + 1 << "]" << "[" << d + 1 << "]: ";
            cin >> second[c][d];

    // outputting a sum
    cout << endl;
    cout << "Sum of Arrays: ";
    cout << endl;

    // loop execution and sum
    for (int c = 0; c < Sizer; c++)
        cout << "[";

        for (int d = 0; d < Sizec; d++)
            cout << first[c][d];

            if (d != Sizec - 1)
                cout << " ";
        cout << "]";

        if ( Sizer== Sizer / 2)
            cout << "+";
            cout << "   ";

        cout << "[";
        for (int d = 0; d < Sizec; d++)
            cout << second[c][d];
            if (d != Sizec - 1)
                cout << " ";
        cout << "]   ";
        // output sum
        cout << "[";
        for (int d = 0; d < Sizec; d++)
            sum[c][d] = first[c][d] + second[c][d];
            cout << sum[c][d];
            if (d != Sizec - 1)
                cout << " ";
        cout << "]";
        cout << endl;
我刚刚纠正了它。但我不知道如何用上面的形式来表示它 你知道你能帮我吗

  • 调整输出顺序。试着一行一行地写下你想要的,这就是
  • 而不是

      [2 3 5]
      [1 2 3]
      [1 4 2]

    1: [a[0][0] a[0][1] a[0][2]]   [b[0][0] b[0][1] b[0][2]]   [c[0][0] c[0][1] c[0][2]]

        for (int i = 0; i < Sizer; i++)
            // output first matrix
            cout << "[";
            for (int j = 0; j < Sizec; j++)
                cout << first[i][j] << " ";
            cout << "]\t";
            // output the second
            cout << "[";
            for (int j = 0; j < Sizec; j++)
                cout << second[i][j] << " ";
            cout << "]\t";
            // output sum
            cout << "[";
            for (int j = 0; j < Sizec; j++)
                cout << sum[i][j] << " ";
            cout << "]\n";

  • 使用setw()对齐输出。正如我们所看到的,数字
  • 为了避免这种情况,我们可以为每个数字预设一些空间,例如,在

    cout << setw(4) << first[i][j];


    预期的结果是在输出的末尾。我对所有的错误表示歉意。首先修复您的测试代码中的错误,并生成测试代码,这意味着如果有副本,它将编译。。。。第二:你到底有什么问题?您可以输出一个矩阵,那么输出其中三个矩阵的问题出在哪里呢?不要试图一个接一个地打印矩阵(这是可能的,但要困难得多),而是打印整行。@user6556709我确实修复了代码。对这一切感到抱歉。谢谢你的回复。但是它没有给我所需的输出,但是他们没有教我setw,所以我不能使用它。对于输出[2 3 5],2是第一个数组的第一个元素。因此,当使用循环时,我对如何使它们出现在同一行感到困惑。我尝试了这个方法,但得到了以下输出:数组的总和:[2][2][4][3][6][4][4][8][5][10][6][6][12][7][7][14][8][16][9][9][18][0][0]这是(c=0;c for (int i = 0; i < Sizer; i++) { // output first matrix cout << "["; for (int j = 0; j < Sizec; j++) cout << first[i][j] << " "; cout << "]\t"; // output the second cout << "["; for (int j = 0; j < Sizec; j++) cout << second[i][j] << " "; cout << "]\t"; // output sum cout << "["; for (int j = 0; j < Sizec; j++) cout << sum[i][j] << " "; cout << "]\n"; }
    [1 2 3 ]        [1 1 1 ]        [2 3 4 ]
    [4 5 6 ]        [1 1 1 ]        [5 6 7 ]
    [7 8 9 ]        [1 1 1 ]        [8 9 10 ]
    [1 2 3 ]        [1 1 1 ]        [2 3 4 ]
    [4 50 6 ]    +    [1 1 1 ]    =    [5 6 7 ]
    [7 8000 9 ]        [1 1 1 ]        [8 9 10 ]
    cout << setw(4) << first[i][j];
    [   1   2 232]  [ 1002301  21]  [ 1012303 253]
    [  12   1   1]  [   2 343   1]  [  14 344   2]
    [   1   1   1]  [   2   3   1]  [   3   4   2]